inspired at 4am...CLASSIC ag

9 months ago

i just don't feel like doing this sometimes
this is not an asmr video
trying to be quiet considering the hour
i can't imagine not rolling this way
i can't sway the way that i am
certain things i can change, other things just won't budge
i don't have to fix my teeth so i ain't gonna
the haters hate cos they're not motivated the way you are
i am a freak of nature, we know
it took em donald trump to figure out that this world was full a shit
you will always be wrong
my ego is somewhat important
you can only reshape thru God
still gonna agree w/ me no matter what chu say
full access to the masculine part of my brain
men hate women cos they don't want to want em
misogyny makes sense looking at women but it's still the wrong response
both genders are screwed up n don't know what's best for em

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