Israel Gaza War Clouds Clouds Clouds & Bodycams oh my PT4 RARE Nova Music Festival & Oct 7th Footage

15 days ago

Israel Gaza War Clouds Clouds Clouds & Bodycams oh my PT4 RARE Nova Music Festival & Oct 7th Footage

Were the Oct 7th Hamas bodycam vids with clouds pre-recorded and FRAUDS??

Was oct 7th mostly blue skies with hardly any clouds? or a sky with many clouds? Remember only one can be correct.. Either the 7th and most importantly the morning of the 7th was mostly blue skies with hardly any clouds (<10%), or it was a sky with many clouds. Both cant be correct at the same time. Will the real oct 7th please stand up....

LINK FINAL COMPLETE5 pt1 Israel Gaza War RARE Nova Music Festival & Kibbutz Hamas Attacks Footage >>>

LINK Were ALL The Oct 7th Hamas Bodycam Vids With Clouds Pre-Recorded & FRAUDS >>>

LINK Previous Clouds 3hr vid - Israel Gaza War Clouds Clouds Clouds oh my PT3 RARE Nova Music Party Festival & Kibbutz Attacks Footage >>>

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