Get high without getting high: My BREATHMAXXING Routine

1 month ago

Breathwork starts at 5:10

Here's a simple breathwork/breathmaxxing routine I implement to experience the feeling of Getting High without Getting HIGH!

I used to consume alcohol, and cigarettes and smoke weed, but I quit because I started to get consumed by them instead of consuming them.

I am not against using substances, but I'm not a fan of being consumed/getting addicted to some substances. Where you start to lose other aspects of your life.

So the permanent way to get high and stay high is to let go of your trauma and raise your vibrational frequency all together

Here's a video on the TRUTH about overcoming trauma:

Watch this if you are run by your childhood Trauma:

Do The shadow work:

The Truth about High Vibration:

Raise your Vibration:

But you can also add in some techniques such as breathwork to experience the feeling of getting high, while also letting go of lower vibrational emotions and your trauma

So here's a simple 5-minute breathwork I do, especially when I am feeling intense emotion and don't have time to do a full-blown 20-minute breathwork. So You can do this before work, university or even before your special date. It really helps to ease out those heavy emotions.

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