DEMS SOUND THE ALARM as Joe Biden Nearly 30% With Black Voters Since 2020

1 month ago

Joe Biden has been the most destructive and divisive "president" we have ever had. The kid sniffer has destroyed everything from our border to the economy, if he has touched it, it has been destroyed.

Crooked Joe campaigned on a return to normalcy but this piece of trash has been a tyrant and the complete opposite.

One group that has been affected is black voters.

As many in the black community live in heavily urban areas, the border invasion has sent millions of illegals to their areas, draining their resources and taking jobs across the country.

Throw in inflation where the cost to live for all Americans is through the roof, including the cost of homes and used cars, and everything has become unaffordable.

Joe Biden, like all communist Democrats has taken the black vote for granted, all talk no action; don't forget Biden even said in 2020, that if you don't vote for him, then you ain't black.

This is why women groper Joe has lost NEARLY 30% OF BLACK SUPPORT Since 2020!

**Make sure to follow for daily videos Exposing the left!**

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