June 30, 2024, Matthew 16:2-3, "Tell Me What's To Come!", (Full)

17 days ago

Matthew 16:2-3, prophecy and the signs of the times. Today, Israel is recognized as a country in the modern world, and the next prophetic clock is approaching

2 Timothy 4:3-4, before the next prophetic clock begins, there will be a falling away from God or apostasy
1 Timothy 4:1-3, specifically talking about apostasy in the Church
2 Peter 2:1-2, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, false prophets and doctrines gaining popularity
Luke 18:7-8, God will NOT find much faith on the earth at the very end of the current era, before the next prophetic clock begins; His enemies will become His footstool by then
1 Thessalonians 4:15-16, Jesus Christ is currently sitting at the right hand of God the Father, and this prophecy tells of a time when the Father will tell the Son to stand up and go retreive all of His sheep; the Rapture will happen, and only God's enemies will remain on the earth or His footstool
Revelation 19:6-8, The marriage. The wife is the Church (was raptured up), and the groom is the Lamb. First is the betrothal (what Mary and Joseph were in together during their youth, and the current state of the Christian Church), then the presentation (or wedding), next the ceremony (exchanging of vows, etc.), and finally the marriage

2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, after the rapture, anarchy will ensure, and then the anti-Christ will come to subdue the anarchy, effectively fooling people into believing he is some sort of savior
Daniel 11:37, Isaiah 14, talking about the nature of the anti-Christ: implies he will fulfill the 'I will' phrases in Isaiah 14, and also implies his homosexuality. The 5th 'I will' is when he attempts to sit on the throne of David.

Luke 21:27, Haggai 2:6, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ
Zechariah 14:4, when Jesus' foot hits the Mount of Olives, the rocks will "cry out" and move out of His way. The Dead Sea will become washed out (symbol of salvation- washing). The blocking of the eastern gate will be torn down
Matthew 25:31-33, Revelation 20:4-6, the 1000 year reign of Christ, and Jesus Christ IS the first resurrection (He was the first to rise from the dead during His resurrection). The first BODY resurrection is the rapture of the Church.
2 Peter 3:10-13, God told Noah He would never flood the earth again. Here, God is now going to "cover" the earth with fire (instead of water), and the old earth will be destroyed. A new earth will replace the old earth
Revelation 21:1, a new earth
Revelation 21:2, John 14:2-3, Jesus Christ went to the cross to prepare new Jerusalem and create joint heirs for it (salvation)
Revelation 21:9-11, new Jerusalem

1 Peter 1:13, hope to the end, the grace brought at the revelation of Jesus Christ
Titus 2:11-14, God came to save the world, and those who chose to believe in God, became saved. They became joint heirs and are now looking towards the hope at the end

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