My 90-Year-Old Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Months!Ventilation&Tracheostomy&Dialysis,Can She Go Home?

1 month ago

My 90-Year-Old Mother's Been in ICU for 5 Months!Ventilation&Tracheostomy&Dialysis,Can She Go Home?

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If you want to know what options your 90-year-old mother in ICU on long-term ventilation with tracheostomy and dialysis has to go home, stay tuned! I will answer that question for you today.

My name is Patrik Hutzel from where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality care for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies and otherwise medically complex adults and children at home including Home BIPAP (Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure), Home CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), home tracheostomy care when adults and children are not ventilated, also Home TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition). We also provide IV potassium, IV magnesium infusions at home, as well as IV antibiotic infusions at home. We also provide port management, central line management, PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line management, Hickman’s line management as well as palliative care services at home. It also includes ventilation weaning at home.

Now, today I want to answer another question from one of our readers who says,

“Hi Patrik,

I have my 90-year-old mother in ICU, and she’s been there for about five months now. She’s been on a ventilator with the tracheostomy. I would like to get her home and try taking care of her there because ICU is telling me that hospice should be my only choice. Hospice and palliative care should be my only choice. I would like to provide her with dialysis and ventilation, tracheostomy, weaning off the ventilator at home. Is this something that Intensive Care at Home can provide for my mother?

From Patricia.”

Thank you so much, Patricia, for contacting us and also for leaving your voice message. Absolutely, this is exactly where Intensive Care at Home comes in and provides this much-needed win-win situation. Patients and families can’t live in ICU forever. You’re saying it’s been five months now for your mom and she has no quality of life, you and your family have no quality of life because of course you are spending day and night in ICU with your mom so you can be with her and support her and give her that moral support that is so important in a situation like that, and of course, she wants to go home, and you and your family wanted to go home.

On the other hand, you have ICUs who want to free up their ICU beds, ICU beds being the most sought-after beds in a hospital, that’s number one, and also the most expensive bed in a hospital with the cost exceeding $5000 to $6000 per bed day. If long-term patients block ICU beds, then you’ve got flow-on effects such as you can’t do elective surgery because there are no ICU beds available for certain types of surgery like open heart surgery, for example, you can’t admit patients through the emergency department, once again, because of bed blocks in ICU.

So, with your mom going home and improving her quality of life is a win-win situation for everyone. Also, the cost of Intensive Care at Home is about 50% of the cost of an intensive care bed, once again, this is a win-win situation.

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