Rep. Michael Cloud asks Fauci – “Do you still Believe Covid Restrictions were Justified?”

1 month ago

Fauci not only justifies the Covid Restrictions but also justifies the Covid Vaccine Mandates.

Monday June 3, 2024 -- House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus, Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) questioned Dr. Fauci on whether he still believes prevention methods he supported were justified.

Fauci: “We had to respond to an epidemic that was killing 4,000 to 5,000 people a day.”

Meanwhile in Uttar Pradesh, a state in India with 240 million people they gave out Covid Kits which included Ivermectin as the medicine and at the peak they had 20 deaths per day. They had NO pandemic at all. None. See Source #3 below.

The US averaged 1,120 deaths per DAY in 2021, according to CDC statistics, see source #2 below.

How much did Uttar Pradesh spend on their Covid Kits to completely miss avoid a Covid Pandemic?

$2.90 per person.

And all of our intelligent and health agencies didn’t know about this?


They wiped this data off the internet as fast as it was uploaded and censored anyone who shared it.

Fauci had to have know what Uttar Pradesh was doing but in this testimony he justified the masks, the school closures, the church closures as he said “these were important when we were trying to stop the Tsunami of deaths that were occurring early on.”

We are talking about our leading “health expert” in America justifying mask mandates for children under 5 years of age.

You mean our leading expert doesn’t know the size of a virus and the size of an average hole in the mask, it literally is like putting up a chain linked fence and believing that will prevent mosquitoes from entering.

It is ludicrous to believe that Fauci didn’t know this and if he really didn’t then he is one incompetent expert.

Rep. Michael Cloud: “Vaccine Mandates for Students, Employees and for Military?”

Fauci: “Vaccines save lives. It is very, very clear that vaccines have saved Hundreds of Thousands of Lives.”

*That is Fauci’s Justification for Mandating experimental mRNA Vaccines.

Rep. Michael Cloud: “Did Covid Vaccines stop anyone from getting Covid?”

Fauci: “In the beginning it clearly prevented infection in a certain percentage of people, but the durability of its ability to prevent infection was not long, it was measured in months.”

Rep. Michael Cloud: Once the data became available and clear that the protocols & the vaccines were not working, why didn’t you change course?

Fauci would do things the same way if another plandemic occurred today because we have no systems of accountability.

The Covid “Guidelines” were set up as protection for lawsuits, so if businesses and hospitals didn’t want to be sued, they had to follow the guidelines. The guidelines were based of all lies, so the entire world had to follow a set of lies.

They can murder all they want and sit there and tell you they are saving lives.

They know they have put so many absurd, inhumane laws into effect the past couple of decades that they are untouchable and will never be prosecuted for their crimes.

It is time for a little accountability. Old School Sytle.


1. Forbes Breaking News --

2. Provisional Mortality Data – United States, 2021 – CDC --

3. ***Dr. Robert Apter – What’s the Agenda? Ivermectin vs FDA Court Case – A Worldwide Coordinated Agenda --


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END. 6/19/2024 – 3:00 PM

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