TheDimStream LIVE! Ghost in the Shell (1995) | Ghost in the Shell (2017)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET!


Qriist Supporter FIRST

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Qriist Supporter Again, GITS:SAC is far and away better than the movie world it builds on.

JQuickDraw Supporter The Red Lamp story

purpletiger69 You can hallucinate smell and taste too

Qriist Supporter Orgy: dreams in digital. Beverly: dreams in NES.

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly driving at night: "Hey look at that space dinosaur!" Passenger: "That's a mail box." "Hey look at that space cowboy!" "That's a lamp post." "And the space ballerina?" "Garden gnome."

JQuickDraw Supporter When Beverly freezes, it's hard to tell if she's just pretending to be frozen. I don't know why.

wesley1924 Supporter+ hello

JQuickDraw Supporter Hello

Qriist Supporter My brain hallucinates bllissful silence over meaningless girl noises.

JQuickDraw Supporter You could have just said girl noises. :r+thinking:

Qriist Supporter I desire that each brainlet feels personally disrespected.

Qriist Supporter <3

JQuickDraw Supporter By the way, Beverly, I actually did not like the original GITS. So in this case, you are correct in your opinion. Carry on.

JQuickDraw Supporter Blade Runner was in Los Angeles I think, but a futuristic one with a lot of Japanese aesthetics.
OakPoke Supporter+ Good evening. wanted to say hello. I pretend to have brain damage in order to ignore people.
OakPoke Supporter+ Bill Gates stole half of my brain when I fell asleep st Newark airport.
OakPoke Supporter+ *at

JQuickDraw Supporter There's your memories, but there's also the "you" that accesses those memories and experiences existence to make memories.
OakPoke Supporter+ Like in Multiplicity or The 6th Day.
OakPoke Supporter+ "I like pizza, Steve." Michael Keaton was good in that movie.
OakPoke Supporter+ 😃 😄
OakPoke Supporter+ pacific heights is weird....
OakPoke Supporter+ Keaton one
OakPoke Supporter+ will listen in shower. gn if u 2 end stream.

JQuickDraw Supporter 5 out of 10 is mid, not failing

JQuickDraw Supporter TLJ a 1 - I agree

JQuickDraw Supporter maybe 0?

JQuickDraw Supporter I can skewer classics too - I did not like Usual Suspects.

JQuickDraw Supporter At the end of that movie, I was like, "That's it? Really?"
OakPoke Supporter+ I enjoyed Usual Suspects. Don't ruin it
OakPoke Supporter+ Benecchio del Toro was in it, right? one of the Baldwin. Kevin space_man
OakPoke Supporter+ Memory says The 6th day is much different than the original total recoil

JQuickDraw Supporter Be-neck-io
OakPoke Supporter+ recoil lmao
OakPoke Supporter+ Plots are similar eh? Ok. been too many years.
OakPoke Supporter+ Oh I never saw the remake.
OakPoke Supporter+ recoil , bases.
OakPoke Supporter+ Watch Umm. hmm

JQuickDraw Supporter The Stepfather with Terry O'Quinn - dad horror
OakPoke Supporter+ Just learned Jeff Daniels and Ray liota were in a movie together.
OakPoke Supporter+ Temple of Room respector
OakPoke Supporter+ *Doom
OakPoke Supporter+ The Road.with Vito Mortenson is kinda a father's day movie
OakPoke Supporter+ Grumpy Old Men. Absolutely a classic.
OakPoke Supporter+ Lol it's mixed... Sometimes I'm teasing, other times it'd my thumbs and phone.

JQuickDraw Supporter A Temple Room with a View - a post-modern retelling of a classic adventure film
OakPoke Supporter+ 💯

JQuickDraw Supporter You should watch Johnny Depp movies on the anniversary of the trial.
OakPoke Supporter+ I loves Benny and June, with Depp
OakPoke Supporter+ Alex, he taught me how to make a grilled cheese sandwich with an iron. I was sold right then.
OakPoke Supporter+ joon wow

JQuickDraw Supporter Depp is also has one of the coolest horror movie kills.
OakPoke Supporter+ Have fun ladies, and gents
OakPoke Supporter+ Biden apparently pooped his pants

JQuickDraw Supporter I thought it would be the 1992 scifi movie, to cover pride and juneteenth?

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Brothers from Way Out There

JQuickDraw Supporter Just use a bunch of asterisks on the thumbnail.
OakPoke Supporter+ Take the skinheads bowling, Take them bowling.

JQuickDraw Supporter A week before her wedding, Beverly will be on a stream icing cookies.
OakPoke Supporter+ gn n God bless
OakPoke Supporter+ i thought she was married tbh

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