Please don’t eat pork

9 months ago

Regarding consuming pork 🤮😱

I’m adding another to the list below:
6) Pigs are cannibals that eat their own young who are runts or who are feeble and weak.

After watching this video, I am no longer eating pork. The pigs also eat their own babies if a baby is a weakling or a runt. This gave me additional sufficient reasons why I need to forgo this meat. So gross 🤮

TG | @TheSacredBlueTentChannel

Please don’t eat pork

Reasons why Pork is forbidden in Islam and Christianity

1) Pigs carry ~30 diseases; don’t even touch their carcass
2) Pigs are garbage guts. They eat their own feces and drink their own urine.
3) Pigs are the only mammal that does not sweat, leaving the sweat and toxins to merge into its flesh
4) When a pig dies, the maggots, bacteria, and insects eat its flesh faster than any other animal
5) There is no safe temperature at which pork can be cooked to ensure that all these parasites and cysts will be killed



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