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The Why Files: Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1; Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups | EP1233

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McWattersaffect 06/18 - The Why Files: Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups

Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA and Dr. Scott Marsland, FNP-C: Welcome To The Leading Edge Clinic

Peter McCullough, MD, MPH: The Wellness Company

My Free Doctor: 'Banned' Methods Used To Treat 150,000+ COVID Patients By Doctors Organization Had Only 4 Deaths


  • 0/2000
  • toxicresidue: so UAPs are ours? and free energy does come from rainbows.? 🤔🤔 toxicresidue: run the AC the water heater electric stove. oil companies would freak out. the restructuring of business the winners the losers , it would be madness.

  • It was amazing information! Thank you!!!

  • Hey 👋 MURPH, I’m gonna send this one to President Trump on TruthSocial 👍❗️✅ I don’t know if President Trump’s gonna get it but I’m gonna send it !! ❗️✅

  • Jamdog12 just started following your channel @MurTech. knitwit67 just started following your channel @MurTech. Scooter254444 just started following your channel @MurTech. bookerbob1965 just started following your channel @MurTech. kyle1222 just started following your channel @MurTech. Debbiebs commented on your video "Timcast: Democrats FURIOUS, Vigilant News, Benny Johnson, Wendy Bell: Trump Cracking The Code | EP1232". KRocky commented on your video "Timcast: Democrats FURIOUS, Vigilant News, Benny Johnson, Wendy Bell: Trump Cracking The Code | EP1232". Miss67 commented on your video "Alex Newman: WHO Researcher, BCP: White Liberal, SGT: Asymmetric Warfare, Andrew Klavan: Heteronormativity | EP1231".

  • Suppressed carborator technology that doesn’t benefit big oil and gas …

  • Great video Murtech 👍🏼 wakes up people to suppressed technology of free energy systems

  • Hey 👋 MURPH, Everyone With An IQ Above Dirt & Sticks ! Knew Deep Down In Their Heart That The Corrupt Government Gangsters Have Been HIDE’in 🙈 Technologies That Would Benefit The Common Man & MANKIND AS WELL❗️✅ For Centuries Now 🤯🤬❗️✅

  • Hey 👋 Murph, This is the best video about how corrupt our government is and how Our government is not for the people of America !That you’ve ever shown !BROTHA❗️✅

  • And the oil companies are going to go under with the green new bullshit deal

  • With 26 years in the lab, my team perfected no resistance train & track that offers no carbon footprint. New York to LA in 13 hours, but that’s in comfort, half price and clean. Each section of the track is only magnetized as the train passes over that section at 200 mph. We used avg speeds of 18- because of stops. Wall Street shot it down. Boeing wants the profits from crashing planes. We have lost all semblance of sanity

  • Another great video. The president could never get them away from the deep state and there's three towns in Australia that use zero point energy. And all those patents where turned over to the military industrial complex.

    1 like
  • Everyone must watch Jimmy Dore for June 17 or 18 on misinformation. It a must see video

    1 like
  • No Murtech it wouldn’t be easy , but remember they do have the patents on it to get started! So corrupt!

    1 like
  • Imagine the Why Files spawned a giant egregore Hecklefish that ended up going toe to toe with the Loch Ness monster.

    1 like
  • 5:00 200 miles per gallon is reasonable. Considering some petrol engines these days are providing thermal to working energy efficiency around 50%.

    1 like