Midnight Rider Mountain Jam Mixing & Fx & Synth Adding-ASMR

20 days ago

Just adding some synths to the prev video's guitar stuff and the one from June 4 was the base sounds, the synth only from June 4.

Here I cut and duplicated the loop until it filled the guitar performance drum performance / practice from 2 days ago and changed fx on the orig synth and the guitar also.

As It started out it had both the original drum track playing out and the new loop. Which is weird because I muted that original drum track, but there it was anyway. You can see me mute it if you watch. Don't know how it became unmuted, but it causes real muddy drum sound till the 2nd track ends. That's why you get the flury of drumming there around the time the ticker in S1 says is 1 hour and 5 minutes or so.

As it went I set to record 2nd proph trak which came to be a funky bass played by 2 arping midi devices. It varies but generally stuck on that 447 bass setting I made after the first few keyings of some choice settings.

Finally clearing out the boids preset that was stifling the guitar performance (probably for the best) during the last 10 minutes you get the guitar performance which was the only part I felt was that good on the guitar anyways as I was tuning and warming up thru the earlier parts.

In all a decent track. Not noteworthy except the drums were pretty good I felt that they carried a good rhythm thruout and also that they were set to loop by chance in exactly the right place. There were a few choice guitar licks after the boids got turned off here.

Added in some iPhone Keith setting waveform seen in lower VA of thumbnail

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