To Struggle

1 month ago

To Struggle:
A Poem

We struggle to struggle in times of rest and plenty.
In boredom, without care, the mind dulls and fractures.
Distracted by passions while hands are empty—
Screens scream for attention with profanity and pictures.

Water yields in stillness to the shape of what contains;
Clay forms the container but the walls inevitably erode;
Fire seals with wicks of light and manageable pains;
Forged bricks can be made a home, a wall, or a road—

Liquid becomes stagnate dwelling without movement—
A mound impedes but will not withstand the deluge—
The path a prelest decent or a humble improvement—
Begin today to seek Life and eternal refuge.

We live in prosperity, so the struggle is struggle itself.
Remember, humility and prayer are the currency of heavenly wealth.

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