Panel discussion - Mutual Peace Engagement-Meeting

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7 days ago

Mutual Peace Engagement – Conference with conflict-parties of Russia and USA/Nato at the negotiation-table in Flühli, Switzerland, June 12th 2024

"I think we already have too many laws, and they are often not enforced. For example, war propaganda is prohibited, but there is no sanction for it. Decision-makers attend forums such as the World Economic Forum or Bilderberg meetings and decide what should be good for us. When they say, 'You will own nothing and be happy,' I suggest that Mr. and Mrs. Schwab should get a small house and donate their billions. For those who see CO2 as the biggest issue, they should not fly to the next climate conference but travel in an environmentally friendly way. We need to hold people accountable. The church should also show more integrity. Priests preach 'Go in peace' on Sundays, but invest in pension funds that contradict their preachings from Monday to Saturday. There must be more alignment between words and actions. A first step could be for people to actually do what they say. For example, the 2015 Geneva Climate Protocols: Points such as the behavior of the super-rich, war and military, aviation, shipping, and geoengineering are not considered, even though they cause significant environmental issues. We should prioritize these points before demanding further actions." - Alec Gagneux (Initiator of the Mutual Peace Engagement Meeting)

"We need to establish a new organization that handles disasters, gains access to conflict zones to alleviate people's suffering, without the involvement of companies like Rheinmetall."
Alexander Peske, Journalist

"I think the mistake of Nuremberg was that those who followed the orders were punished, rather than those who were truly behind them. Now we know who stands behind these orders, such as Klaus Schwab, supported by the pharmaceutical industry and BlackRock. These people need to be held accountable. - Peter König, former economist and geopolitical analyst at the World Bank

"I'm not saying that we're on the brink of a nuclear war – not yet – but it seems to me that it isn't far off." - Ralph Bosshard, retired Swiss lieutenant colonel - Strategy Analyst (Military & Political)

"In Germany, there are laws that obligate the media to truth and objectivity. However, many do not adhere to this. We must actively disseminate information that democracy is enshrined in both the Charter of the United Nations and German laws. After the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous lies were exposed, and the perpetrators were held accountable. We should do the same with individuals who violate the law by reporting them and bringing them to court. When it becomes clear that such actions are illegal and punishable, it will instill fear in those responsible. Despite their attempts to intimidate us, we must not be afraid. Our goal is for the law to be upheld."
- Florian D. Pfaff: The former Bundeswehr Major

I believe in the principle of subsidiarity. It starts at the community level: If something goes wrong there, you have to stand up, just as you (Florian Pfaff) did in the German Army. Then it progresses to the cantons and finally to the federal government. And I agree with you, they must be held accountable and not get away with it, because some members of parliament are now saying that they did their best, and all these excuses are just excuses to me. They know what they did.
- Andreas Benz, Freiheitstrychler

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