July 7, 2024, Romans 8:1-4, "From a Flag to a Cross", (Live, No Music)

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Romans 8:1-4, the law of the Spirit is the Gospel of Jesus Christ (the good news of Christ and the salvation by grace, which He gave). The moral law was revealed by Moses and the prophets. It was not possible for man to fulfill the moral law and satisfy God's judgment for sin. Only Christ could fulfill all of the law, and was therefore qualified to satisfy God's judgment for sin. Christ fulfilled all of the 10 commandments, etc., and then was nailed to the cross. The moral law still exists today, but believers practice the moral law through the Holy Spirit

John 8:31-32, being set free

2 Timothy 2:24-26, the world is currently enslaved by the devil. People who do not yet know Christ are not free people

1 John 5:19, people of God and people not of God

Colossians 1:13, people liberated from the bondage of the devil

Romans 3:10-12, all people begin life as a sinner, and all unsaved sinners are under bondage of the devil

Romans 6:17, God can save people and the word of God is continuously given

Romans 6:14, sin SHALL not have dominion. God saves people, and saved people are given His power to act according to the truth of God

Romans 8:2, the state of being free from sin

2 Corinthians 2:11, the devil wants to produce sin or help people produce sin, to get them ensnared or keep them ensnared. As for saved people, the devil can attempt to trick, tempt, or influence them. It is an act of the will for saved people to cling to God

2 Corinthians 11:13-14, Lucifer used to be the archangel, until God cast him out from heaven (Isaiah 14). God's truth reminds believers to be vigilant of all forms of deception, etc.

1 Peter 5:8, a Greek word for a devil is synonymous to 'slanderer'. Slander is a common root of discord and chaos, and is often used to create division and conflict in various institutions and nations

Revelation 12:10, 'the accuser of our brethren'. The accuser continuously accuses people before God, and is always busy trying to frame those stories (e.g. by convincing or helping people to sin)

1 Corinthians 15:55-57, a bee stinger is used to illustrate the dominion of death. When a person became saved by Christ, Christ removed the stinger that was stuck in them

Romans 8:1-2, the removal of sin and the accompanying guilt. Believers are set on a path to move forward

Romans 6:22-23, the old slave master (devil) brought on death and the new father (Christ) brought on life

Colossians 2:8, Galatians 4:9-10, the truth of God versus traditions and laws of men. The devil works hard to keep people blinded by tradition and keep people mired in legal complexities. God does not want people to be immoral. However, the traditions of men do not always clearly follow after God. That vulnerability in the laws and traditions of men, gives something for the devil to work with. But thanks be to God who has overcome the devil

2 Timothy 2:23-26, God taking the captives away from the devil, after the resurrection of Christ

Acts, 26:18, to be set free from devil and sin. Being set free and then receiving forgiveness of sins. Being liberated and then moving forward

[songselect.ccli.com songs]
23426, To God Be The Glory
3118757, God of Wonders
41099, Awesome God

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