Before the Throne

24 days ago

Before the Throne, Copyright 2024 by Johnny Bronze.

Oh, my friend, why did you go
Off on a road I cannot follow
Where earth meets heaven, where man meets God
Why didn’t you take me to the Lord? (Why didn’t you take me to our Lord?)

Look at the woman who loves you so!
She spends her days in tears and sorrow.
She thought she still would have you near
Why did you go and leave her here? (Why did you go and leave her here?)

Why aren’t you singing in the choir?
That’s where we always found you before.
I guess you’re singing before the Throne
And will go on forevermore. (And will go on forevermore.)

Oh God the Father, Oh God the Son
Oh God the Spirit, Three in One,
Hear the prayers we raise to Thee
And grant him rest eternally. (Grant him rest eternally, please grant him rest eternally.)

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