it matters to me which is why i said it

8 months ago

i love these comments so much
if i were an actual internet person...
it's not really that comedic tho, three comments in & i am bored
there are so many of the same person, i swear
they will never contribute or make anything to improve this world
they all act like females on the internet anyway
fool for Christ yo
it's so hot so i can't even roll the windows down
i'm not saying that to be mean no matter how it comes across
i always appreciate feedback even if it's bad
i ain't gonna engage in worthless banter w/ strangers online
they've been foolish this entire time but now they're "red pilled"
i ain't even lickin no asshole!
people watch ag n become more schizo so i guess they do catch my "disease"
thank you ag for reminding me not to trust authority figures
why the whole paragraph of life advice then
i've always been a contrarian
insta!spam makes sense logically considering the type of art that i do
my brand is spitting in the face of whatever is popular so not a very successful brand
i agree w/ cynicism but not giving up
non artists just don't understand the purpose of creativity
i will not suck the dick of the system just like the rest of you

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