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Joe Rogan Exposes Disturbing Contrast in Government Spending

5 months ago

Joe Rogan asks why we have $175 billion to send to Ukraine but NOT $5 billion to send to Maui.

People who lost their homes to the fire got a measly $700 while we “accidentally” allocated an extra $6 billion towards Ukraine.

So, why did they abandon Maui? Because the whole thing is a giant land grab. That’s what Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, and many Maui residents think.

It's truly odd how:

• Decisions were made to keep power lines above ground despite the known risks.

• The alarm system malfunctioned during the crisis, failing to alert residents in time.

• Firefighters faced challenges as the water supply was inexplicably turned off.

• Police reportedly turned people back into the path of the fire.

I don't know about you, but it's hard to believe that “these are all just unfortunate things.”


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  • 0/2000
  • oh yeah opra's house survived the fat pedo bitch n her filthy wicked witch friends

  • pedowood pedotainment extermination distraction

    1 like
  • You will often hear them say, "Sometimes these things just 'can't be helped!' "

    1 like
  • what is it to gain the whole world n loose your own soul!! life is a vapour,n eternity is a long time🤔

    1 like
  • The elite don’t give a fuk about any of us. They are importing their new voters and we are paying for every penny of our own demise 😩 FJB

    1 like
  • pretend baby eater printed monopoly money 🤣🤣🤣🤣