Worried Man Needs To Check If Kitty Is Really Sleeping

6 years ago

A famous poem by Eleanor Farjeon, an English children’s author, goes: "Cats sleep anywhere, any table, any chair, top of a piano, window-ledge, in the middle, on the edge". We couldn’t agree more!

In the remainder of the poem, Ms. Farjeon’s gives a list of all the places you can find sleeping cats, like open drawers, empty shoes, but she seems to have missed the obvious one, hidden in plain sight, where you can find a cat taking a nap – on a wooden bench just on the side of the road. Like the cat in the video above, having some deep REMs. But we cannot hold this against Ms. Farjeon, a common bench is not, after all, a very poetic place. This exactly is what makes our cat’s nap so special.

The cat is sleeping so soundly that the person making the video feels he needs to double check if it is dead or alive. He raises its dropping head only to see it flop down with its entire weight. After a few attempts, even we get worried. But, worry not feline lovers, our kitty is not only very tired and in need of serious rest, but also has felt the love of the people in the bench neighborhood that is confident enough to allow them to tug like this. How can we claim this from only watching a short video? Very easy. Watch how the left ear twitches while her head drops. She is not that deep in sleep, only says that cannot be bothered. Cats!

After a few strokes, the cat wakes up with the most annoyed sleepy facial expression. Oh, sleepy cat. We know just how you feel. This sound asleep kitty reminds us of another video featuring two kitties holding paws while they are sleeping. With heads turned to face each other, these cats give the impression of a mirroring image! How precious!

Cats are already known to sleep anywhere, they have been spotted dozing in a laundry rack, spooning one another on a couch, and even in one cat's case planking in camouflaging white fur and bed sheets, the cats may also steer the envious idea that they get far more deeper and relaxing sleep than we do!

Of course, with one cat seen nearly passed out inside a dyer, and another across the a face of a dog, this may not always be such a good and safe thing, especially in the case of the cat passed out on a hot tin roof. When they sleep, cats purr loudly as they blissfully drift away into a feline wonderland.

Footage shows two grey cats sleeping on a cozy bed, holding paws and facing each other. At first sight, it seems like there is only one cat facing a mirror, but as the camera rolls further away we notice that one cat has its tail hanging to the side, while the second cat had its tail straight down facing the foot of the bed. This proves us that it is a matter of two look-alike cats!

Kitties like being warm so they tend to rest their paws on something they feel comfortable around as they curl into their favorite warm spot and doze away. That is the feline way of showing affection and claiming territory. When a cat places her paw on something while she's sleeping it is similar to human hugging or holding hands. She's simply showing that she adores the thing she is touching and wants to be close to it.

This adorable video of a sound asleep kitty had instantly warmed our hearts, and watching the other two kittens snuggling and touching hands, is the purest example of love and affection in felines. It is undoubtedly that these two share a very special bond indeed!

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