Brilliant Four Man Acrobatic Stunt

6 years ago

The first place goes out to the Russian team. They are the well-deserved champions. Unfortunately, no competition took place but we have the chance to rejoice for what it was – a public display of these includible guys’ acrobatic talents.

What you see in the video is part of a project called “Increte People”. The project includes four young friends with advanced acrobatic skills showing a choreography stunt in public places, parks, squares, streets. It is being shot during their live performance in many places around Russia and Ecuador. The aim of this project is to raise public awareness for healthy living habits and interest in this once popular sport.
The technique used and cleanliness of execution of the four is quite decent. They plan to work hard to polish their routine. With such a project at hand, there is much to strive for, there is something to hone. These guys know that there is no limit to human capabilities once the heart and the mind are focused on the prize.

Russians have a long-lasting circus tradition dating from the middle ages. In olden Rus, traveling performers kept the public amused at village fairs; in the 19th century, Russia established a circus culture loved by aristocrats, while the Soviet authorities turned the circus into a high art form. This said, our skillful guys have nothing to fear. Their commitment to their goal and the healthy grounds they stand upon is a sure guarantee of success.

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