R.C. Sproul 💢Versus💢John Calvin, Martin Luther, and Philip Melanchthon on Predestination

3 months ago

Calvinism is the only system that can answer the so-called "problem of evil." This is because Calvinism is the logical, grammatical, contextual, and literal interpretation of the Bible alone. In other words, Calvinism is Biblical Christianity. Any attempt to answer the problem of evil apart from Scripture alone will necessarily fail.
Consider nominal Presbyterian R.C. Sproul (1939-2017). In his 1986 book Chosen By God, Sproul attempts to use his unbiblical doctrine of "compatibilism" to answer the problem of evil.
Compatibilism idiotically claims that men have wills free from God's determination, while never demonstrating this belief from the Bible alone.
What makes compatibilism different from Pelagianism, for example, is that compatibilists also claim that God predestinates all things.
Rather than admit the obvious, that if God predestinates all things, then the wills of men are not free but predestinated—compatibilists say that God's predestination of all things and human free will are logically compatible.
Of course, they can never demonstrate this, especially from the Bible, so they must, when all their braying is done, appeal to mystery (i.e., irreconcilable paradox).
One of the logical consequences of adopting the human tradition of compatibilism is that compatibilists cannot answer the problem of evil correctly. Their answer is an appeal to irrationalism—asserting that God is a self-contradicting and unreasonable Being (utter blasphemy). Such an assertion further implies that Christianity in general, and the Bible in particular, is false. This is Sproul's position, and it is wrong.
Calvinism, actual Calvinism, teaches that God predestinates all things, and that no man has ever had a will free from God's determination. Men do not have free will, for the Sovereign God of the Bible has eternally decreed whatsoever comes to pass (Proverbs 16:1, Isaiah 46:9-11, Ephesians 1:11).
That men have free will from God's predestination is not found in the Bible, for the Bible never teaches such a myth. If something is predestinated by God, then that something is not free but determined by God.
Jehovah predestinates all things, man's will is something, and so man's will is predestinated by Jehovah. Simply put, God's absolute predestination of all things is logically incompatible with the myth of human free will.
The Bible's teaching on God's absolute predestination of all things is the only correct answer to the problem of evil. We will see John Calvin provide this answer below, but for now, let's see how Sproul failed to meet the challenge of the problem of evil. Sproul writes the following:
Calvinism sees Adam sinning by his own free will, not by divine coercion.
(Chosen By God, Chapter 4, page 97)

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