"The Towing Of The Bells" by Kevin Blair

6 months ago

The Towing Of The Bells:
I wrote the verses along with the chorus my friend Glen Edwards wrote. It was a long time ago when we sung this together in the 1980s. I've recorded this in a 1960s style of musical protest, and it evokes Barry McQuire's Song "Eve Of Destruction". Now, more than ever we need protest songs of truth. Based especially on the Truth as it is in Jesus Christ. The world and society has turned a 180 since the time "Eve Of Destruction" was written (1965). Since Covid, the medical system has undergone a complete overhaul for the worst: American medical deathbeds. Kids getting wacked even before they know what its for. The biggest wealth transfer in history all going to the criminal elite. Vaccines that kill people, and mandates that deny the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. Government officials that are incompetent are given the upper hand. War breaks out and people run amok. Loose canons are everywhere. You can't trust anyone. Those that would do good are ignored and placed out of reach. I could go on but I believe the song covers it. God bless you all and pray for safety and divine guidance! Get out of the cities!

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