Arkansas Woman Describes Shock After Witnessing Mass Shooting: ‘It Just All Happened So Fast’

5 days ago

Reporter: “Yeah, Faith, I spoke with a lot of people who were around or came by as soon as they heard. But I also spoke with the girl who was in the store shopping with her family for dinner tonight. And she said someone just started shooting and they went to hide so that they could be safe. And now they are out. And so, I got the chance to speak with her and I think she said she’s still in shock, but I want to share with you guys some of her story today about how she is safe right now.”

UNKNOWN: “Yeah, so we walked in the Mad Butcher and mama had stopped — had stopped and talked to this woman. And so, she had talked for maybe about 5 minutes and then we went down the aisle to get the stuff. So she went to the other aisle and when, like, I had heard this noise and I thought it was a rat. So I looked back, when I looked back, I just seen everybody ducking and I just seen shots coming through the window. And so that’s when I had hurry up and grab my brother. Because he was in the buggy so I had to hurry up and grab my brother and we had ran. By that time my mama had made me halfway, she was like, they shooting, they shooting, they shoot — I said what? So we had ran to the freezer part on the right side and I had seen the door. They said it was the bathroom, but it was locked. So I guess it was people in there. So I said mama, it’s locked, it’s locked. So then we had ran to the other one. It was two workers back there. They said to get ready to close the freezer and by that time they got ready to close the freezer. Mom was like, can we get in with y’all? So we got in and when we got in, the woman was like, what’s going on? I was like, they shooting, they shooting, they shoot. So then that’s when she had got like this long stick thing. We have put it in front of the door, like we didn’t have no services, no nothing. So we couldn’t call nobody. So like I said, it was just a regular day and it just all happened so fast.”

Reporter: “It’s, it’s just — it’s just so tough to have those conversations, to even hear that story. She even told me she was still in shock and that’s why she’s not emotional yet. But she’s scared for the next loud noise she hears. She says police told them to cover their eyes on their way out of the store so they didn’t see other bodies. And, I mean, you know — how do you, how do you explain that? How do you even share that experience? And it’s just so confusing. But we are hoping to still get answers about what happened, about what’s next. And I know that the state police are planning to start their press conference soon and we can hope to get more information from them. But for now, I’ll send it back to you guys.”

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