The Dearly Beloved of the Most High

8 months ago

Worship YAH ONLY. Worshipping anything or anyone other than YAH is IDOLATRY. Israel is married to the Most High, YAH so when we worship idols, we are committing adultery against YAH. Go to any black community and you will find multiple churches on every single street throughout the community; Israel literally builds "eminent places in the head of every way, and make our high place in every street." Our communities remain rundown wastelands and we remain downtrodden in them while endlessly pursuing these idols we love to worship in vain. YAH has left us in the hands of our idols and in the hands of our enemies because we cleave to them rather than to Him. When we return to YAH, YAH will return to us (Zechariah 1:3 and Malachi 3:7). The Second Exodus is a prophesied event that has yet to take place but will take place when the black diaspora is gathered together out of the lands of our enemies and returned back to the promised land by YAH Himself. When the Day of YAH comes, Israel will be redeemed and the nations (gentiles) will be destroyed.

Video's Scriptures:
Ezekiel 16:30
Ezekiel 16:31
Ezekiel 16:32
Jeremiah 12:7
Proverbs 26:2
Jeremiah 3:19
Jeremiah 3:20
Proverbs 15:9
Jeremiah 3:14
Jeremiah 3:15
Jeremiah 3:22
Jeremiah 3:23
Jeremiah 3:24
Jeremiah 3:25
Isaiah 51:15
Isaiah 51:16
Isaiah 13:6
Isaiah 13:7
Isaiah 13:8

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