Can Your Home Be Stolen

1 month ago

Can your home be stolen? Sure can!

When you are conveying your property into the private, and the civil servants deny your request, lay the hammer down.

Rat them out to your Congressman, AG, Governor.

Be assertive.
It is your right.
Do you care about your rights?

Have you taken our class "How To Convey Your Property To The Private"?

Did you see that Graceland was almost stolen by scammers?

How did they get access to the title?
Because it's recorded on the public record.

There is no law that you have to record your home with the county recorder.

Do you see how your bar card tool/fool listed you on the papers?

Are you called the "tenant" or "occupant"?
Is that who you are?

It is if you're paying a bank that does not actually own your loan and see how they set you up like that from the very inception of your loan?

We all have a class about how to do a forensic mortgage audit.
If you're paying a bank that sold your loan, you're being scammed and putting your home at risk.

How many loans have been sold?

Now do you see why my X handle is "Legal Fockery"?
Because it's ALL legal fockery.

So how do you fix this?

You convey your property INTO THE PRIVATE.
You live IN THE PRIVATE as I do.

This clip is from one of our Monday night live Zoom calls where we teach people how to do this.

You can pay for Title Lock, which is a great service, but all it does it ALERT you when someone is trying to steal your home.

But how will you PROTECT it?
By conveying it out of the public and into the private.

No bar card tool/fool will help you and can you afford them anyway? (pay them to do nothing LOL)

Hey @RepMTG how have you been swatted 11 times?
@Timcast how many times have you been swatted?
Steve Bannon was swatted.
@RealAlexJones weren't you swatted at the studio?

Your home is listed on the public record and doesn't have to be.

This is living in the public vs private.
You let the government be involved in your private affairs where it's none of their beeswax.

Follow me to freedom.

Scott is a law school grad who chose not to join the BAR after spending a week interning for a law firm. He was totally turned off after hearing how they literally plotted to siphon the money of the clients they were supposed to re-present.

Scott's unique life experience made him look at the so called LAW very differently than anyone else. He discovered the MECHANISMS as to how they circumvent our rights and he used his education to turn the tables on the fraud & deceit of the rules, codes, & statutes.

We teach you how to live in the private, and remove government interference that you are unknowingly contesting to.

Please like and subscribe and join us in changing the culture of the perception of freedom this country has.

You ave a right to be left alone.

Join my HONORABLE membership, where I will teach you how to live as a private civilian foreign national, backed up by USC, Founding documents, and Supreme Court Rulings.

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