The Truth of Racism Against Jews

2 months ago

Jews have been expelled from approximately 109 national communities—a stunningly large amount. Because many of these expulsions occurred before communication existed between the expelling countries, these expulsions were certainly not a coincidence. Very clearly there is something in Jewish DNA expression that maligns the native cultures within which Jews reside that causes their consistent persecution. In short, the true root cause of anti-Semitism is the high intelligence and intellectual energy of the average Jew. (Isn’t it interesting that blacks destroy native societies because of their low IQ, and Jews destroy native societies because of their high IQ?)
It is as very easy to prove the high intellect of Jews as it is to prove the low intellect of blacks because its proof is evident everywhere, so much so that it is uninteresting to state more than a few statistics-- The numerical average IQ of the Ashkenazi Jew is 112—the highest of the races. The average US Jewish income of $100,000 per year is highest of any ethnicity. ( Jews are obviously vastly overrepresented in all attractive intellectual professional positions. Jews are vastly over-represented as world chess champions. Jews commit extremely little violent crime.
The first way Jewish DNA expression maligns a native culture is that the consistent vastly disproportionate Jewish professional success causes racism from the native population’s justified recognition that this success is theft of success entitled to the native population. It is no mystery how Jews achieve this, and if the native society’s explicit law is the moral arbiter, there is nothing immoral in it: Jewish DNA very intelligently produces an ingroup culture that stresses discipline, scholarship, and professional planning. Jewish intelligence appreciates the attractiveness of professions both lucrative and without physical labor, so Jews typically execute life plans that entail initial years of sacrifice and study to attain abundant long-term success as doctors, scientists, lawyers, educators, and similar. Jews that don’t choose this route cleverly find other ways of avoiding physical labor. Validation of this point arrives with ample life experience revealing that it is almost impossible to find a Jewish laborer. Instead, one witnesses uneducated Jews vastly over-represented in intellectual niches that in some way act as intermediaries between transactions. Such jobs include lending, insurance selling, advertising, manager and agent representing, gambling hosting, etc. The dominant saturation of Jews in these attractive non-physical, no education required “intermediary” professions naturally generates additional justified racist anger in the natives. A common symptom of this justified anger is to incorrectly label the over-represented Jews in these professions as parasites producing nothing, and thus deserving reproach. An intelligent person knows this is untrue because these professions do not produce nothing—the free market proves they are productive services. Nevertheless, the point must remain clear—thought this Jewish behavior is moral, it definitely maligns the native culture’s entitled wellbeing.
Secondly, consistent to all races is a lack of motivation to preserve the native race and culture, and this results in the native population’s worst possible fate—the native population’s racial and cultural destruction. The uniquely high intelligence and intellectual energy of Jews results in particularly extreme race and cultural destruction of the native population. For example, if a Jew seeks to profit by erecting pornography venues in inappropriate locations thereby injuring the native environment, because Jews are so capable he will typically succeed much more than members of other races—While a black may or may not succeed with one or two venues, a Jew will succeed with a chain of venues. As another example, if a black real estate investor strategizes to buy all the low income housing with the intent of cornering the market and raising the rates at the expense of the poor, he may or may not be successful. If a Jew does this, odds are he will be outstandingly successful thereby causing much more native community destruction than his non Jewish colleague. As a third example, if a black lawyer strategizes to defend defendants guilty of heinous crimes, he will have a fraction of the success as will a typically high IQ and intellectually energetic Jewish lawyer; and thus, this Jewish lawyer damages the native culture.
A third critical consequence of natural Jewish DNA expression is that when the high Jewish intelligence and intellectual energy attempts to create good, because it is typically not restrained with the forbearance of wisdom, it sometimes inadvertently creates extreme evil that causes the native culture epic indefinite suffering. The main example of this is the discussed greatest social evil ever conceived— the Jewish sociological invention of communism. As discussed, the diabolical communist mutation of cultural Marxism (cultural communism) is right now genociding the white race and its culture from the Earth. Not only did Jews invent this genocidal intellectual virus, but most current western Jews vote for leftist politicians and policies that support this white genocide.
An example of Jewish brilliance attempting to do good but causing extreme evil is the high quality and quantity of Jewish leftist propaganda. All one needs to prove this is to read today’s New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Atlantic, or others. Note the Jewish last names of the writers, and behold their unparalleled talent in their dark art of intellectual laceration—the shading of pictures, the choice omission of salient facts, the deceitful word choice, the repeated key lies that will be digested by the ignorant masses.
Strong validation of these three consequential truths is that a Jewish rabbi attests to them-- Rabbi Yaron Reuven states that in the decades before WWII it was innocent and fair Jewish business ventures within the German sex and financial industries, as well as the Jewish fruit of communism, that inadvertently maligned traditional German culture and economic health which especially provoked Hitler’s ire. Behold the rabbi’s quote, “Berlin in the 30’s, in the 20’s, was the Sodom and Gomorrah of the day… homosexuality, pornography, bestiality, all the garbage of the world, that was the capital of the world… all the bars, all the gay clubs, all the production which were all run by Jewish people, unfortunately.” “Because of the high interest that the Jews charged people was so high, it ruined the economy in Germany. They destroyed it just like they destroyed Russia a few years before that, through their communism over there. Jews destroyed Russia, not greed, Jews destroyed, communism is by Jews. Don’t let anybody confuse you. You look at history, Karl Marx, all the other eshiem [sic], they’re all Jews… [Hitler] wrote in chapter 2 of Mein Kamph, they destroyed Russia, and now they’re destroying Germany, that’s why I have to destroy them. Now, this doesn’t make him right. My point is that’s actually real true history.” Though Germany’s financial collapse was largely caused by the consequences of World War I as well as the global impact of the United States Great Depression, the Rabbi’s points are sound, very significant, and undeniable.
In final analysis, while it is unfortunate, and on a highest level unjust that the high intellect and mental energy of ethnic Jews results in them suffering oppression everywhere they settle, within the same verdict must be declared that clearly Jewish DNA expression inexorably maligns native cultures. It is helpful to restate: The veracity of this fateful Jewish sociological dynamic is firmly founded in the fact that a numerically astounding 109 national communities have expelled Jews. How can sceptics overcome that fact?
Because Jewish high intellect and intellectual energy has produced so many contributions to humanity in all cultural areas, Jewish DNA is worthy of respect; however, it is deeply clear that Jewish DNA expression cannot help but malign foreign cultures. Thus, while all races should preserve their race and its culture by denying foreigners permanent residence, it is especially important that the overly-capable Jewish race be denied immigration.
Before closing I’ll mention a most relevant point regarding the future of the white race. Because of the suicidally insane Democrat party’s policies, the appallingly low IQ browns and blacks will demographically drown whites. In a matter of decades Whites will be a minority in all their homelands. When this occurs, the naturally high IQ of whites will result in exactly the same oppressive societal dynamic with the majority browns and blacks that whites have manifested with Jews; now it is the whites that will suffer. It is not the resulting oppression that is incorrect, the oppression is a natural inextricable consequence of biological altruism. It is the championing of the odious lie that racism is immoral that causes all of this suffering. Smartest races will always thrive against less smart races, and the less smart races will scream racism—the epicly hollow insane claim that is the singularity of the majority of all social problems. If the races lived separately, we’d solve almost all our social problems because multiethnicity and cultural Marxism would no longer be spoiling our attempts from the outset at social improvement.
In short, in the upcoming decades whites will suffer the same oppression dynamic as Jews, the difference will be that we will have no homeland for reprieve.

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