Parasite Alert!

4 months ago

Parasite Alert!

The World Health organisation has come out saying that over 3.5 billion people are heavily infested with parasites in their bodies.

From what Pete and I have seen, we can’t argue with that.

Another scientific article claims that 85% of North Americans (who have much the same lifestyle as we have) suffer from parasites, yet they don’t know they do, they just put up with the symptoms.

The medical system doesn’t look for parasite/worm issues, because they believe it’s a third world country problem.

And, if a medical test is conducted, it’s not conclusive.

That means you can’t trust the result, because only a tiny percentage of parasites can be detected using medical tests.

There are trillions and trillions of micro-organisms that are parasitic in nature (they steal your energy, nutrition, vitamins and minerals).

There are thousands of small and large ones, that can spread all the way throughout the body.

There can be an overgrowth of Candida (a mold) or E.coli, as well as roundworm, fluke, and tapeworms.

Most people who have Lyme disease don’t even know that they have a parasite problem for instance.

So basically, we are being infected every day.

It’s important that you make sure you eliminate parasites out of your system as fast as possible.

What to do?

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