Mayorkas: ‘No Evidence’ that Illegal Aliens from Central Asia and Potential ISIS Connections ‘Are Plotting to Harm the U.S.’

3 months ago

BRZEZINSKI: “OK. And in this action, you say it’s moving in the right direction. There are two issues here I want to ask you about. The first is NBC News reporting that the Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 immigrants who have come to the U.S. from Central Asia and elsewhere as subjects of concern, and some even affiliated potentially with an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network. That’s number one. And then number two, reporting from NBC News that the administration is still releasing illegal crossers inside the U.S. to live while they pursue asylum claims that it’s not officially really working. And it’s still — there’s still a lot of folks coming through here the way they shouldn’t.”
MAYORKAS: “Well, if I may correct you in a number of regards. Number one, with respect to the people from Central Asia, we have no evidence that they are individuals plotting to harm the United States, that is inaccurate. It’s very important to note that the safety and security of the American people are our highest priority. We screen and vet individuals at the time of encounter. If we learn of derogatory information, we take enforcement action. We are proceeding with extreme caution here in the service of the security and safety of the American people, number one. Number two, the number of individuals whom we’ve released into immigration enforcement proceedings subsequent to the president’s proclamation has dropped significantly. But remember that our detention capacity — and this is not specific to our administration — this has been historic ever since the 90s, when I was a federal prosecutor — our detention capacity is not sufficient to meet the number of people we encounter and therefore we have to release people into the United States when they are in immigration enforcement proceedings, and we put them on alternatives to detention, when that is necessary from an enforcement perspective. And so we have a number of procedures to ensure the safety and security of the American people. Fundamentally, we’re operating within a broken immigration system. We need Congress to fix it. Everyone agrees with that. It hasn’t been fixed since 1996.”

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