Fire Your BAR Card Tool/Fool

6 months ago

I know we are all law abiding children of God....but the municipal servants are being TRAINED to generate income for their corporations at the DETRIMENT of your body, your time, and your wallet.

Just because they implement a document, which is really a security on the back end....(think bonds), and hand it to you, doesn't mean it's lawful.

It's LEGAL because you volunteer to accept it.

LAWFUL is what falls under the scrutiny of the repugnancy clause...


​The Constitution is like your Wizard of Oz Dorothy's Red Slippers!

Believe me, when you gain the knowledge to spot these UNLAWFUL citations, warrants, and subpoenas, your mind will be blown at how brazen the government is simply MAKING SHIT UP and the people pay the price.

I've seen a dozen so called warrants of J6-ers, signed by a magistrate (not a lawful judge, only an administrator), NOT SIGNED by a single victim who was harmed creating an affidavit under penalty of perjury, and signed by a government turd using a misnomer.

What is a misnomer? A variation of their actual name, the one they allegedly signed on their oath of office (lots of evidence these are not correct).

For instance...if someone's name is John Quincy Public and they use John Q. Public on their "official" legal documents, that is a fictitious name that relieves them of liability.

If you have a chance to see a J6-er warrant or indictment, you will notice...THEY ALL use First Middle initial Last. All of them.

Shit made up.

You answer for it thinking it's the "law".

​It's not.

It's an offer to contract and people take them every day.

The BAR CARD tools WILL NEVER ever admit this to you because it means the end of their schemes, fancy cars, and summer homes.

So all you bar card pink dress wearing tools who are going to respond to this with your anonymous X profiles can kiss my big peach ass because I will engage in arguing the rhetoric you've been brainwashed by your so called worthless law degrees.

Y'all stick to the boring world of corporate contracts while real people who speak the truth help the masses wake up.

We don't speculate this.

​We challenge jurisdiction and win all the time.

You know why?

The Brady Rule. Look it up.

​It's a felony to violate it and it happens all day every day.

No victim = no crime.

​Statutes are not law and do not apply to living men so says the SCOTUS.

If the tragedy of the J6-ers unlawful incarceration, deal making, and political persecution doesn't wake you up, then stop calling yourself an American.

Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.

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