Bear photography,Bear care ,behavioral research,recordings/video ©Dawn L. Brown

9 months ago

I photograph & Record The Very Bears I care For & Observe at Home Sweet Home ,and I pray I will continue to do so. I try to sell my photograph/photos, books and woodwork at shows too and I love talking about bears.
These 3 little cubs did great and proved themselves to be reckoned while living
in the wild too :o) Dawn L. Brown Bear rehabilitator & Bear behavioral researcher /Life
experience,and I am a small little business too (I had cameras on these little ones during their development,and I also did much filming as i always do - in between extensive care,observation , work - Pure drive & dedication - I don't back down and never will ,and anyone who truly knows me - understand that to be TRUE!
View Forest when he was a' wee bit bigger cub - testing the waters Note : All my bears cubs have had innate skills, and that includes swimming,treeing in weather patterns high winds ,rain = safety mechanism;they will also tree if startled /or if another bigger bear is around.
Survivor,Forest & Spruce developed very well and all could swim,climb trees,forage, the list goes on and on,... using their natural innate skills; that they carry with them, and Lord knows I have documented repetitive behaviors over the years , and sure pray that I will continue to do so!
As Survivor ,Forest & Spruce Grew : As you can see;they are simply Bears being Bears - With their continued amazing natural Innate skills "Bear Witness" I have witnessed Many bears over the years In my care and observation,and how they have taught me ,but it needs to be noted : I observe people behavior too. I am having some issues wit my license right now and at the moment their is a delay with bear cubs coming to - It Makes ZERO sense - for what is going on right now, and I will stand my ground! I sure hope to continue doing the work I have done with bears for many more years - Lord knows - I document as much as I can, and I certainly never stop Learning.
Dawn L. Brown :Bear Witness" Is my new book visit my website You can read it there /or you can purchase in print.

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