TheDimStream LIVE! The Book of Life (2014) | Coco (2017)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET! Happy Cinco de Mayo!


thrasybulus @TheDimOne I watched the musical you recommended, Anna and the Apocalypse. It was a 5-6ish movie lowered to a 3-4ish movie on the ten point scale by the musical parts. Now when are you watching west-

thrasybulus erns?

thrasybulus No Name on the Bullet

thrasybulus The Last Wagon

thrasybulus I believe you wanted a comedy for the third one so:

thrasybulus Support Your Local Sheriff!

RonGreen1 The two most awesomest ladies of the interwebs. Beverly and Alex. The dynamic duo. Everybody dance 🎶🕺💃🎶

thrasybulus Two minutes into stream it starts with @AlexNeedsATrade and @HoboEater talking.
OakPoke Supporter+ good evening ladies. Sorry bout getting sick. Boo.

JQuickDraw Supporter When someone is stuffed up and talking with that crackly voice, it makes my eyes water.
OakPoke Supporter+ ayoo chat

thrasybulus Not being able to taste is the best time to eat healthy.

thrasybulus @DimOne I told you I don't like musicals, but you said to try this one.
OakPoke Supporter+ Just pulled off first wood tick of the year.

JQuickDraw Supporter On May 5, 1842, Mexico invented salsa and beer. That's what they celebrate. Maybe.

RonGreen1 The village of Pueblo defeated the french. Cinco de mayo was created by the beer industry.

thrasybulus No Name is a good movie set in a western environment, Support Sheriff is a comedy set in a western, Last Wagon is because someone didn't know who Richard Widmark was. At the time you were doing three.

JQuickDraw Supporter Grease is a fun musical.
OakPoke Supporter+ Fiddler on the roof was pretty good, but propaganda to a degree.

JQuickDraw Supporter West Side Story is good too.
OakPoke Supporter+ Repo, The genetic Opera wasn't a bad musical.
OakPoke Supporter+ cake!!!!

thrasybulus This is the only stream that starts 2 min in for me. I can get like 30secs to a min in on others. The longer preshow vid probably pushes it back at least another 30 secs. Yours is a minute, @L 5sec.

RonGreen1 Two cakes.👍 Because two cakes are better than one.

Guyinroom83 You started at 8 pm?!?

Guyinroom83 I made a cake recently..from a box

JQuickDraw Supporter Krispy Kreme birthday cake doughnut is criminal, as in I would commit crimes to get one.

JQuickDraw Supporter Sometimes a recipe calls for frozen hot water.

thrasybulus @Guyinroom83 2137 EST start.
OakPoke Supporter+ too soft with the scalding water hmm

thrasybulus Outlaw metric!

RonGreen1 Bird flu is going around

Guyinroom83 Ok we know why erl does so many school things... For the ego boost

thrasybulus Last time I bought chicks and put them in my garage I needed a lawyer. Luckily they can be bought as well.

JQuickDraw Supporter The teens girls are hitting on you, Beverly. They're clearly into Asian anarchist cannibal women.
OakPoke Supporter+ buff Orrington chickens?
OakPoke Supporter+ Butchering chickens isn't for me...I'm content buying chickens and eggs because... layers stop laying too...

Guyinroom83 Oh. You posted it at 8 so I thought you went live then

JQuickDraw Supporter The metric system is a conspiracy to feed the egos of midwits with inferiority complexes.

thrasybulus Imperial is for everday users, Metric is Base 10 purism.
OakPoke Supporter+ Down with the metric system.
OakPoke Supporter+ ao practical, 12 in a foot. dividing by 2, 3, 4, 6. Based.

thrasybulus The Brits need to reimplement Imperial and outlaw Metric. Reverse the old transition.

JQuickDraw Supporter Metric measurements were posited as making it easier to do science. The past several years has shown that hypothesis to be a failure. Like everything else, dealing with hardship makes humans thrive.

thrasybulus Base 10 is Ableist. Try teaching kids missing fingers.
OakPoke Supporter+ Met a kid with my birthday and first name who was missing his middle finger. claimed an outboard motor did it

RonGreen1 What is it about Mexican music that it always has to be played at 500 decibels?
OakPoke Supporter+ Ron I about lost it on some Mexicans or squatamalans.... music was so loud and they didn't speak English.

JQuickDraw Supporter A lot of Mexican music is infused (colonialism, anyone? lol) with European big band aesthetics. So you get a loud Oktoberfest feel to it.

Guyinroom83 i noticed that every minority in a movie or show now NEVER has an accent like they do in real life. it's always just american with zero accent. like awkwafina in shang tsi

Guyinroom83 blanish
OakPoke Supporter+ Idk bout the music. I yelled if they didn't turn it down I'd smash their Bluetooth speakers... 1 guy turned em off, appeared afraid...I smiled and said thank you and Gracias, walked away

thrasybulus Listening to @MurderGoose2028 go over casts with @VaginusFactotum is like an unfunny Who's on First.

Guyinroom83 the people who sell churros in nyc are always hispanic
OakPoke Supporter+ I feel like the villain in The Pest. "Why are they all so puny?"

RonGreen1 Ask a Mexican what is the capital of Alaska.

thrasybulus @BigDigEnergy is live. Bye.

Guyinroom83 black + spanish - blexican. Splack.

Guyinroom83 Hispafrican

JQuickDraw Supporter Splack lol

JQuickDraw Supporter Latigro

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 Blatinx

Guyinroom83 Once i saw a reddit post where some (most likely white) kid was upset that the spanish language has the word 'negra'

JQuickDraw Supporter Blispanic
OakPoke Supporter+ Time for us to start selling churros. first thing, discover what a churro is

Guyinroom83 white guys like cookies so much it seems like they wanna fuck em

Guyinroom83 *white girls

JQuickDraw Supporter lol I was like I can enjoy a good cookie, but not enough to fuck it.

Guyinroom83 there's a tik tok trend of young women shoving crumbl cookies up their hoo-has
OakPoke Supporter+ oh okay I've had a churros

Guyinroom83 its totally 100% real.

Guyinroom83 i swear on 300 bibles
OakPoke Supporter+ Tiktok bans for cigarettes or alcohol
OakPoke Supporter+ Why did Monica Lewinsky ruin a cigar?

Guyinroom83 lol, that would be a real kink

JQuickDraw Supporter Sing to the "Lime in the coconut" song: Put the cookie in the bonus hole...

Guyinroom83 i just wonder if the cigar was lit at the tie

Guyinroom83 time
OakPoke Supporter+ Children's move of course.

JQuickDraw Supporter Parent is like: "Oh, this DimSide stream looks like it's all about kids cartoons." Places children in front of the computer. Comes back 20 minutes later: "Put the cookie in the bonus hole..."
OakPoke Supporter+ Original 21 jump street had Johnny Depp

Guyinroom83 havent seen either of these movies but i wonder if coco seemed more woke at all than book of life, since it was 2017

Guyinroom83 was there a book of death sequel?

RonGreen1 When I die, I want to come back and haunt the tax accessors office.👻

JQuickDraw Supporter Reincarnation is one of the main ideas for what comes after the afterlife. It's an ongoing cycle, although some belief systems claim you are learning lessons and eventually "graduate."

JQuickDraw Supporter But that begs the question again - does anything come after you stop reincarnating?

Guyinroom83 the apple show foundation has that in it, the elites getting new bodies or being reborn

Guyinroom83 i regularly astral travel to andromeda and the andromedans say you're wrong. right now im channeling their high priest.
OakPoke Supporter+ Was Terrance McKenna there?

Guyinroom83 was? he IS there.

JQuickDraw Supporter You're hitting on an issue I have with prioritization of resources in science. We need to get off this planet. We have to expand as a species or one strike from a big rock and it's over.

Guyinroom83 yep

Guyinroom83 i havent read those

JQuickDraw Supporter The thing that isn't mentioned about reincarnation is that you are "spirit" and the spiritual you does remember. But when you go back into the "game" you don't remember, it's the ultimate RPG.

Guyinroom83 so the game would be our life on earth now

Guyinroom83 i really should start levelling up then

Guyinroom83 erl really leveled up her mucus powers recently
OakPoke Supporter+ Never played D n D. did play Ants in Pants, however.

Guyinroom83 did either of you play the witcher 3, i really sucked for a while in that at first

JQuickDraw Supporter I created a half mage, half used car salesman. He can cast defensive spells like "greased hair" and "overbearing stench of cologne."

Guyinroom83 the witcher 1? i have that but only played 3 so far
OakPoke Supporter+ If you two have kids, what musical will your kids watch first?
OakPoke Supporter+ Half mage sounds awesome.

Guyinroom83 do a D n D in game wedding as your characters

Guyinroom83 wtf is erl drinking

JQuickDraw Supporter "cranberry juice"

Guyinroom83 more like 'hot toddy'

JQuickDraw Supporter frozen hot toddy
OakPoke Supporter+ Full on musical.

Guyinroom83 dress as god in bruce almighty. morgan freeman
OakPoke Supporter+ Cranberry juice is so good. Goes well with vodka

JQuickDraw Supporter Sick Beverly is like a robot feeling emotion for the first time. "I'm feeling things. I don't like it."

JQuickDraw Supporter I could see such a movie 20 years ago showing both characters learning a lesson. The adult would learn tolerance and the kid would learn to stand up for himself while still loving family.

Guyinroom83 along with all the 'protestors' recently. being abusive is fine if its for our cause

Guyinroom83 my sister and brother in law dont even seem to understand that fighting in front of people is bad

Guyinroom83 its just like, trashy behavior and also i think some couples do it to get people on their side

Guyinroom83 'theyre not sending this best' - Erl J Trump

Guyinroom83 ...their
OakPoke Supporter+ Mexican heaven is a bunch of em drinking & driving, hitting each other, and eating churros.

Guyinroom83 sounds like what people put on graves

RonGreen1 Genetics. My dad was a boxer. My mom was a pekingese. That might explain why I chase cars. 😂
Just got here, no idea what's going on, but I have pizza. I automatically win this conversation.
OakPoke Supporter+ mm pizza.

OakPoke Supporter+ While Beverly's husband is out of town, she'll have to make her own pizza!!!

Guyinroom83 lol. i take mucinex a lot normally bc of my bad sinuses
OakPoke Supporter+ Salad, right on.

Guyinroom83 maybe make a ton of spicy stuff to clear up your sinuses

JQuickDraw Supporter The Aztecs played a soccer-like game with severed heads. Imagine trying to move the "ball" down field with a headbutt and accidentally kissing it on its lips.
OakPoke Supporter+ Green tobasco is pretty's not as hot at all

Guyinroom83 franks red hot i love but i cant eat hot stuff much

Guyinroom83 i also have a little humidifier

RonGreen1 I add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to chicken noodle soup.
OakPoke Supporter+ @Alex grow your hair out, and I'll grow a mustache.

Guyinroom83 dont worry erl. brain worms are only common in any rural areas, especially if there are a lot of geese or chickens around.
OakPoke Supporter+ True.

Qriist Supporter 🧠 🐍
OakPoke Supporter+ Early days of soccer / rugby, apparently guys (europeans) would grow their hair out, to protect their heads.

Guyinroom83 erl, your the one who would black out on rollercoasters
OakPoke Supporter+ I smashed my windshield with my head & smashed my rear view mirror...good times.
OakPoke Supporter+ Time to grow my hair out...
OakPoke Supporter+ And alex

RonGreen1 Beverly will now put her hair in a bun when she's in a car, to prevent brain trauma.
OakPoke Supporter+ 100 percent.

JQuickDraw Supporter I would love to wear a football helmet everywhere. Walk up to the priest to receive the communion wafer and drink the wine while wearing a helmet, walk back to my pew, acting normal the whole time.

Guyinroom83 i really think there's a huge push of 'non monogamy' and just never settling down. maybe it's a depop agenda...
OakPoke Supporter+ Lol...gotta keep your head on a swivel though. Limited side vision... Never forget that from football practice "keep your head on a swivel"

Guyinroom83 yeah that soulmates stuff is really dangerous to seriously believe it. its insane. people think romantic disney style movies shoudl be real life
OakPoke Supporter+ Ladies & chat, gn. Just going to listen till it ends or I sleep.

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke No doubt, those altar boys aren't gonna kneecap me. I got them in my sights.

Guyinroom83 its also huge pressure no couple could live up to. 'we should just feel magical always bc if not, we weren't mean to be'

JQuickDraw Supporter I think soul mate phenomenon is real. But that kind of compatibility is extremely rare. Waiting for it or chasing it is like playing the lottery.

Guyinroom83 you just haven't let God in yet, alex. He died for your sins. Let him in.

Guyinroom83 i disagree, it isn't real

JQuickDraw Supporter You're getting close to the edges of human knowledge. There are things we can't know, at least not yet. Faith is just a word for people who want to feel okay about not knowing.

JQuickDraw Supporter And words like "supernatural" are meaningless. If something exists, then it's natural.

Guyinroom83 i think couples can just be more or less compatible. soul mate isnt real

RonGreen1 Is it romantic to get your wife a new apron for mother's day, if it has flowers on it?

JQuickDraw Supporter That depends. Is the apron large enough to cover the naughty bits if she's not wearing anything else?

Guyinroom83 i agree about like yeah let people do it. but its being pushed as normal and natural even by therapists now (polyamory)

Guyinroom83 yeah ive heard people say instead of breaking up we became swingers. gross, imo

JQuickDraw Supporter The real issue is emotional intimacy. Even if you wind up in a relationship with two other people, there must still be agreed-upon boundaries, and a sense of belonging and trust among those involved.

Guyinroom83 @JQuickDraw im sure you could agree on those initially, but no way they stay in place, feelings would get hurt, boundaries crossed

Guyinroom83 thats the weird thing about caitlyn jenner. bruce became caitlyn, but no one even talked about his wife and him and divorce

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 Just like in relationships with only two people. That's my point, you are either invested in the relationship for the long term, or you're not.

JQuickDraw Supporter Alex as a therapist: "Stop being such a dick."

Guyinroom83 yeah, but wouldnt it be kinda impossible to give advice unless you were also in a poly situation? it seems to hard to relate to

Guyinroom83 flaccid magic

Guyinroom83 to me, magnets is magic FR. how dey work even? like ICP says

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly likes hard magic: penisario extendario

Guyinroom83 i just dont see how thats good. maybe in war times poly was more common

JQuickDraw Supporter This was a Seinfeld episode, then Jerry and George teamed up to date one woman because she was so demanding.

JQuickDraw Supporter I was writing a novel about a black serial killer, so I wore blackface and killed a bunch of people to acquire the necessary lived experience.

Guyinroom83 i remember a white woman writing some story about a lady crossing the border and she got cancelled for not being mexican

JQuickDraw Supporter @Guyinroom83 About 5 years ago I think, there were two white women who opened a small burrito (the business was small, the burritos were huge) business, and they were driven to quit by the woke mob.

Guyinroom83 i think i remember hearing that

Guyinroom83 also, the eat pray love author just cancelled a book that was gonna be about ukraine or something? or russia, bc of the ukraine war. she just cancelled making the book and apologized.

JQuickDraw Supporter I want to write a novel about a gay black disabled trans deaf and mute swimmer in a wheel chair. And when the studios want to make a movie from it, I would require an actor with all those traits.

Guyinroom83 lol

Guyinroom83 i actually fit all those traits.

JQuickDraw Supporter Feel better, Beverly

Guyinroom83 shes faking it

JQuickDraw Supporter You should do blacksploitation movies and call it motherfucker day movies.

RonGreen1 Beverly wellGet

JQuickDraw Supporter The book is Miss Elizabeth Kraken

RonGreen1 Get well Beverly

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, your memory is sick

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Pre-Mother's Day

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