Government Paid Pharmacies to Reject Ivermectin – Big Pharma & The Plandemic Exposed – Dr Jim Thorp

7 months ago

***This is Good. **This is Blockbuster Gold. *MUST SEE!!

Dr. Jim Thorp just lays one Bombshell statement after another. This is a NO HOLDS BAR Interview & Dr. Thorp holds nothing back.

Here are just a few Bombshell Quotes from Dr. Thorp:

“Houston Medical took about $350 Million to Mandate the Vaccine.”

“The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Society for Fetal Maternal Medicine are CRIMINAL Institutions who have been bought off and to this day they are pushing the LETHAL Vaccine to the 3 Most Vulnerable patients: pregnant women, newborns and preborn.”

“Pharmacies illegally refused to fill my scripts” he is referring to Walmart, Walgreens and CVS Pharmacies.”

“This is illegal and unethical and they are responsible for killing and injuring children and adults, it wasn’t just Ivermectin, it was Hydroxychloroquine and then they pushed the vaccine and they had to do it, if they didn’t tell the narrative they would be fired. This is the abomination of what this cartel, this government, which is off the rails.”

“The Medical Journals have been corrupted for decades, even the New England Journal of Medicine.”

“Last year the vaccine was showed to kill 17 million global citizens.”

“This was the DEADLIEST, most injurious drug EVER rolled out to humanity according to Pfizer’s own Post Analysis, they all knew that.”

“Last year, 23 million Americans Killed or Injured by the Vaccine.”

“Recent poles indicate that 50% of Americans know someone in their family that they are certain was injured by the vaccine and 25% of Americans know an individual that has been killed by the vaccine.”

“The Golden Rule of Pregnancy is to NEVER, EVER use a novel substance in pregnancy.”

“There is NO more Sacred Relationship in Medicine that a Newly Pregnant Woman and her Obstetrician.” “Little did she know that this Obstetrician was nothing but a Prostitute and a Whore and a Mouthpiece for the Institution they are employed with, a mouthpiece for the Federal Government ACOG, ABOG, and Society for Fetal Maternal Medicine.”

“This is a Fascist Totalitarian Government, it’s scary.”

“Pfizer, the DoD and the rest of them are just Prostitutes and they are in it for the Money and they are Greedy Killers, as for the DoD, it is not money for them because they can print all the money they want, it something much more SINISTER for them.”

The government is way, way too big and there are too many compartments that are being generalized into being called “The Government” and then the blame game is being played whenever one of these compartments are questioned or caught doing a nefarious act.

Dr. Michael Nevradakis says that the government paid pharmacies to spew propaganda about the alternative therapy Ivermectin and how it it is a “horse dewormer” and not even meant for humans and then you have the safe and effective issues all while lying about how the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines were “Safe & Effective.”

Dr. Jim Thorp – “Pharmacies illegally refused to fill my scripts” he is referring to Walmart, Walgreens and CVS Pharmacies.”

Dr. Jim Thorp: “This is illegal and unethical and they are responsible for killing and injuring children and adults, it wasn’t just Ivermectin, it was Hydroxychloroquine and then they pushed the vaccine and they had to do it, if they didn’t tell the narrative they would be fired. This is the abomination of what this cartel, this government, which is off the rails.”

Dr. Jim Thorp: “They pushed these Worthless Tests, they punished those who didn’t want to get vaccinated with these horrible drugs.”

Dr. Jim Thorp: “The Independent Formulating Pharmacies were a Beacon of Light in this Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry.

Dr. Thorp: “I believe there is such an Avalanche of Truth and Adverse Data coming out against the narrative, last year the vaccine was showed to kill 17 million global citizens.

Dr. Thorp goes over INCREDIBLE Death statistics regarding Pfizer’s Vaccine.

A 33.4 kill rate.

“Last year, 23 million Americans Killed or Injured by the Vaccine.”

Dr. Thorp brings his A game to this interview and he just doesn’t stop with the bombshell statements.

“The reason Cuomo is coming out is because he knows that Americans are not stupid, recent poles indicate that 50% of Americans know someone in their family that they are certain was injured by the vaccine and 25% of Americans know an individual that has been killed by the vaccine.”

“This is a Fascist Totalitarian Government, it’s scary.”

“I’ve used Hydroxychloroquine for 40 years during pregnancy.” “It’s made from Chinona Bark and has been used for 500 YEARS.”

“Pfizer, the DoD and the rest of them are just Prostitutes and they are in it for the Money.”

What was the role of Gynecologists to push this untested and experimental drug that they called a vaccine to pregnant women?

Dr. Thorp: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Society for Fetal Maternal Medicine are CRIMINAL Institutions who have been bought off and to this day they are pushing the LETHAL Vaccine to the 3 Most Vulnerable patients: pregnant women, newborns and preborn.”

In late 2020, none of these organizations were recommending the vaccination, but in 2021 they were. Why? Because they got paid. Because of MONEY.

Academic Institutions were given HUNDRED of BILLIONS of Dollars to be the Governments Mouthpiece.

“This was the DEADLIEST, most injurious drug EVER rolled out to humanity according to Pfizer’s own Post Analysis, they all knew that.”

*Note: I did a Google search for Dr. Mercola’s article -- Many Pregnant Women were forced to get Covid Shots. What happened to them?

Nothing of Dr. Mercola came up but a sh*t load of government sites did, like CDC, NIH, JAMA, AP News, ACOG - The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists all saying how safe and effective Covid mRNA Vaccines are for pregnant women.

ALL of these so called “health” organizations are saturated with paid off, dumb corrupt medical doctors.

Pfizer wanted their true clinical trail data to be CONCEALED for 75 Years because by then most,if not all will be all dead from what they are doing right now.

They KNOW that there mRNA vaccine is deadly. They are still to this day pushing their vaccine as Safe, Effective & Necessary to Pregnant Women.

“These people are criminals and they need to go to criminal court and need to be punished to the full extent of the law.”

They captured 60,000 OBGYN’s in the US and Canada and they colluded with the American Board of OBGYN and Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine

September 27, 2021, The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology wrote to 60,000 member Gynecologists and said their narrative must be followed or they would lose their state license and accreditations.

It was at this time that these idiot gynecologists should have realized that this was threat to disobey the laws and violate the Nuremberg codes.

“The Golden Rule of Pregnancy is to NEVER, EVER use a novel substance in pregnancy.”

This is Nazi-like behavior.

All the health organizations have taken the payouts as well as the doctors and hospitals which displays the level of integrity with the healthcare industry.

It has to be lack of integrity issue and not an ignorance issue as they aren’t that stupid.

This New England Journal of Medicine is nothing but a Propaganda Kleptocratic Machine to make money.

The American Medical Association, The American Nurses Association, The American Women and The American Academy of Pediatrics -- all paid for.

Dr. James Thorp says that some of the top institutions like John Hopkins receive Billions of Dollars and all these institutions are speaking with the narrative so they never lose that funding. They are acting as trusted messengers to the Cartel as they brainwash their medical students.

We have been taken over by a cabal.

Dr. James Thorp: “There is NO more Sacred Relationship in Medicine that a Newly Pregnant Woman and her Obstetrician.” “Little did she know that this Obstetrician was nothing but a Prostitute and a Whore and a Mouthpiece for the Institution they are employed with, a mouthpiece for the Federal Government ACOG, ABOG, and Society for Fetal Maternal Medicine.”

If this obstetrician doesn’t follow nazi – tyrannical orders and act like a robot, they would be FIRED. That is why most if not close to all obstetricians are WHORES to the Evil Industry.

Dr. James Thorp was Fired because he would not be a yes man, he would not comply and he testified in the Senate about what was going on and gave them all the data, but the data was not treated like truth.

“This is not academia, it is totalitarian and fascism.

“Money has become more important that honoring their hypocratic oaths.”

420,000 Hospitals & Clinics Received $186 Billion Dollars to FOLLOW the Deadly Protocol.

Dr. Thorp’s former employer, Sister of Saint Mary’s Health, out of St. Louis took $307 MILLION alone to follow the deadly Covid Protocol

The Government targeted Institutions of Faith in Red States, like Houston Methodist in TX.

“Houston Medical took about $350 Million to Mandate the Vaccine.”

As soon as Houston Medical went with the Narrative, the rest of the 420,000 hospitals fell like a set of dominoes.

Dr. Thorp says that the bribes are difficult to follow as the Government uses so many different sources of funding, but they did dish out about $5 TRILLION Dollars and you can bet it was all to keep the “Industry” in line.

The Government creates thousands of different programs that serve as the bribery train that insures that everyone who follows protocol is paid accordingly.

This was a LONG Planned out horrific scam against the masses of the world.

We know that $186 Billion came from the Provider Relief Fund alone.

What was ALL this Money used for? To make sure the Media, the Medical Journals, the Hospitals and the Doctors all read the SCRIPT of Lies that they were feed.

What did the people receive for healthcare? Reverberated / Regurgitating Lies.

BIG Money paid for these reverberated lies.

Guess who else was paid to Reverberate the Lies? Faith Leaders.

The US Government Coerced Leaders of Faith to Push Covid-19 Vaccines.

Dr. Thorp: “The Government is Fraudulent and Illegal that you are never going to get FOYA information anymore.”

Hospitals were PAID for Following an EVIL COVID-19 Medical Protocol:

The government paid the institution per case for prescribing Remdesavir. They paid the institution per case for a Positive Covid Test. They paid the institutions more if the patient went into the ICU. They paid the institutions more if a patient went on a Ventilator. They paid the institutions more if the patient DIED and was labeled a Covid Death by the Morgue. AND, if they followed all the Covid Protocols they received a 20% BONUS on the ENTIRE medical bill.

Meanwhile, in Uttar Pradesh India, a population of 240 million they gave out Covid Kits that included Ivermectin.

How much did those kits cost? $2.40 per person.

What were the results? They totally avoided a pandemic, 100%. They had NO problems because the Ivermectin prevented it.

They took a preventative approach. The US said pushed untested and experimental novel mRNA drugs, called them vaccines and said they were safe & effective. It was a scamdemic. A Plandemic.

Here is a link to Dr. Apter’s testimony to how Uttar Pradesh, India avoided the pandemic completely with their $2.40 Covid Kits that included Ivermectin: ***Dr. Robert Apter – What’s the Agenda? Ivermectin vs FDA Court Case – A Worldwide Coordinated Agenda --

Another part of the plan was the Government went directly to the Heads of the Religions to inform them to persuade their members to go and get vaccinated. *See Source #4 below.

The Surgeon General was a complete fraud and he would get on TV and read scripture. All part of the big dupe.

Francis Collins, former Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, is a total fraud, he preached about how safe these mRNA vaccines were.

When you have ALL government agencies pushing something that is brand new opposed to something that has been proven safe and effective, like Ivermectin for decades – you need to quickly realize that there is something amiss.

Dr. James Thorp: “They knew this was the deadliest substance ever rolled out to the public, if they didn’t, they were idiots.”

They told these Faith Leaders of all Religions on this 3 ½ hour summit that they need to push this vaccine hard. Francis Collins of NIH said he prayed and the vaccine was a Miracle from God. Then they corrupted scripture, saying that God was the one wanting everyone to take the vaccine.

Vaccine Exemptions – they did not want anyone to allow Religious Exemptions. This must be questioned.


Does this not indicate our Gov is against us?

If the government uses Tax Payer money to invest in Propaganda that encouraged tax payers to take an experimental and untested novel gene therapy and label it tested, safe, effective & a vaccine, I would say that is inappropriate use of tax funds and is grounds for seriously questioning if the government is using tax payers funds to cause ill health to tax payers.

Nothing like getting the population to volunteer in their own demise.

So, if our beloved Federal Government did indeed pay pharmacies to act illegally and to not prescribe two of the safest drugs in Medicine History – Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine and to promote the experimental, untested, deadliest drug (mRNA vaccine) in history, there are questions that need to be asked and a lot more research to be done to find out the people involved in genocidal conspiracy and hold them accountable for their murderous acts.

It sure appears our government is not on our side. They are not looking out for our best interests.

We desperately need ALL the doctors to realize what is going on and to quit being little pussies and take a stance.


James Thorp is a board-certified obstetrician gynecologist (Ob/Gyn) and maternal fetal medicine physician with over forty-four years of obstetrical experience.

He saw over 27,500 high-risk pregnancies in four and a half years while serving one of the largest Catholic Health Care systems, SSM Health, of St. Louis, MO.

Dr. Thorp is currently the chief of Maternal and Prenatal Health at The Wellness Company.

He served as a reviewer for major medical journals, on the board of directors for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, and as an examiner for the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

He served in the US Air Force as an obstetrician gynecologist. Dr. Thorp testified in the US Senate under the Bush administration in 2003 and with Senator Ron Johnson and others in 2022.

Dr. Thorp is active in clinical research with approximately 275 publications of which seventy are COVID-19 related.

He is a coauthor of The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond. And as mentioned above, his new book – Sacrifice: How The Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted The Most Vulnerable.

Hopefully Dr. Thorp can wake some of them up.

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Everyone needs to know this is a scam, our government is run by criminals and they will likely do this again real soon.

P.S. - Get Your Ivermectin:

***Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Fenbendazole while you can. **No Script Needed.**

• Grant Pharmacy – Order Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole --

ReliableRx Pharmacy

• Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg ---

• Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg ---

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1. childrenshealthdefense --

2. Leading OB-GYN Group Took $11 Million from CDC to Push Covid Shots on Pregnant Women, Documents Reveal --

3. CDC issues urgent alert: Pregnant women need the Covid-19 vaccines --

4. US Government Coerced Leaders of Faith to Push Covid-19 Vaccines --

5. American Out Loud News –

END. 6/28/2024 – 6:00 PM

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