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Hebrews, Part 4

9 months ago

Today we continue the study of Jesus as our High Priest. Melchizedek was both a king and a priest; the only other person who served both roles was Jesus. Why is this comparison made in Scripture and how does this affect us as believers? The author of Hebrews makes clear warnings of what will happen if we "fall away" from Jesus. Are you being a lazy, sluggish Christian? How do you grow in spiritual maturity in Christ? Join us as Amy takes us through the importance and requirements of being a representative of Christ. In today's world, it is imperative to have a solid understanding of how to fully develop in our faith while the window of grace is still offered under God's grace.

This is a verse-by-verse Bible study, allowing deep understanding and context of God's Word. This audio-only recording was adapted from a live Zoom meeting that originally took place on 05/29/24.

Amy offers online Biblical Christian counseling. For more information, visit her website at www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com or email her at amy@biblicalguidancecounseling.com


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