ag talks ag's past life n how it applies to today's world

8 months ago

today is a sad day
lying doesn't ever seem to occur to me
now is the time to steal liquor but that ship has sailed for me
not just so i could say Jesus died for that
i no longer desire to self-destruct the way that i used to
i can explain this type of mindset really well cos i lived that life
i don't vibe w/ anything these days
i hate everybody (within reason damnit)
what's worse than sex? time
i killed off that social part of me
my emotions are intense is all
ag explains why today's smoothie was preferable to yesterday's smoothie
oh you know that i pet my cat
the american dream used to not just be focused on survival
i love my job n am so blessed for that
everyone at my job loves it for the most part
what clinicians call adhd...
you can't keep being interesting, you need pills
women are supposed to cry damnit, nothing will stabilize mood
the olfactory sense is the strongest one
fave smell in the entire world: freshly cut grass
children are supposed to play outside
i thank God every day that i wasn't born in this era
shamsuddin180 go follow him if you have a rumble account
well i got the sham part right haha
everything is a representation of where we are as a society
the phones prove how crazy our society truly is
if it wasn't a phone it'd be sumin else keepin em from talkin to their family
i was always the one staring out the window (we still do that haha)
i already have my own means of distraction called my head
i never knew that this batshit mind of mine would be a luxury
just wait three motto
i woulda killed myself a long time ago if i didn't trust in that
killing myself would be an additional slap in God's face considering that i'm adopted (and born on thanksgiving of all fucking days)
what the fuck is that sound
society, culture n politics don't need to contribute to my own personal sickness (if i pay too much attention to all that stuff it most definitely will)
the Orthodoxy really gave me a lotta clarity whereas before i lacked the gift of discernment
we get all these msgs n we dunno if they are from God or the devil
prophetic msgs are interesting tho
a drunk person told me to get on insta!spam so...
personal growth is so annoying
i don't ever wanna do anything that makes it harder for me to communicate w/ myself
i have already lived that shameful life
slot machine brain means that nothing is salvageable anymore
what does anyone value about the natural world anyway
i'm taking a hatchet to yawl's pretend world cos that's what i'm supposed to do in this life

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