Don't Watch this Intermittent Fasting Guide For Women By Fitness Coach Jana Barrett 💯🥗

5 months ago

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In this insightful YouTube video, Jana Barrett, a fitness and movement coach, explains that intermittent fasting can have different effects on women compared to men due to physiological and hormonal differences. She emphasizes that women's bodies may respond differently to fasting protocols and may require personalized approaches to optimize health and well-being.

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Video Transcript:
The incredible health benefits of intermittent fasting and why women need to fast differently to men.

My name is Jana Barrett and I am a fitness and movement coach for women over 40. We have all been told about the incredible benefits of fasting, from gut reset to metabolic health, weight loss, disease prevention, all the way to even stem cell creation.

So why is it that so many women are struggling with fasting? So many women report that they seriously struggle with fasting – it upsets their hormones, it puts them into a bit of a stress response and high cortisol state, it worsens their menstrual symptoms or premenstrual symptoms, and also their perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms as well.

The problem is that women actually need to fast in a very different way to men. Men run on a 24-hour hormonal window, that means that men just go through like a daily hormonal fluctuations and then they recover next day, it's the same thing, which means that they can fast every single day in the same way.

Women, on the other hand, run on a 29 to 31 day hormonal cycle, and within this 29 to 31 day hormonal cycle, there are different phases in which different hormones are dominant and these hormones are sensitive to glucose or the lack of glucose.

So let me break it down really quickly. The first phase of your menstrual cycle is an estrogen dominant follicular phase, and this is the time when fasting is fantastic for women because estrogen is not sensitive to lack of glucose, it actually doesn't really like glucose.

So this is the first 21 days, is an ideal opportunity to fast pretty much like a man.

Then women ovulate and then women enter a luteal phase. Now, this is the time when fasting often doesn't suit women because we need to make progesterone in order to finish our menstrual cycle and then have our periods.

But, progesterone is incredibly sensitive to lack of glucose, we need vast amounts of glucose to produce progesterone. This is actually the reason why women often crave ice cream or chocolate just in that last week before their period.

So this is the time when fasting is not good and it will put your body under a lot of stress, which will often lead to very bad PMS or worse perimenopause and menopause symptoms.

So this is the fundamental difference of how to fast if you are a man and if you are a woman. So, if you are a woman and you would like to get the most health benefit out of your intermittent fasting, then please do learn how to fast like a woman and not like a man.

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✅ Video Highlights:
00:00 Introduction
00:09 Why Women Need to Fast Differently to Men
00:36 Why So Many Women are Struggling with Fasting?
01:22 What is 29 to 31 Day Hormonal Cycle?
02:07 Time When Fasting is Not Suit Women
03:09 Thanks for Watching

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