The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons by: Stephen Knight

10 months ago

Dive into the secretive world of Freemasonry with Stephen Knight's groundbreaking exposé, "The Brotherhood." This audiobook reveals the unseen influence of Freemasons across various facets of society, including the police, politics, law, judiciary, and even connections with the KGB. Based on candid interviews with members who've broken their vow of secrecy, Knight explores the possibility of a Mason-dominated government and the society's impact on global affairs. Discover the mysteries and controversies surrounding one of the most enigmatic societies in history.

About the Author: Stephen Knight, also known as Swami Puja Debal, was a journalist and author renowned for his work on Freemasonry and the Jack the Ripper case. His investigative journalism extended into fiction with "Requiem at Rogano." Knight passed away in 1985. In 1983, he became a religious follower of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a spiritual guru also known as Osho, and as part of this spiritual journey, he took the name Swami Puja Debal. This phase of his life reflects Knight's exploration into spirituality and his association with the Rajneesh movement, which was known for its controversial teachings and practices.

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