"UN Veterinarian" by Kevin Blair

7 months ago

UN Veterinarian: Noir Comedic Political Absurdity.
This song (time: 26 minutes and 25 seconds) has much to say about avarice and greed for power. The main character is a veterinarian because he sees mankind through the lens of Secular Science & the evolutionary ascent of man as becoming an over modified super- intelligent animal that's destroying the planet, and thus must be managed. Or maybe annihilated. Hence, his profession: Veterinarian. This is the longest song I've written yet. The characters it mentions are from the 1990s era, yet they can easily be replaced by (or salt and peppered by) the characters on the world stage today(2024), only with a whole lot more power mongering and drama intensity. And drama indeed, for the whole world is a stage (William Shakespeare), and the mindsets created result in a situation of willing participation worldwide. Anyone can join into the narrative to either side of the present drama. Hashing through the levels of secret societies is not so much the intent here, but its more to show the circus of players on one platform, one dimension, in symbols and short allegories, and the false morality they portray, even behind the highest of expectations. It concludes with a jam of guitar, drums and a blazing, relentless horn section titled "Doodle Bug Trabant Express (electric)". I've dedicated this whole piece to an old friend who recently passed away. Robin Hazuka. The words are from one of his favourite of poems that I wrote:
UN Veterinarian

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