The Absence of Good

17 days ago

The Absence of Good:
A Poem

In a troubled mind, evil contends with God;
As if a void is a threat to what is.
Creation itself was declared good,
Evil then is subject to created materials—
A lowly rebellion, rather than a formidable foe.

Evil is not a creation, it is a willful choice—
A pride proclaimed through envy’s voice.

In a neglected heart, the effects of evil dwell—
Like darkness being the mere absence of light—
As we’re told, The Son is the best disinfectant;
Open to The Good and evil retreats like a shadow.

Evil is an act of willful disobedience—
Scoffing at the act of holy repentance.

In an undisciplined body, evils haunt joints.
Pains arise from inaction and stony insensibilities—
Stagnation and chaos are saccharin vapors—
Pride and vain humility are the thorns of the fall.

Evil is a hobgoblin stalking our dark potentials—
Waiting for the doubts of God’s created essentials.

Today is June 1st. It is St. Justin the Philosopher and Martyr’s name day. St. Justin pray for us.

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