Top Democratic Strategists Feel Biden May Have Already Lost The Election

1 day ago

President Biden is still struggling in the polls, and he’s got an approval rating of around 33%. This is causing some serious concerns with Democratic strategists who feel that Biden may have already lost the election. Mike Papantonio is joined by Independent newspaper publisher Rick Outzen to explain more.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

President Biden is still struggling in the polls, and he's got an approval rating of around 33%. This is causing serious concerns with Democratic strategists who feel that Biden may already have lost the election. Okay. Here it is. This is not me. This is, if you look at what all the polls are showing, here's what's killing him, immigration, high inflation, his age, Kamala Harris, killing him. And to a lesser degree, third party candidates like Robert Kennedy. Donors are leaving the party, just over, if you take a look at what's happening with Gaza. Okay. Jewish donors who have pumped up the Democratic Party for decades are saying, really? You got Kamala Harris out there attacking us, and you want our money? Because of that, even the money raising is taking a different turn, hasn't it?
Well, it's a slow slog summer. There's no excitement there. There's no joy. And it is everything, all the trials are not having the impact that they thought that it would. It's not a big factor. It's boiling down to the economy over and over again. And people do not have confidence in the Biden economy and I think that's the other big issue that keeps resonating. I think they're hoping that abortion will rescue the campaign.
I don't think it does. I don't think the numbers are there.
It might. I mean, it's still among women it's a huge issue.
Of course it is. It should be.
But I don't know. The minority vote is not going the way that they think it was gonna go.
Well, you've got Hamas, the Israel, Hamas issue. You've got the Ukraine issue. You have inflation. You have all these things that everybody seems to be ignoring in the Democratic Party and the critics are saying, really? Your campaign is that we have to elect him because democracy is at risk with Trump. That's their argument.
You think that resonates with the average American? They don't even understand the intricacies of that argument. And so I think the Democrats are running out of ideas as to what is going to propel him. I don't know if you saw this number, I was startled by it, but they were talking about his approval rating, what it was.
It's about the same, somewhere around 34.
Well, yeah. And I mean, at 31. And that was at the time, I guess a year ago and now it's 30, 31, 4 or something like that.
So I'm not seeing any change. I don't know. Do you get rid of him? The freeze that he had the other day was startling. I don't know if you saw it, the Juneteenth celebration. But even corporate media who protects him left and right, they're up showing this freeze that takes place where he literally for a minute and a half stood frozen, incapable. His eyes were fixed. He was frozen. People look at that and they go, this scares the hell out of me. And then you, so what's your other side? A lunatic.
That's ranting.
You've got this ranting lunatic out there on the other side and people say, my God, give us a candidate.
You know, give us a candidate.
Yeah. It's a dismal feeling. I think that what happens in the polling booth is gonna be interesting.
I'm kind of tired of hearing that the only numbers where it comes to what we ought to be looking at, that the polls, I don't believe much in polls unless it's in a 3% kinda range, most of them are ridiculous.
But you hear that argument, well, we're gonna find out on the election day. We'll see what the numbers are. You can't just wait for that. You have to take some action ahead of time. And all this stuff is pointing towards, we need a new Republican candidate.

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