Inside the Brotherhood Full Series (1989)

3 months ago

When the House of Commons Affairs Committee recently recommended that police officers, magistrates, judges and crown officers should publicly register their Masonic membership, it was very largely thanks to the ammunition provided by Martin Short's investigative 'tour de force'. His 'Inside the Brotherhood' carried on the pioneering work begun by Stephen Knight's explosive account of 'The Brotherhood'.

Read or Listen to Stephen Knight's book here:

Approximately half a million men in the British Isles -- and another five million around the world -- are Freemasons. 'Inside the Brotherhood' examines what kind of men join the Craft -- and why. It investigates the occult elements in Masonry, whether its rituals should be seen as a religion- and, if so, what god is being worshipped. And, while relying on first-hand evidence wherever possible, the book probes the extent to which Masonic oaths of mutual aid and secrecy have contaminated the fraternity, aroused mounting hostility from churches, politicians and public, and provoked charges of corruption in key areas of British life, including the police force, local government, the City and the secret services.

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