happiest whenever i'm fine w/ however i exist

6 months ago

don't let anybody tell ya that you're wrong for doin what chu love
forgive me if you're tired of these chords
not trying to bring anybody down
i look high, i'm actually not haha
don't give up all b/c they don't understand
this crazy bitch uses her turn signal damnit
you gotta be your own cheerleader
candyasses don't look to themselves for what they want
sorry if it seems i'm flaunting anything at all
i'm happiest when i'm by myself doin shit like this
believe it or not i am somewhat perfectionistic
i guess i am too disillusioned by the standard process of making art
perhaps that artist decided to grow instead of stay stuck in a certain phase of themselves
man i say some stupid ass shit a lotta the time
idealization n devaluation are one in the same
instability has been normalized

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