TheDimNews LIVE: Juneteenth | AI Art | DOJ Sues Adobe | Elder Abuse Day

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Covering this week's news and other junk.


MudderFetcher :r+catjam: :r+radiatingheart: :r+catjam: :r+radiatingheart: :r+catjam:
Don't mind me, just paying reparations to my two favorite colored womxn on this venerable holiday of Blacktober -104th.
OakPoke Supporter+ I'm watching diversity hour on JuneTeenf, oh boy...Beverly's part asian and Alex is part blk. When Alex's background is dark, I can only see her teef..

MudderFetcher Dark Alex is best Alex
OakPoke Supporter+ Better than Dark Brandon.

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke that's her pearly white supremacy shining through

thrasybulus It's a holiday commemoratting the loss of the last of the Democrats slaves. They are still trying to get them back.
OakPoke Supporter+ true @Qriist

Qriist Supporter @thrasybulus when I'm ostensibly okay with, except it's historically inaccurate.

Qriist Supporter which I'm*
OakPoke Supporter+ @thrasybulus I mean dems are the real racist meme...but ya know, they are the ones flooding our country, killing wages...i guess it's us who are the slaves
OakPoke Supporter+ does the stream start in a couple or 9? I'll brb

MudderFetcher since 1913 we've all be slaves

MudderFetcher *been

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke starts when we successfully mansplain the concept of a clock to Beverly

MudderFetcher Beverly isn't just on-time...she's Erly

RonGreen1 It's time for the lovely ladies of The Dim News. Woohoo! Everybody dance. 🎶🦍🎶🕺🎶

Qriist Supporter (watch her actually be on time tonight lol)

MudderFetcher deleting my account now
OakPoke Supporter+ Women and non-asian nonwhites be on time? impossible.

thrasybulus Remember: If you are not 15 minutes early, you are late. it's always a potential issue when a woman is late (your vagina fact for the day).

MudderFetcher dude don't drop unsanctioned Vagina Facts...are you trying to get sued

thrasybulus @MudderFetcher I'm mansplaining.

MudderFetcher oh well that's fine then sorry sir

thrasybulus Normalize mansplaining!

RonGreen1 If it's not The Dim News, then it's just fake news.

thrasybulus It's the "cheap fake" news.

RonGreen1 Just the facts. - The Dim News Crew
OakPoke Supporter+ The Dim Side sitcom is actually pretty decent tbh. you guys ever watch it on YouTube?

MudderFetcher Alex Noir

thrasybulus @OakPoke Scripted or unscripted?

RonGreen1 They're here!
OakPoke Supporter+ thrasy scripted 😃

RonGreen1 See your dentist for a checkup. Celebrate Juneteeth. 😁
OakPoke Supporter+ Lol autocorrect
OakPoke Supporter+ Keep brushing, cavity free perhaps.

thrasybulus Everyone concerned with faking there own death needs a dentist who owes you a late night favor.
OakPoke Supporter+ listening, bout to run an errand 🚗

RonGreen1 I made some Juneteeth memes earlier today.

Qriist Supporter "I had real life friends."

Qriist Supporter lol

thrasybulus Are they real friends or will they not help you make and dispose of the corpses?
OakPoke Supporter+ ty for dim side explanation. banned from MySpace?

MudderFetcher the origin of TheDimSide is likely on YouTube since Beverly has been uploading videos there since 1953

MudderFetcher she's snort

MudderFetcher premature Snortgasm

MudderFetcher Corner Gas is fun

Qriist Supporter I do not understand the appeal of Seinfeld.

thrasybulus It's not just removing your teeth, it's getting the corpse to match "your" dental records.

MudderFetcher yeah what's the deal with Seinfeld?

thrasybulus @MudderFetcher Most episodes problems can be solved with a smartphone.

thrasybulus But presmartphone.
OakPoke Supporter+ The whole 9 yards and matching teef... you.ladies watched that movie with Bruce Willis?

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator I ger your joke, Mudder.

RonGreen1 60's with a cool ocean breeze.
OakPoke Supporter+ grabbing milk because I won't remember tomorrow , Central time!!!

thrasybulus Foxes are for scarves.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator *get

thrasybulus I train chicks to lick the whipcream off my hand. That's step one.

MudderFetcher I get the feeling those meat chickens are about to have names and never be meat

thrasybulus Meat chicken names: Roast, Rotisserie, Pulled, Fried, Grilled, etc.

MudderFetcher maybe the "foxes got them" *wink wink*

MudderFetcher @thrasybulus just saw the whipcream joke lmfao

RonGreen1 I saw that movie.

MudderFetcher now THAT'S how you meat a chicken

thrasybulus Fan Art is to drawing what Fan Fiction is to scriptwriting.

RonGreen1 Speaking of chickens, I got a dozen eggs for 1.99.

MudderFetcher I feel like black-and-white Alex might break into song before she solves the murder

thrasybulus @MudderFetcher Now see here buddy, you gonna answer my questions or do we need to get the coppers involved?

MudderFetcher I was more worried about the song lmfao

MudderFetcher Beverly doing "research"

Qriist Supporter neat!

thrasybulus Sports Illustrated used to be good for research.
OakPoke Supporter+ Take the skinheads bowling, take them bowling.

Qriist Supporter I have no art talent at all.

thrasybulus Taco Bell: Now with more chihuahua meat.

Qriist Supporter I want Taco Bell now.

Qriist Supporter Alex swallows, got it.
OakPoke Supporter+ almond flour, stevia, Graham cracker flavor ftw

MudderFetcher I can tell that I'm old because I'm just hoping that Alex has parchment paper to put under that cookie-bomb

thrasybulus No danger of orthorexia here.

MudderFetcher one might be English toffee versus American (coffee flavored vs. more buttery)

RonGreen1 I mix chocolate chips and raisins for a snack.

JQuickDraw Supporter Oh hey, I forgot it was Wednesday haha

RonGreen1 J was at the dentist celebrating Juneteeth.

MudderFetcher just realized I have dark choc espresso beans to go with this Russian Imperial Stout

thrasybulus Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. You practice doing it wrong and you will do it wrong.

thrasybulus No mail today. Feds aren't working.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ No milk Today

JQuickDraw Supporter I have this old surface for drawing. What's it called? Oh right, paper.

MudderFetcher I've been thinking about getting a drawing tablet...because more tech BS is exactly what I need

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ hand, tool, paper

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher You can never have enough tech. N.E.V.E.R.

thrasybulus Wax tablet, bronze stylus. Learn to write Latin the classical way.

JQuickDraw Supporter Hey, we should keep the "...eenth" rhyming scheme for all holidays. For women, it would be the month they got the vote, call it Poonteenth.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ thrasybulus Wax tablet, bronze stylus. Learn to write Latin the classical way. Easy to say when your name is almost latin

MudderFetcher I have boxes of old tech in both this house and my mom's...there's an intervention headed my way I can tell lmao

thrasybulus Question: Elder Abuse Day, is it the Biden's wedding anniversary?

thrasybulus @WinkyWankyWoo It's a latinized greek name.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ all latin is greek, and all greek is latin

thrasybulus @WinkyWankyWoo The Greeks and Romans would not agrre.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ their language would though

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ greek is the foundation of all modern language

MudderFetcher Hendrix is self-taught, SRV, that other guy

MudderFetcher Santana maybe

thrasybulus @WinkyWankyWoo Lots of cross-pollination.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ The greeks were before the romans thpugh

thrasybulus Not being restricted by teachers who know the "limits" can be a benefit.

RonGreen1 I like that guitar from the movie Desperado.

thrasybulus @WinkyWankyWoo True.

MudderFetcher AI-assisted

thrasybulus At what point is it no longer the original work?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ @thrasybulus really odd choice of name, couldnt place it at first, fuking odd lol

MudderFetcher procedural generation is kinda already AI-assisted
OakPoke Supporter+ Sneeko did an interview with JustPearlyThings...someone did an AI and made them kiss in the AI was way too realistic. Creepy.

thrasybulus @WinkyWankyWoo Classical reference names are often taken. So more obscure ones are more likely to be available.

thrasybulus Isn't anyone using the grammerly thing I keep seeing commercials for using AI?

JQuickDraw Supporter The single biggest error in thinking almost all critics of AI make is not understanding that all tech is iterative in development. AI will never be worse than it is now, and will not stop improving.
OakPoke Supporter+ I've only ever used whatever microsoft offers for free if you use their Edge browser...i did it just to try it
OakPoke Supporter+ AI can get worse, though...It's largely "PC" or dishonest...guess it depends on the system

thrasybulus @AlexofNoTradeSchool Too many "AI will never replace real writing" responses?

thrasybulus The "I made all that up" thing hasn't lost the NYT any awards yet.

RonGreen1 If you're not cheating, then you're not trying hard enough.

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Rarely do real world trend lines look like a perfect line. There are smaller peaks and valleys, but for the most part, each new generation of software is improved on the previous one.
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw Maybe...not if the indians have anything to do with it....I get your point, though.
OakPoke Supporter+ Tomato duck?

MudderFetcher that tomato duck looks delicious

thrasybulus When you assume...

MudderFetcher although I prefer heirloom tomato ducks

MudderFetcher just be an's the shoulder shrug of religions

thrasybulus Certainty of presence and certainty of absence of a thing you cannot prove exists is still certainty.

MudderFetcher I feel like people are mistaking machine learning for a neural network and just lumping it all-together as AI

thrasybulus I and U are next to each other on the keyboard.

RonGreen1 Spell check and auto correct are programmed to be politically correct.

thrasybulus Gene or Jean?

thrasybulus Nevermind.

MudderFetcher all I know is that the Atheists I've met were clearly in a cult

thrasybulus Turn it off until it's time to edit.

JQuickDraw Supporter It used to be described as strong and weak atheism, the difference between "I believe there is no god" and "I do not believe there is a god" - most people don't see a difference even though there is.

thrasybulus Agnosticism: There may or may not be a god or gods. Really no way to be sure.
OakPoke Supporter+ yes, I took agnostics as saying it's possible that there is a God, and athiests were saying, there is no God...

Qriist Supporter I firmly believe there's nothing divine, but I am open to discussing theism with others who dissent. I greatly dislike zealots - Christian, Muslim, atheist, or otherwise.

RonGreen1 Test your atheism by walking alone through a cemetery at midnight.
Kurt Cobain said this was one of his favorite artists.I don't believe him. Perfect song for this holiday! 10-20 sec?

JQuickDraw Supporter I hope AI doesn't become sentient until after it works out all its kinks. The way people scream when things go wrong, sentient AI will probably become sad and kill itself a week into being alive.

Qriist Supporter I've called militant atheists Bible thumpers without the Bible.

MudderFetcher at some point, either the State or some Deity needing my Earthly money just seems like a scam

thrasybulus @JQuickDraw Given all the internet, sentient AI will definately have kinks.
OakPoke Supporter+ I just thought the odds are better that we were created, rather than this all being random.

JQuickDraw Supporter Most people cannot say "I don't know." So they worship something, even science. I think it's a survival thing in the subconscious. You feel safer when you think you know.

thrasybulus Remixing an old song into "Let's get metaphysical."
OakPoke Supporter+ Sure, some would say God created us, others would say we created God, out of a need. Chicken and the Egg scenario.
OakPoke Supporter+ Origami

MudderFetcher can't fold your drawing tablet into a Fortune Teller now can you?
OakPoke Supporter+ MASH, mansion, apartment, shack, house

JQuickDraw Supporter When I was a kid, this carnival came into town one autumn. Shit got weird, man.

MudderFetcher J's only wish was to be Big

Qriist Supporter You were one weird af kid. Signed, another weird af kid.

thrasybulus Magic 8 ball got me banned from my career as a billiards player.
OakPoke Supporter+ I got a magic 8 ball as a gift in middle school...I really enjoyed it...

MudderFetcher astrology and zoology...she'll only choose the bear if it's a Sagittarius

JQuickDraw Supporter "What sign are you?" "I'm a bull inseminator, so I'm a Taurus Rising."

JQuickDraw Supporter Why is he dressed like a drug kingpin from Miami Vice?
OakPoke Supporter+ Live in New York, Kurt claimed it was his favorite artist, and maybe of the entire band...that's social signalling, no way it was his favorite
OakPoke Supporter+ Cotton Eye Joe is a great one...a manufactured band, fantastic song though. They're Finnish, right?
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw Good question on the outfit

MudderFetcher most people ignore's fine

Qriist Supporter This should satisfy your ADHD Beverly

MudderFetcher I tried to put The Ginger in there because he needed more love

JQuickDraw Supporter No manga for me, I'll use AI to create a Harlequin romance story for Beverly and Alex.

Qriist Supporter My issue with God is that God requires God to exist.
OakPoke Supporter+ Odds and creation or @ random...I compare to looking at a Model T Ford in the woods...I can look at it, the engine, and see a creator. I see the same thing looking at a body, how things function.

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator JQuickDraw, use Sudowrite.
OakPoke Supporter+ Sudowrite? Is this for linux? Terminal?

JQuickDraw Supporter And I thought Beverly was romantically stalking Alex? We're just following your lead with our shipping activities.

thrasybulus @AlexTheBull @TheGingerCuck and @MurderGoose2028 AI fic on literotica tomorrow?
OakPoke Supporter+ That thing Beverly is talking with, is what we did MASH with

MudderFetcher Elon one was Fun

MudderFetcher Rocketman!

thrasybulus Is Borat's cousin a SME for the doc?

MudderFetcher Elon has enough baby mamas

MudderFetcher 3 baby mommas and 11 kids last I checked

MudderFetcher Elder Abuse Day posted by the White House is pure humiliation ritual

RonGreen1 Old people are a pain in the ass. Just saying.

thrasybulus Elder Abuse Awareness warning signs point directly at Jill and Joe in no ways at all.


thrasybulus Either.

MudderFetcher a by accident could go either way

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex: "Hey, look at the calendar! Do you realize what today is??? Let's go abuse old fucks."

thrasybulus It happened by accident. She did it by accident.

Qriist Supporter I would normally strive to use "by accident" but I could see myself using the other one on accident.

JQuickDraw Supporter You should say "accidentally" instead lol.

thrasybulus It happened on accident. She did it on accident.
OakPoke Supporter+ I tripped, and my dick accidentally went inside her...wasn't that Strauss Khan?

RonGreen1 On accident is when you're in a car wreck, and are not thrown from the car. 😂

JQuickDraw Supporter @RonGreen1 Wouldn't that be "under accident"?

thrasybulus Prepositions are for the end of sentences if public school english taught me wright.

Qriist Supporter "accidentally on purpose" ~= "sorry not sorry"

MudderFetcher pretty sure you just yell "NEEEEERRRDS!" and start punching

JQuickDraw Supporter "Porpoisely" means you did it like a dolphin.
OakPoke Supporter+ @MudderFetcher 100 pct
OakPoke Supporter+ I helped push a kid in a gym locker...he had it coming though...he was being too annoying and wouldn't calm down n shut up...assumed he was gay, learned later he was a bit of a sex pest / pervert

Qriist Supporter Yes Beverly, pumpkin is a real word.

JQuickDraw Supporter I could so easily stall for time if I needed to make Beverly wait lol. "Hey, what's the difference between..." and just pick two words.

MudderFetcher let's just get to the narwhals
OakPoke Supporter+ George Costanza's fake job as a Marine Biologist.

Qriist Supporter Snakes can be milked.

thrasybulus Blowholes are important for @AlexofAllTrades to know facts about.

JQuickDraw Supporter Was that Alex revealing her pick up line? "I'm into things that can be milked. If you know what I mean."
OakPoke Supporter+ I just picture D'nero saying "you gonna milk me?"

MudderFetcher Alex is multi-Snortgasmic

MudderFetcher Alex is hereby demoted 10 Vagina Fact points for missing Clear Taurus

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex is homophonophobic.

thrasybulus Miss Cleo Taurus is found in a women's prison.

MudderFetcher #ThesePricksFoundFaceSwap
OakPoke Supporter+ Face Off with Travolta and Nick Cage

thrasybulus SME Subject Matter Expert.
OakPoke Supporter+ Racist cat w/ the blue eye
OakPoke Supporter+ My favorite, racist, homophobic cat
OakPoke Supporter+ Max Scherzer eyes

thrasybulus #PussiesAgainstGays

MudderFetcher she's sexiest when she multi-Snortgasms! Happy Orgasnort Everyone!
OakPoke Supporter+ She's so racist she's making me sexist

thrasybulus Did adobe not donate enough to Hunter for consulting?
OakPoke Supporter+ Oh that's not how it goes...@MudderFetcher I butchered the song...Bret singing to some gal he had a thing for

MudderFetcher this kinda stuff is exactly why people pirate

thrasybulus @OakPoke Tiger Max Scherzer seems most appropriate.
OakPoke Supporter+ @thrasybulus 100 percent

MudderFetcher why American companies don't look at the consumer protections in the EU is beyond me

thrasybulus File fraud charge claim with card company against adobe.

Qriist Supporter BRB hooking Beverly up with a no-frills copy of Photoshop

thrasybulus When adobe stopped updating the pdf reader it was all downhill.

thrasybulus Off to bed. Night oh fonts of maturity.
OakPoke Supporter+ sleep well @thrasybulus

MudderFetcher night @thrasybulus
OakPoke Supporter+ when adobe was no good for online games, then i was sad. I didn't know adobe existed anymore tbh
OakPoke Supporter+ @Qriist Do people ever use Gimp?

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke I sometimes use Gimp, also Krita
OakPoke Supporter+ Cool...gimp had a bit of a learning curve for me...used it once for somehting, and haven't used it since. Glad someone does, and understands it
OakPoke Supporter+ Online games , Adobe Flash

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke I have a buddy who swears by Gimp but I've never personally used it
Beverly, is this your KeyTar?
OakPoke Supporter+ @Qriist Gotcha
OakPoke Supporter+ It is Dimitri
OakPoke Supporter+ lol
OakPoke Supporter+ classic song...

MudderFetcher that is Dimitri lol
OakPoke Supporter+ @MudderFetcher i can't help it, I like a good amount of their songs

MudderFetcher it's this one same but different:
OakPoke Supporter+ That one for sure

Qriist Supporter Babies are Nazis, confirmed.
OakPoke Supporter+ It fits in with the earlier topic, gasms, snort gasms, etc

MudderFetcher "a Republic if you can keep it"

Qriist Supporter "Some Trump supporters say the republic isn't a democracy." -CNN

MudderFetcher they clearly plan to vote harder

purpletiger69 It is not a democracy

MudderFetcher representative Republic

purpletiger69 yes

Qriist Supporter "A republic, if you can keep it." -Benjamin Franklin

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Demokracey

MudderFetcher Beverly for President!

Qriist Supporter I'd vote for her white half.

RonGreen1 The US Constitution says a republican form of government.

MudderFetcher Beverly's White-Half for President!

Qriist Supporter @MudderFetcher is her left half or dorsal half that's the white side?
OakPoke Supporter+ Reagan was right, at least to a degree, when he said of democrats , "It's not that they're ignorant, it's that so much f what they know, isn't so."
OakPoke Supporter+ *of
OakPoke Supporter+ No one wanted a direct democracy, yeesh

Qriist Supporter Repeal the 17th.
OakPoke Supporter+ 13th, 14, 17, idk, a lot...i'd have to take a gander lol

MudderFetcher my guess is that they'll steal it and then soft-secession happens
OakPoke Supporter+ Plenty of globalists would love to break america up into 100 pieces, them and china, maybe some of europe too

Qriist Supporter We were supposed to have the barest glimmer of democratic onboarding into government - the House. Everything else intragovernment was supposed to be by government fiat.
OakPoke Supporter+ Like we've got a thousand Juda P. Benjamins working on breaking the country up and the media cheers it on

RonGreen1 Before the 17th amendment, senators were elected by the state legislature to represent the states.

Qriist Supporter ^
OakPoke Supporter+ And the states could remove a senator too, as they put them into office.
OakPoke Supporter+ It was a better school they just told us "the founders thought americans were dumb, a huh yukc"

Qriist Supporter we sky rocketed into power riiiight until that income tax was implemented.

Qriist Supporter You're such a girl Beverly.
OakPoke Supporter+ I just wish we were closer to founding, with states being much more independent. I wish we could be 1 country, deport 50 to 100 million people...we'd be so much stronger, peaceful

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ wait till you hit 40....everything becomes clear
OakPoke Supporter+ W
OakPoke Supporter+ @alex yeah, we may have to break up, but it's not going to be a good thing, it's going to be traditional AMerica retreating into small enclaves across the country...maybe we'll be able to invade and
OakPoke Supporter+ take it back in 100 or a thousand years...

Qriist Supporter Beverly: TOPICAL

MudderFetcher the problem with all things legislative, judicial and executive is enforcement...that's a nice Supreme Court Decision ya got there now enforce it.
OakPoke Supporter+ We'll have to secede, break up, if we can't salvage the country. If we can't deport enough people, we just become south africa / brazil, some 3rd world dump. We'll have to, but it's not preferable,
OakPoke Supporter+ but may have to

RonGreen1 When Beverly is president, she will feed the homeless to the hungry. Make Cannibalism Great Again

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Alwx ia brilliant]

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ the US was never a country
OakPoke Supporter+ @AlexofAllTrades I thought America was dead when Ron Paul was shut out in 2012...Trump's promise of mass deportations in 2015 or so, made me believe we had a chance...Demographics are destiny, and

JQuickDraw Supporter The acceleration does not speak to the underlying motivational differences, which have always been there. It's the puritans vs the people who want to be left alone, authoritarians vs libertarians.
OakPoke Supporter+ we're against the clock...if we want a somewhat quick restoration...otherwise we'll just decline, and break apart

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ The US was always maybe 3 or 4 states, you just pretended otherwise like the rest of us

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ this is shit
OakPoke Supporter+ Probably more accurate to say America used to be 1 country, with 50 fairly sovereign states.
OakPoke Supporter+ It used to be a joke "don't make a federal crime out of it" all the left are all about making anyting and everything a federal crime...things that aren't even a crime

Qriist Supporter @OakPoke man you have no idea
OakPoke Supporter+ I know they couldn't the hotel california, but things were generally left to the states...things were so regional too

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ there was no British Empire, Englnd just got scotland to beat up the world for it


WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ PUTIN WAS RIGHT
OakPoke Supporter+ Vagina museum aka pornhub
OakPoke Supporter+ I agree with your pessimistic outlook...I just hope, or try to hope

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ liberals wear cardigans

Qriist Supporter Sounds like something a selfish asshole would say.

JQuickDraw Supporter Libertarians believe: "What's with this 'we' shit, kemosabe?"
OakPoke Supporter+ @WinkyWankyWoo I like cardigans on gals tbh
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw I would always hear Ernie Hancock say "We? What, do you have a mouse in your pocket?"

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ @OakPoke I agree

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ espe
OakPoke Supporter+ @AlexofAllTrades You're from Arizona. Do you know of Ernest HAncock? Used to or still does "Freedoms phoenix" ?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Cardigans look best on short haired girls
OakPoke Supporter+ When I was a libertarian / ancap, i would read this 3 to 5 times a week
OakPoke Supporter+ @WinkyWankyWoo lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Damn, I haven't listened to Ernest in a while. When I first got into the freedom movement circa 2010, I was looking for every freedom podcast and online show I could find, and Ernie was one.
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw About the same for me. I don't remember when I started listening to him...probably about the same time...idk when i moved away from it exactly, the transition
OakPoke Supporter+ I used to love listening to Ernie's show

JQuickDraw Supporter The Menopausoleum entrance would be a long corridor that blows alternating hot and cool blasts of air on you as you walk to the door.
OakPoke Supporter+ I never stopped liking Ernie...always got a kick out of him

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I like to think about lady sex organs

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ especially in the morning

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I feel a song

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ being...borning

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Yeah it lasted a few years for me. There was also a show with two guys in NH, and then the infamous Chris Cantwell lol. I think for me, the message was the same, so it was like, I get it.
OakPoke Supporter+ Sure. Ian and the other guy from Florida whose name I can't remember.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ MAAAAANga
OakPoke Supporter+ There was sex, lies and anarchy podcast, ...LRN dot F M, feds don't want you to hear them...hahaha...oh boy, brings me back

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Yeah, and there was also the Free State Project, which seemed so cool in 2003, and the breakoff version of Boston T Party, Free State Wyoming, which no longer exists sadly.
OakPoke Supporter+ I stumbled upon Jan Lamprecht, and started understanding how important race was...I never thought about those things, living in such a white the past decade my region has been flooded, so I
OakPoke Supporter+ have to think about it now
OakPoke Supporter+ @JQuickDraw Yes that's right. The guy who wrote the Gun Bible...I think Wyoming had a better chance, but alas, wasn't really an established economy to move into right
OakPoke Supporter+ Brazilian But Lift?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ you both disgust me

JQuickDraw Supporter It's not race, although it seems like it. Race is not genetically specific enough. It's about people who've lived on the same patch of land for generations. Which is why Europeans kill each other.

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke A lot of people I liked died in the last few years (thanks, covid), including L Neil Smith, founder of the Libertarian Enterprise. It began around the same time as the Free State Project.
OakPoke Supporter+ While I may prefer to be around N.W. protestants, violent others don't care, and I'm in the same boat as the eastern European catholic in America.

Qriist Supporter BLACKTOBER -104TH

JQuickDraw Supporter 5 snortgasms, wow. Break out the cigarettes.
OakPoke Supporter+ covid and the tabbies... lnjeil smithnsounds familiar... I think I remember his voice

Qriist Supporter niiight
OakPoke Supporter+ Good night and God bless.
OakPoke Supporter+ Happy heterosexual month, summer soltice

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Whatever-Your-Thing-Is-Now-Leave-Me-Alone-Already!!!

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly is Flemish

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