Apatros Review Ep-0078: Frankenstein '80 [1972]

14 days ago

AR-0078: In the early 1970s there was a small number of Italian-made Frankenstein flicks that to varying degrees put Mary Shelley's immortal story into a blender, added a few packets of sexual appeal and gratuitous nudity, shut the lid then turned the knob to high and ran the blender for about five minutes to get it nice and juicy for that spicy kicker of a sleazy taste.

This particular one is the least effective of the three such examples I have come across and is by far the nastiest, with a patchwork zombie going around the streets of Berlin [cause hey, why not?] and picking up random hookers and icing them before feeling them up...

...yeah, that sounds just about right on the el sicko front, ain't it?

Doesn't have much to offer except to induce the gag reflex on mere mortals even though the movie really ain't that gory [& I saw the uncut version to boot]. If you want the definitive sleazy Frankie, track down "Lady Frankenstein" for the best try at this sort of thing.

My Grade: D [Bad]

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