Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 21

1 month ago

Chapter 21: The Decline of Superior Races

In this chapter, Evola addresses the decline of superior races, contrasting the modern world's population growth with the qualitative deterioration of humanity. He argues that the proliferation of the masses and the decline of spiritually superior races are interconnected. Evola critiques the loss of traditional sexual sacrum and the resulting decline in the quality of human procreation. He emphasizes the importance of spiritual virility and the role of superior races in maintaining a higher quality of human civilization. The chapter concludes by linking the feminization of spirituality and the rise of inferior social strata to the broader decline of traditional values and the emergence of the modern world.


1. J. Evola, Eros and the Mysteries of Love, especially chapters 5 (“Sacred Ceremonies and Evocations") and 6 (“Sex in the Realm of Initiations and Magic”).

2. In the Upanishads there are some expressions that describe sexual intercourse: “With power and glory I give you glory." Also: “This man (ama) am I; that woman (sa), thou! That woman thou, this man am 1.1 am the heaven; thou the earth! Come, let us two together clasp! Together let us semen mix, a male, a son for to procure.” (Brhad-Srarjyaka Upanisad 6.4.8; 6.4.20-22.)

3. J. Evola, Eros and the Mysteries of Love.

4. "Of the seed and the womb, the seed is said to be more important, for the offspring of all living beings are marked by the mark of the seed. Whatsoever sort of seed is sown in a field prepared at the right season, precisely that sort of seed grows in it, manifesting its own particular qualities.” The Laws of Manu, 9.35- 36. On this basis the caste system even practiced hypergamy: the man from a higher caste was allowed to marry women of lower castes, no matter how high his caste was (The Laws of Manu, 3.13). It is possible to find among savage populations the idea of the duality of the blood and the spirit that is passed on exclusively through the male lineage.

5. In the Hindu tradition the male semen is often called vlrya, a term that in texts describing ascetical practices (especially Buddhist) is also used to designate that “upward-streaming” force that has the power of spiritually renewing all the human faculties. As a sign of distinction Saivite ascetics and yogis carry the phallus emblem around their necks. The reason why in places like Lydia, Phrygia, and Etruria tombs were ornate with phalli or with statues of an ithyphallic form was to express the association between the virile force and the power of resurrection. Likewise, in ancient Hellenism, the ithyphallic Hermes represented the resurrected primordial man “who did, does, and will stand" through the various phases of the manifestation (Hippolytus, Philosophumena, 5.8.14). An echo of this reverberates in an ancient Roman superstition that regarded the phallus as an amulet capable of warding off fascinations and nefarious influences.


1. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Foreword (
2. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 1, The Beginning (
3. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 2, Regality (
4. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 3, Polar Symbolism (
5. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 4, The Law, The State, The Empire (
6. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 5, The Mystery of the Rite (
7. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 6, On the Primordial Nature of the Patriciate (
8. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 7, Spiritual Virility (
9. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 8, The Two Paths in the Afterlife (
10. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 9, Life and Death of Civilizations (
11. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 10, Initiation and Consecration (
12. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 11, On the Hierarchical Relationship Between Royalty and Priesthood (
13. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 12, Universality and Centralism (
14. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 13, The Soul of Chivalry (
15. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 14, The Doctrine of the Castes (
16. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 15, Professional Associations and the Arts; Slavery (
17. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 16, Bipartition of the Traditional Spirit; Asceticism (
18. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 17, The Greater and the Lesser Holy War (
19. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 18, Games and Victory (
20. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 19, Space, Time, the Earth (
21. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 20, Man and Woman (
22. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part One, Chapter 21, The Decline of Superior Races (
23. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Genesis and Face of the Modern World, Introduction (
24. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 22, The Doctrine of the Four Ages (
25. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 23, The Golden Age (
26. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 24, The Pole and the Hyperborean Region (
27. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 25, The Northern-Atlantic Cycle (
28. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 26, North and South (
29. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 27, The Civilization of the Mother (
30. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 28, The Cycles of Decadence and the Heroic Cycle (
31. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 29, Part 1, THE AMERICAN CYCLE AND THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN CYCLE (
32. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 29, Part 2, THE HEBREW CYCLE AND THE EASTERN ARYAN CYCLE (
33. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 30: The Heroic-Uranian Western Cycle, Part 1 (
34. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 30: The Heroic-Uranian Western Cycle, Part 2 (
35. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 31, Syncope of the Western Tradition (
36. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 32, The Revival of the Empire and the Ghibelline Middle Ages (
37. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 33, Decline of the Medieval World and the Birth of Nations (
38. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 34, Unrealism and Individualism (
39. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 35, The Regression of the Castes (
40. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 36, Nationalism and Collectivism (
41. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Part Two, Chapter 37, The End of the Cycle (
42. Audiobook: Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, Conclusion (

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