what the camera crew in my head used to say to me

8 months ago

i promise that we will get back to those original chords
i am not the musician i wanna be but...
hopefully we can get a little sliver of that vision
just watch this channel if you wanna witness ag's disappointment
for a time my experience was quite the opposite
i didn't plan that by the way
wait less than 2min n i'll prove what i'm talkin about
i am no longer ashamed of this gift cos i know what it's for now
i don't take pride in it or anything really
all i'm sayin is...
i don't like guns either but gun control won't work
you keep putting yer faith in people that eat children
we can always get sidetracked talkin bout the "elite"
suicide is always lingering
paranoia following me everywhere so i always talked to God
goin along w/ some shitty ass lifestyle...most people right now
you will always be a jigsaw puzzle
they are politicizing everything BORING!
they're already dead tho
faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul

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