Bear Care & Behavioral Researcher & photographer,Video/recordings,data ©Dawn L. Brown
Listen & Learn: I talk during my documentary , and try to explain several topics regarding what I have witnessed= my learning experiences,and challenges,and everything else in between,...
I have been caring for and observing bear cubs and yearlings for over 2 decades ,and I have certainly gained much insight over the years about them = My care is exceptional and my observations of their development and their behavioral patterns is beyond measure = I believe there are few like me out there - to be perfectly honest = most likely only a ' hand full of Individuals who have been able to do what I actually do, and have committed dedicated my life over 20 years doing so intensely = I literally have seen 365 days a year of cub development int yearlings /maybe a bit limited in winter torpor den season,but when I had cams; I had that as well to witness/all visual/real time
Note: Many others who may study bears as well simply are not seeing them physically on a daily basis to study them like I have done so,and that is being realistic - Nothing more & Nothing less ,and my documentation;that I back up Is real = it is mine,and most of my video I will say is not even in my computer/or out on the web = I have an abundance of disk,San Disk,tape,...that I have not even put out there,but I simply keep it all for: evidence as well = existence of more repetitive bear behaviors. Note: Most of my video I have in my computer and on the web - it has already been seen in most cases.
All Content In My Documentary =
Video,Bear Care & Behavioral Researcher
- Recorded Data - All Rights Reserved ©Dawn L. Brown Individual
Copyright owner
Visit my website :
Food ,Behavior,....Bears in their natural realm - element
Bear food sources,behavior & Life witnessed :
Medicinal aspects too = Sarsaparilla fruit,leaves & roots are very medicinal,along with other natural food sources, and
bears seem to know exactly how to forage full bore,and they even
acknowledge when to do so in moderation in their natural realm -
depending on their food sources = they simply know. Noted: health benefits that come through nature - Well, Bears instinctual partake feedings of fruit &
vegetation,along with high protein snacks ants larvae,worms,hard mast ,
bees/nest...the list goes on I talk throughout my little documentary
,but obviously I'm not mentioning everything on the list - for there is so
many food sources that I have recorded them eating and identified. Bears have an amazing mechanism that connects the dots = bears simply have innate foraging skills within = if they are introduced to them naturally /or natural setting as I do and have always done so for decades - Well, they will develop well,and absolutely know how to live in the wild knowing how to naturally forage and den as well ;thou bears have other obstacles that may pressure them in a negative way
"Bear Witness" Is my most recent book I have written, and I gotta say - the
learning experience never ends ,and for that I truly thank the very bears I
have cared for and observed 1st and foremost - for teaching me over the years , and I pray I will continue my journey in my prime.
My other documentaries after this - will entail: Other Bear Behavioral
patters under different scenarios = what bears all do ,and their differences, bear cub development and continuation of their natural innate skills that they all have in place continued, along with their torpor phase as it sets into the autumn/fall season - only to go into the winter rest zone (I record den respiration,but Note: I also record respiration through all other seasons as well = during their development - bear activity and all other aspects into their lives = I literally witness Spring ,Summer,Fall/autumn,Winter,Spring emergence,and
the bear cycle will then again continue the cycle 365 days a year journey.
I have seen more than most ever will regarding bears in their element, along with caring for them = most could never fathom. I am beyond grateful - Lord knows my dedication and commitment never waivers for these amazing creatures ,and the learning experiences will never end.
Bears partake in a massive variety of natural foods that they explore for , and
snuff out like no other = my bears /cubs, yearlings will forage, dig for - flip over
rocks logs, tear bark off of trees,eat roots like no other,and graze like cattle,and climb trees & limbs with a mission for the goods - only to follow through with the simple concepts of pure relaxation & safety,an awesome view too ,and comfort from even the elements,...
I truly thank God for my experiences and I am grateful to all others who had
gained me data after they get released - as they live in the wild, and I appreciate those who clearly had a due respect for me as I them - they know who they are ,but I could certainly do without bureaucracy that only gets in the way of causing me problems ;though I have clearly done nothing wrong ,yet the machine cant help itself for wanting to control everyone and everything; they need to stop this foolishness - the sooner the better!
I pray that government comes to their senses = an overreaching government
will never do anyone good!,and they need to come to their senses rather
quickly - For that would be wise! = Government must be limited and then
they would gain trust from the people - otherwise they never will! I do hope my
license is renewed and that I will continue to receive orphan cubs ,and sick
yearlings,and continue my journey learning from them.
- Dawn L. Brown
Bear photography,Bear care ,behavioral research,recordings/video ©Dawn L. Brown
I photograph & Record The Very Bears I care For & Observe at Home Sweet Home ,and I pray I will continue to do so. I try to sell my photograph/photos, books and woodwork at shows too and I love talking about bears.
These 3 little cubs did great and proved themselves to be reckoned while living
in the wild too :o) Dawn L. Brown Bear rehabilitator & Bear behavioral researcher /Life
experience,and I am a small little business too (I had cameras on these little ones during their development,and I also did much filming as i always do - in between extensive care,observation , work - Pure drive & dedication - I don't back down and never will ,and anyone who truly knows me - understand that to be TRUE!
View Forest when he was a' wee bit bigger cub - testing the waters Note : All my bears cubs have had innate skills, and that includes swimming,treeing in weather patterns high winds ,rain = safety mechanism;they will also tree if startled /or if another bigger bear is around.
Survivor,Forest & Spruce developed very well and all could swim,climb trees,forage, the list goes on and on,... using their natural innate skills; that they carry with them, and Lord knows I have documented repetitive behaviors over the years , and sure pray that I will continue to do so!
As Survivor ,Forest & Spruce Grew : As you can see;they are simply Bears being Bears - With their continued amazing natural Innate skills "Bear Witness" I have witnessed Many bears over the years In my care and observation,and how they have taught me ,but it needs to be noted : I observe people behavior too. I am having some issues wit my license right now and at the moment their is a delay with bear cubs coming to - It Makes ZERO sense - for what is going on right now, and I will stand my ground! I sure hope to continue doing the work I have done with bears for many more years - Lord knows - I document as much as I can, and I certainly never stop Learning.
Dawn L. Brown :Bear Witness" Is my new book visit my website You can read it there /or you can purchase in print.
Bear photography,Bear care ,behavioral research,recordings/video ©Dawn L. Brown
I have been caring for, and observing bear cub development - into yearlings for 2 decades,and I continue to learn... The bears have taught me much, and I have thousands of hrs. of data backed up ,and Lord only knows how many pages written,typed out - backing up my visual observational data,and otehr data I have kept ; that I have witnessed 1st hand - I doccumnet repeatative behavioral patterns and I also doccumnet different annimalities ,and it can be chalenge sometimes ,but over all I very confident near 100% with cubs I raise and their natural abilities ,and foraging expertise = I worry not about them surviving and if placed into a' radious,and perimeter of great habitat ;for where they will continue to prove themselves in the wild exhibiting their natural skills, and they also know how to den on their own ,and I allow them to do so when I have them in captivity as yearlings ;though they have have the skill ,instincts to den - I only have some options in my 5 acres ,but I will try to have more in the future = more brush piles,downed tress,rock crevices,...and they always nest earlier in the season = they know and understand when the den torpor seasonal prep is approaching, and they know exactly what to do,as they know how to forage,swim,climb trees,and they also have a safety mechanism - is what I call it ;that I have documented over the years: heavy rain ,high winds,real thick fog = they tree ,and I have so much more data/observations that I have witnessed "Real" I never stop learning ,but experience has indeed given me more insight into bears than most will ever know /or witness ;I would have to say only a' handful such as myself being able to observe everyday,sometimes night patterns ,and near 365 days a year. Lord knows I am grateful and I cant thank the bears enough for what they have taught me, and continue to do so. Amen
Bears have their own annimalities and though they certainly have many traits skills in place form young cubs I raise; that I call cub proof = I introduce natural food from the get go = as soon as I feasibly can, and some cubs ; I start natural introduction even when they are being bottle fed - their innate skills are in place and enhance as they grow , and develop,and their capabilities are to be reckoned - as I have clearly proven my data to be REAL and I back absolutely everything up Good ,bad /or indifferent. Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph and record the very bears I care for and observe at Home Sweet Home ,and I try to go to shows as a vendor , and sell my photos and other products hoping to do well.
Note: My little business and bear work is mine, and I am pretty independent thinking in regard to it ,and I am very thankful that my husband understands completely and why ....He doesn't allow other people to try and manipulate things - even though they try to...
Bear photography,Bear care ,behavioral research,recordings/video ©Dawn L. Brown
No one is to print, copy any content - that I have ©Dawn L. Brown = All my photos & video recording, stories, data are ©Dawn L. Brown = With either my name with My business name, My Black Bear observational data – Stories – photos – Photographer - recordings…
DECEMBER 30th,31st 2022:
The 5 were out and about yesterday - Oh goodness I had fun recording them ;they were digging, and eating some roots, old leaves, playing with ice and slurping water ( I recorded all of it - AWESOME :-) They were rolling around in the snow and if having a spa and taking a' bath and running around, playing, frolicking as the slushy snow went flying above their running strides - it was picturesque indeed - How they were having the time of their lives - only to settle into bear snoozing dream land - with green up and acorns dancing through their heads .
Bears plugging themselves up with leaves, other natural debris is not abnormal behavioral foraging patterns at all, and they do it for other reasons too. Wow, the temps reached near 55° yesterday December 30th, 2022, It was unreal beautiful out! Today is nice too - in the 40°s
Bow has been up too fighting his winters nap some..., but happy to say Thunder is in her awesome den - snoozing away...I checked on her yesterday - only to get a few huffs and puffs
New Year’s Day:In the light of the moment I take time to reflect The new year has begun and as I watch my beautiful bears slide across the ice , play with one another and rumble through the woods like buffalo only to turn into ghost that disappear as quickly as they had become visible – oh how they are so silent and magnificent and majestic until they start to climb small trees and bounce up & down like a’ child minded fun and innocence – only to run around the trees and all other obstacles as if they trained for it – jumping over the stream with all stealth and persistence - then back to digging for roots and taking a chunk of Ice gently and meticulously as claws hold onto it with all get out – only to chomp and chew and watch the ice crumble to the ground – Oh a bears life. The sun rose and colors scattered the sky this morning with shades of purple pink, orange ,and blue - As so often happens – with the clouds mixed in with their display - the sun set with near the same colorful beauty in the horizon only to disappear and watch the moon arise – oh the beauty of it all...The bears went too their den some on top of it and some inside nestled, many days and nights will follow the lives of these bears and Lord knows I give thanks for these moments in time… BOW
Posting Some past bears & present; that I had, have /continue to observe while in torpor
Note: I have been documenting bears for years now …Note: My bear care, Bear cub developmental & torpor season observations - only to eventually - become Spring emergence... Well, I truly keep all my records backed up with recordings and could never post everything I have - even if I wanted too = I simply keep it for my data - so as to have proof /real.
I have continued this journey ,and my 7 beautiful bears; that I have now certainly continue to teach me things ,and Lord knows whenever I think I know Everything ;I don't ,but I sure do know much more than most - considering I am around bears near 365 days a year - I have had 74 bears thus far over the years , and I continue to learn - it is not easy, and can even be challenging , and some only see just a glimpse, and do not know what is involved with the work I do - it is pure dedication and drive ,and I hope my beautiful photos sell of the very bears I care for and observe.
Gadsden,Worrier,Trooper, Spirit,Kiedra,Thunder& Bow
I observe like I would any other bear/bears that I had prior to them = lots of recordings /filming of all of them. Lately they have been eating roots ,leaves, small twigs, grooming ,cleaning and then my solitaire Thunder is exactly that - she trees most of the time ,but comes down to explore a bit and eat ,drink, and then back up in the tree/trees she goes...Bow - I am simply getting lbs. /fat reserves on him ,and hope he will have some natural instinctive traits - better than he does - foraging skills are not that great - just being honest ,and I worry a bit about Thunder too - referring to traveling out of her comfort zone to forage - time will tell and observation is of good. The cubs I raised form very young ,are always some of the best foraging bears/cubs/yearlings out there = I start young cubs foraging on natural food before some cubs in the wild even are out of the den, and I gotta say I am totally impressed with my data that I have gathered over the years = their foraging innate skills are impressive ,and i document so many other behaviors and skills that they all have in place and their different animalities over and over again/repetitive data. Right now, it is the time of year for torpor behavioral patterns to set in = They are becoming a bit slower, but the warm weather is keeping them hesitant ...they have all packed on some lbs. for sure - I look forward to the continued journey. Knowledge is wanting to learn and no matter how it is done - it should not matter = My knowledge is gained form life experience hands on - real visual documentation observation.
No one is to print, copy any content - that I have ©Dawn L. Brown = All my photos & video recording, stories, data are ©Dawn L. Brown = With either my name with My business name, My Black Bear observational data – Stories – photos – Photographer - recordings…
Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
I sure hope I do well - selling my photos,other Items products;I'm trying to think positive 🙂 Posting just a wee bit - some of what I have,and adding more to put on stickers for : Glasses,cups,candles,magnets,ornaments,....
Tomorrow: Mid coast Events Michael Leighton Memorial Gun Show 2023 (January 14th,15th)
FEBRUARY: The Ancient Ones (Feb 25th – 26th, 2023)
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
Take Time To Reflect
Rain Effects: Bow Bear doesn’t tree; because he doesn’t have the opportunity, but I am happy to say that he is packing on lbs./ chub reserves and is a happy bear He and the others are all approx. 10 months /or a bit -/or + of age. (The others are fat & happy as well = Gadsden, Warrior, Trooper, Spirit, Kiedra, Thunder all continue to tree in the rains, real heavy thick fog, and potential high winds. I have been observing them as I would any other bear/bears, I have had prior to them that had an opportunity to climb (Note bears that have certain issues /health that could not climb is a different story, but all healthy developed bears that go into my 5 acres – I can observe extensively = rain effects/weather conditions, foraging patterns ,and several repetitive behavioral patterns; that they all have in sync ,but also Note: I observe bears individual behavioral differences extensive as well = individual patterns, and try to figure out why and how they behave in different scenarios…I never stop learning Lord Knows, and when ever I think I know everything ;I clearly do not – Just saying, but I indeed know more than most /or I am right up there with others who are able to observe as much real time data as I do, and that # is few – whom will commit the time like I have over the years with diligence - Just saying…
(Note I have had 74 bears over the years – that includes the (7 bears - I have now that will be released next Spring/May 2023)
I back up my data - by photographing and recording/filming real time data, and if I don’t write/type everything down – I have it recorded.
©Dawn L. Brown photos video - data – Real time observations - bear stories Rain Effects /certain weather conditions = Repetitive behavioral patterns = with all my bears that can climb trees; they will
“I Do Take Time to Reflect”
Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph & record the very Bears I care for and observe at Home sweet Home
I have been caring for and observing Bear cub and yearling behaviors for years now, and I document what I witness during their development…My data is to be reckoned ;because I know very few out there that are able to do what I have done and continue to do so = I am around bears near 365 days a year and have been for decades – my, dedication is 2nd to none - just saying – My Insight and observation Is real – time gives insight and my knowledge Is from time and life experience, and Lord knows I will continue to learn and I not only observe bears ,but I too observe human beings – Just saying.
I follow a pretty narrow path and dot my I’s & and cross my T’s to the best of my human ability and by the grace of God he will guide me through all of it - Amen
Note: I record so much; that I could never post everything; that I have backed up - So, I try to put some out there anyway - simply to give others just a’ glimpse of what I see.
Lord only knows how many video clips and photos I have of my bears and how they learn only because with me; they Indeed can use their innate skills and instinctive traits I.e., foraging skill technique,… certain precipitation weather conditions and what they do/safety mechanism,… sibling unit behavior patterns , and single cub/yearling behavior, adopted sibling behavior, pecking orders, bonding behaviors, solitary behavioral patterns ,and so much more …. I allow the cubs I call mine be who they are – for I raise them and care for them more than words and photos, and filming will ever say...My bears use their innate skills naturally = rain effects and 1st snows = treed and though these bears do trust me and feel safe around me; they could potentially come out of the tree when I am around ,but most cases will stay treed during heavy rains ,and 1st snows and have done so even moments for when my presence is there = they have Not come out of tree
I have had biologist - that tag and put my bears under anesthesia see what I have explained for years = it was raining a day they visited , and because I observe repetitive behavioral patterns, and I had specifically told them my bears would not come out of the tree that day ; they too witnessed this with me – for I allowed them to do this – only! So, I could see that my bears would not come down from the tree – for when they were not comfortable/nor trusting/or simply not sure, thus using their instinctive safety senses; that being in most cases I have witnessed – outside of a very small% # otherwise , and I said to the biologist that those bears will Not come out of the tree and my observation was 100% correct – even when it wasn’t heavy rains, they still stayed treed - just saying… I did want to test it.
Note: very seldom, but I have witnessed a bear /or two come out of tree and run very fast and my observation makes me think that bears in certain hunting areas/or if they came from those areas – it is near being bred into them potentially? that hunters tree them to harvest them in certain geographical areas of the State /thus potentially changing their senses? this is only a theory = I can’t truly verify this at all = it would take more evidence and hunter cooperation - So, as to gain a bit more insight into this /and those areas = are bears smart enough to figure this out potentially – yes, I believe so = Analyzing behaviors is not easy, and I try to look at everything – so as to gain real oversight and facts – for that is science to me – Just saying. Note: the bears that early on came out of trees to run , treed with all the other bears eventually – without running and the % was so low – it is near impossible to confirm any theories = simply an assumption thus not good enough for fact = bear hunters would have to witness bears in the wild doing something as such , and some bears may react different than other bears – that is why research exist and I do consider myself a bear behavioral researcher because I observe ,I question….
Note: all the cubs I have raised from young orphans are amazing foragers! = I introduce natural food at such a young age; that they take full advantage of what is in them, and their natural abilities, being able to use their skills at full potential capacity and not waiver. I record what my bears have in common with one another, and I also document their individual behavioral patterns as well, and the list goes on = I receive bears form different situations and that can affect their individual behavior….
The learning never ends, and as soon as I think know everything ;I certainly do not – Just saying
(Note I have had 74 bears over the years – that includes the (7 bears - I have now that will be released next Spring/May 2023)
I back up my data - by photographing and recording/filming real time data, and if I don’t write/type everything down – I have it recorded.
©Dawn L. Brown photos video - data – Real time observations - bear stories - foraging - torpor - Rain Effects /certain weather conditions = Repetitive behavioral patterns and individual bear animalities
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
Purchase some of my photography/photos and other products I will list upcoming shows visit my website
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
Rain Effects: Bow Bear doesn’t tree; because he doesn’t have the opportunity, but I am happy to say that he is packing on lbs./ chub reserves and is a happy bear He and the others are all approx. 9/10 months of age. (The others are fat & happy as well = Gadsden, Warrior, Trooper, Spirit, Kiedra, Thunder all continue to tree in the rains, real heavy thick fog, and potential high winds. I have been observing them as I would any other bear/bears, I have had prior to them that had an opportunity to climb (Note bears that have certain issues /health that could not climb is a different story, but all healthy developed bears that go into my 5 acres – I can observe extensively = rain effects/weather conditions, foraging patterns ,and several repetitive behavioral patterns; that they all have in sync ,but also Note: I observe bears individual behavioral differences extensive as well = individual patterns, and try to figure out why and how they behave in different scenarios…I never stop learning Lord Knowns, and when ever I think I know everything ;I clearly do not – Just saying, but I indeed know more than most /or I am right up there with others who are able to observe as much real time data as I do, and that # is few – whom will commit the time like I have over the years with diligence - Just saying…
(Note I have had 74 bears over the years – that includes the (7 bears - I have now that will be released next Spring/May 2023)
I back up my data - by photographing and recording/filming real time data, and if I don’t write/type everything down – I have it recorded.
©Dawn L. Brown photos video - data – Real time observations - bear stories Rain Effects /certain weather conditions = Repetitive behavioral patterns = with all my bears that can climb trees; they will indeed tree during these weather conditions All the bears I have had and continue to care for & observe / Research; they have all treed during the rain, very heavy winds, and other weather conditions- for where their senses are not good = it is a safety mechanism that I have documented for near 2 decades! Note: Everything I can witness I do - thus recording and photographing, writing, typing = Real time data research backed up I now have a tiny business Dawn L. Brown sole proprietor dba A Bears Second chance, and try to sell my photography of the very bears I care for and observe. I love telling their stories - The moments in time I have with amazing bears are to be reckoned, and they continue to teach me - I never stop learning and continuously try to figure out and understand; though the process can be difficult on occasion - for each bear has an individual animality
No one is to print, copy any content - that I have ©Dawn L. Brown =
All my photos & video recording, stories, data are ©Dawn L. Brown = With either my name with My business name, My Black Bear observational data – Stories – photos – Photographer - recordings…
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
I had a nice time being a vendor at the fly in/fly-buy up in Greenville Maine ,and I'm happy to say I did well selling my photography /photos :-)
Just posting some new photos, and my Bear rain data... I tried to update on my fb page ,but was having severe glitches - I am on Rumble now; because I couldn't post on my fb page = it was buffering, and taking forever - hopefully it goes smoothy on my rumble site :-)
Posting updates, and prior post;that I did have on my fb page.
September 5, 2022: Rain = all 6 of my bears are treed: Gadsden, Worrier, Trooper, Spirit, Kiedra, Thunder
I recorded and took photos; that being real data = that is what I do = I try to back up all my observations with my real time observations to the best of my ability photos and video/filming.
Note: If I were to put attractive supplements out during light rain – the bears would - odds are -potentially come down ; that have been accustomed to their surroundings , and they would eat quickly , and then tree again/safety mechanism ,but if I do Not put supplements out – the bears will indeed stay treed , and NOT come down until the rain subsides for the most part = If I test my assumptions – it is always good for me to gain/get valid results = repetitive observations is what I focus my attention on and have for years – The learning never stops for me, and I try to stay humble and assertive Lord willing . Note: My bears will NOT just come out of tree i.e., if trying to get baited trapped, and others are around in the process, but NOTE: my bears will come down – if I am the only presence = There is without a doubt in my mind these bears indeed trust me, and there is a bond. Education to me is stepping outside of the box like I do and learn and not allow myself to be caught up in anything that can disrupt my sight.
Foot Notes: I never had a cub stay up in trees for an extended time several days /or a week at a time - outside of being rain, high winds 1st snow using their safety mechanisms = telling them to tree. (Note: My bears tree often to forage as well, nap... but NOTE: I am talking about staying up in the tree and not wanting to come down - for anyone who misunderstands what I am saying!
Good News Everyone; Saturday August 27th 2022 /bout a week ago I had moved Spirit ,Kiedra, Thunder in with Gadsden, Warrior, Trooper into my 5 acres , and I got to say - it was interesting = Thunder went over onto my 2 acre side Northward, and went up in a huge Oak tree ,and though I didn’t realize at that moment – she would stay up in that tree for 3 days and not come down ,and then when she did decide to come down – it was for a very short time – only to go up in another big oak tree a few feet from the one she was in – Gosh I worried; being of course - what Moms do, and sure I prayed a lot asking God to let me humble and try to step back and think about things; because I never really had something quite like this happen = I never had cub stay up in trees for an extended time - outside of being rain ,high winds 1st snow using their safety mechanisms = telling them to tree.
NOTE: My bears tree often to forage as well, nap... but please NOTE: I am talking about staying up in the tree and not wanting to come down - for anyone who misunderstands what I am saying!
Long story short – she saw the other bears being curious and what not = her adopted siblings, and having never been in with Gadsden, Worrier, trooper – Thunder was a bit skeptical on the whole situation thus treeing and staying there! ;though she had been in with Kiedra & Spirit – she wasn’t 100% sure about the other 3 having not been in with them before - none the less – Thunder was not coming out of that tree ,and so - I decided to separate her from the others = I put a gate up between – thus giving her 2 acres, and the others 3 acres temporarily – So, I could monitor a bit better, and see if she would come down from the tree. The other bears are certainly a bit bigger than her, and I think she automatically treed nervously /instinctive actions within her, but it sure didn’t put me at any ease… I put food at the bottom of the big ol’ Oak tree, and some water - trying to coax her down ,but she did not come down to eat until Thursday evening /around dusk too eat and drink, and I saw her from a distance – her silhouette , and oh how I prayed giving thanks to my Lord for comforting me from my worries, and now even more happy news - Thunder is moving around exploring ,but still trees – she was in another tree this morning clear on the other side of my 2 acres. Note: Spirit & Kiedra also treed for a couple days in the beginning – up in a maple tree, and were nervous too, but did come down eventually, and have an understanding with the other 3 – a few pecking orders occurred with the others, and everything has been sorted out - knowing their boundaries with one another - all of them now have been getting along well, and the next step is to get Thunder comfortable enough – so I can take the center gate down, but I am going to give her a bit of time and she can see them on the other side - hopefully everything will adjust properly and they will work it out – time will tell…
I sure pray that Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Star are doing well living in the wild, and that they make it through hunting season – Praying that the natural food is abundant and doing well where they were released.
I am Living Life - Praying Often - Giving Thanks for Much - Staying Strong - Staying Fearless - Always saying what is on my mind even if it doesn't benefit me - Keeping my standards in place - Keeping My conscience clear - Amen
Life Liberty & The pursuit of Happiness
Prior post: Posted my video, photography, data published on my Ruble site 8/16/2022
My focus is to observe my cubs , and document my care, and bear cub , yearling behavioral observations/data,...I do supplement my cubs daily, and fill 2 tubs with clean water 2Xdaily - I will be glad when the autumnal equinox arrives and fills my 2 vernal pools with an abundance of water = they have 2 beautiful vernal pools full of water in the spring , and then again in the fall, and I can take the tubs out. I gather natural food for them as well; though they get natural food in my 5 acres too = I make sure; that their natural instinctive foraging behavior is not compromised, thus I gather natural food as much as I can. I clean my cubs out 2Xdaily in my midsize pen and in my 5 acres = I clean poop. I have got to say - my beautiful cubs have it made in the shade...Life is good
All my cubs have natural instinctive
foraging skills = I introduce natural
food from the early beginnings = even
when I have them as young
neonates, and am bottle feeding cubs
at a young age of development, and as
soon as natural food appears I gather
it - early spring, and even though
cubs are born in the Winter it is
essential for me to get anything I can
1st sign of natural foods - The buds on the maple trees
seem to be one of the 1st foods sources
to arrive, and then Greenup = other
buds, leaves, dandelion
greens/grasses,.. Natural food
enhances their instinctive traits that
they have within them –
without faulter = they use
their skills – so they will work during
their foraging techniques.
Note: I don’t believe any young cub –
that I, raise Into Yearlings - will
ever die of starvation in the wild -
Sadly, other causes have happened to
some, but their skills regarding foraging
and having enough habitat
fairly secluded is a plus ; Because I
raise my cubs allowing them to be
bears I have been
able to document their
extraordinary repetitive wild foraging
capabilities, and other behavioral data
over the years, and I have backed up all
my data = I am confident with what the
bears have taught me over the years, and
Lord knows I continue to learn from
them, and I learn from ups and downs
and pick myself back up from any trials and
errors, and those who think they know
it all - may want to step back and
review - Just saying…Don’t ever
underestimate what knowledge and
cautionary insight provides – it is
worth much more than jewels.
©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor
dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph & record - video/film
The Very Bears that I care for &
Observe at Home Sweet Home
No one is to print, copy my
photography, nor copy, download any
of my recordings and data; that I
have gathered in Real-time
= it is all copy written
Well Everyone, I will try to work on putting together some of my video/recordings over the weekend , and get them on my Rumble site, but in the meantime ;I am posting a few awesome pics; that I took of my beautiful bears - Thunder is getting along now with Spirit - the most ,but also Kiedra, and I will get them in with the others either this weekend /or next weekend - in with Gadsden , Worrier, Trooper whom I am having so much fun observing. I have been gathering natural goodies for them too and all I can say- is - that they are awesome foragers as all my bears are! I sure pray that Rush, Clover, Curious, Bold, Star are doing well living their life in the wild now, and I have no worries about their natural skills; that they have in place - it looks to be a good Blackberry crop, and the acorns are doing great, and all I can say - is - that my cubs are digging everywhere, and rolling over rocks, logs eating ants larvae, roots, well, and I am sure the yearlings nearing 2 years /they will turn in Jan, Feb this winter - if all goes well; they will be in great condition because of their innate skills.
Well - me & the hubby have been eating lots of vegetables from our garden and we are trying to get our wood stoves worked on a bit/prep repair work - making sure everything is in tiptop shape - changing out fire blocks, painting...
I am Living Life - Praying Often - Giving Thanks for Much - Staying Strong - Staying Fearless - Always saying what is on my mind even if it doesn't benefit me - Keeping my standards in place - Keeping My conscience clear - Amen
Life Liberty & The pursuit of Happiness
Well Everyone, Hopefully I don't have any fb glitches - I am Posting a few amazing pics I got of my beautiful - Gadsden, Warrior, Trooper they are loving their bear lives, and I am still in awe when I photograph and observe them = I never get tired of it, and I reminisce of past bears too - oh how they continue to teach me through this journey, and how they have so many similarities of one another - yet, they have their own animality's too. I have been recording as often as I can – so, as to back up my data...I promise; that I will add some of my video recording and more photos to my Rumble site when I have time - Please be patient. I worked over on my 2 acre side and it is ready to open up, but I want to 1st get Spirit, Kiedra & Thunder in with Gadsden,Warrior,Trooper for a while in one side, and then eventually open all 5 of my acres up to them. I have been pretty busy one way /or another working installing floors, or working at Home sweet Home, doing errands shopping... WOW food prices are going through the roof! So glad our vegetable Garden is doing real well, and we are trying to stock up effectively and efficiently my flower garden is doing well too, but I've had to water more often - no complaints = the sun makes everything grow big-time, and I gotta say I'm very thankful for the rains that the Lord passes through from time to time
Right now it is so darn hot out - I am back inside and chilling out watching the western station with the hubby & pups.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Said I would update some photos of my beautiful bears Gadsden, Worrier, Trooper & Spirit, Kiedra, Little Thunder (click through photos to see them
Hi, everyone - I haven’t been on fb for a while – taking time off from it – real busy! Thanks for your patience...Posting some feathered creatures I was able to get some pretty good photos of - I gotta say
I will certainly add some of my bear pics later, but for now posting these.
I figured I would update some too keep you informed on what’s going on – Good news; I put Gadsden, Worrier & trooper In my big pen a week ago , and it thankfully went very well they went in half of it - that is - for now = my 3 acre side, and I will open up the middle sometime – so they can go into my other side – total of 5 acres happy bear sanctuary ;I need to do just a bit more work on the other side + I want to get the other 3 in there eventually within a couple weeks of possible ,and yep – I am sure am happy to say I was able to get my little thunder in with Spirit & Kiedra in one of my midsize pens ,and they are getting along so, so…A few pecking orders, but it is settling down some, and they are tolerating one another, and I am sure all will be fine.
I just want to say that I spend time working at home sweet home with my hubby = Us gardening, yard work, and simply other regular chores as well - that takes time… and of course pup time with Tracker & Scout, and Yes - Scout did go to the vet, and is taking antibiotics, and other treatments for his feet and I will be taking him back for a checkup soon – he seems to be feeling better. I like the vet I have now, and certainly liked my prior vet that retired as well, and miss all of them, but happy to say that the new clinic I am going to - are all very nice and professional too.
Back to my bears – in between the time I spend working with my bears, I try to go to shows = I am a vendor and hope tomorrow the 31st of July at the village green in Belgrade I do well selling my photography/photos and other vendors do well too! It is tough these days on tiny businesses like my bear business = I photograph the very bears I care for and observe at Home Sweet Home and sell my photography/photos - it is competitive and that is okay, but sadly inflation is NOT helping anyone!
(I obviously work installing floors as you all should know too, and that business I own with my hubby - we are subcontractors/only shareholders and have been installing floors for 22 years together)
Note: It would be nice to make a bit more earnings with my bear business = The time; that I spend on them is immense – just saying – I couldn’t put a price/$ figure on it = facts!
Anyway - I am supplementing my bears some because I have too with the amount I have ,but I sure do try to gather as much natural food as I possibly can ,and clean water 2X at least within a 24 hr. time frame , cleaning poop , gathering small trees ,boughs,…and of course monitoring their innate skills and behavioral patterns ,foraging ,and photographing, and recording them – it is to be reckoned that from my observations – the bears I care for and observe have their similarities I have recorded repetitively , but they certainly have their individual animalities too that I record = I can raise them all the same and have bears be different - They are growing , and it can be time consuming trying to have their natural food intake higher than supplement ,but I sure do my best and the raspberries are not doing as well as I hoped ,but the blackberry crop looks to be good – only if the rains pass through, and I gather dandelion greens ,grasses ,forbs…and they are going after roots, larvae … in my big pen.
I also got to say a few other things that are on my mind, and that is : I sure am praying for many out there and it is so heartbreaking that our government is often like fire as I have said before – Hey, why is a 68 year old grandmother that was in the capital on January 6th whom was doing nothing wrong - mind you ; going to a prison in California ? as others whom still have not been tried from Jan 6th are sadly sitting in prison In Washington DC/the swamp as well ,While the administration continues to allow drug cartel ,human trafficking ,gangs, and others whom believe nothing about the rule of law over the border – with what kind of papers? This administration lets Real criminals out of prison as well, and puts them back out on the streets, … This needs to stop Now! We The People are AWAKE NOT WOKE! Why are we sending billions for Ukraine, when they are losing the fight against Russia = wasn’t the $ supposed to go to the fight/the people, to protect the Ukrainian people /or is most of it going to all else - within the corruption that we all know indeed exist within the Ukrainian government…, and we all know it ! NOTE: Let me make myself clear I pray for all the innocent citizens over there, but I will never defend corruption is that understood!
On another NOTE: As you all know many of us in Maine received a check from the State. I received a check as did my hubby. I clearly said government needs to stop printing $, and some took me out of context – others who are receiving a check as well - Let me make myself clear = I realize the money being sent is my $ and all other Individuals in this state out there, that paid in.
NOTE: I am going to take it as well as my hubby and because it is ours ,and I am sure all others are going to as well , but I sure wasn’t going too – because odds are - none of us would be getting $ if The State of Maine and other States weren’t taking an enormous amount of FEDERAL MONIES , and anyone who can’t seem to connect the dots – I’m sorry, but you are naïve and foolish- Just saying.
I believe there is going to be a Red Wave 2022 and sure will be thankful ,but I sure want to make myself clear and that is I don’t trust either side Dems, or Repubs ; that want to print more $ /out of control spending for an agenda :The Great Reset ,whom want to regulate , control The people whom believe in The Constitution, Bill of Rights ,and The Declaration of Independence - a government as such will lose going against these rights = The people will not stand for a tyrannical Government in the this great country! We are all Individuals with a mind of our own created /natures Law, and NOT collective /socialist communist. Our Founders knew the dangers and that is why they put so much thought into these amazing rights and documents of The United States of America to protect her.
I am Living Life - Praying Often - Giving Thanks for Much - Staying Strong - Staying Fearless - Always saying what is on my mind even if it doesn't benefit me - Keeping my standards in place - Keeping My conscience clear - Amen
Life Liberty & The pursuit of Happiness
Hi everyone, I just went on fb about 10 minutes /or so off & on, and I figured I would update just a bit. My beautiful cubs are doing great! and I sure am happy to say that my little Thunder is growing too and feeling so much better! I put her outside on (The 4th) Happy late Independence Day - Something I am strong believer in for sure - The declaration Independence is an amazing document god bless that & The Bill of Rights and The Constitution of The United States of America -these truths and rights are more important than ever – living in the times we all are.
Anyway, I’ve been real busy working one form /or another – the time I spend taking care of and observing my bears is to be reckoned and much $ I have spent and hope my photography sales do well at upcoming shows. The last show was slow for all vendors – just stating facts. I am trying to think positive though and hope all tiny businesses and retailers do well, and I just finished a real big flooring job with my hubby and we sure are glad to be done with that!! Now we are trying to catch up with garden work, yard work and the list goes on…Pups are doing great and tracker is amazing – going to be 15 this August and scout is a beautiful dog, but has some foot flareups from time to time; I clean his toes and put socks on him ,but need to take him to the vet again – he was treated in the past for these issues. I spend about 5 hrs. a day= morning, and afternoon/evening tending to my little ones … I have been gathering natural foods + I supplement and, water, clean…and my Little Thunder certainly kept me going with some worry, and extended time and I am so glad she is doing well now and feeling great!
Something else is on my mind – just saying!
I can’t believe the Biden administration is going after gas stations /small mom & pop stores – interesting what this irresponsible radical administration goes after, and what they don’t! Did you all hear about a man trying to defend himself from a thug – yet he is put in prison with an outrageous bale ,and yet there are 2 illegals that were going to commit massive crime on the 4th read this daily wire link:
Well, I am signing off for now and will try to add some more of my pics & video to my Rumble site – I simply have not had time to do it with everything else going on. I have not been spending much time on fb social media for other reasons – just saying…
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
My focus is to observe my cubs , and document my care and bear cub ,and yearling behavioral observations/data,...I do supplement my cubs daily,and fill 2 tubs with clean water 2Xdaily - I will be glad when the autumnal equinox arrives and fills my 2 vernal pools with an abundance of water = they have 2 beautiful vernal pools full of water in the spring , and then again in the fall,and I can take the tubs out. I gather natural food for them as well ;though they get natural food in my 5 acres too = I make sure; that their natural instinctive foraging behavior is not compromised,thus I gather natural food as much as I can.I clean my cubs out 2Xdaily in my midsize pen and in my 5 acres = I clean poop. I have got to say - my beautiful cubs have it made in the shade...Life is good
All my cubs have natural instinctive
foraging skills = I introduce natural
food from the early beginnings = even
when I have them as young
neonates, and am bottle feeding cubs
at a young age of development, and as
soon as natural food appears I gather
it early spring even though
cubs are born in the Winter it is
essential for me to get anything I can
1st sign of natural
foods - The buds on the maple trees
seem to be one of the 1st foods sources
to arrive and them Greenup = other
greens/grasses,. Natural food
enhances their instinctive traits that
they have within them –
without faulter = they use
their skills – so they will work during
their foraging techniques.
Note: I don’t believe any young cub –
that I, raise Into Yearlings - will
ever die of starvation in the wild -
Sadly, other causes have happened to
some, but their skills regarding foraging
and having enough habitat
fairly secluded is a plus ; Because I
raise my cubs allowing them to be
bears I have been
able to document their
extraordinary repetitive wild foraging
capabilities, and other behavioral data
over the years, and I have backed up all
my data = I am confident with what the
bears have taught me over the years, and
Lord knows I continue to learn from
them, and I learn from ups and downs
and pick
myself back up from any trials and
errors, and those who think they know
it all - may want to step back and
review - Just saying…Don’t ever
underestimate what knowledge and
cautionary insight provides – it is
worth much more than jewels.
Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor
dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph & record - video/film
The Very Bears that I care for &
Observe at Home Sweet Home
No one is to print, copy my
photography, nor copy, download any
of my recordings and data that I
have gathered in Real-time
= it is all copy written
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
I photograph the very Bears I care for & observe and Document Everything I am able to witness.
I am a Bear photographerand have atiny business thus trying to sell my phtos and make $ if at all possible and I am also an Author and look forward to writing more childrens books and look forward to also putting together all my bear data /work over the years and continues in a book Lord willing...,I video/record ,and try to understand bear cub development & behavioral patterns - they all have so much in common ,yet also carry with them different animalities - it is to be reckoned for the insight I have gained over the years in reference to black bear cubs & yearlings and my research is extensive - nothing more and nothing less.
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
Hi everyone, I finally put together more of my pics, and video
Yes; I named my 🐻🐻🐻 Cubs :-) I put together a some of my video clips of my beautiful Gadsden,Worrier,Trooper and also my beautiful Yearlings Rush,Clover,Bold,Curious,Star
Rush,Clover,Bold,Curious,Star are all Happy Bears and they are now approx.. 1 year and 4 months age.
I also named my 3 cubs - little female runt cub name is “Gadsden” Because she is so peaceful and happy, but she will stand her ground if attacked = they have their pecking orders, but all works out peacefully 😊
I named my midsize female cub “Warrior” because she is one tough little cookie and has been - since she was little.
I named my little male cub “Trooper” He doesn’t like conflict for the most part, but he will have pecking orders and be rather tough… Warrior scratched his eye during a feisty pecking order, and I am treating it with terramycin – seems near all healed now. Note: all my bears have different individual animalities, and all play, have fun, have wrestling matches/pecking orders and then will cuddle up with each other and start making comforting chortling sounds; they figure each other out and understand one another and are instinctive little ones.
They are all foraging on what I have been gathering them and as they instinctively gobble up the goodies they too will play with their food: Dandelion greens, grasses, limbs with buds/leaves just forming of maple, yellow birch, Poplar, white birch… they are so awesome little cubs.
My beautiful yearlings are just like the cubs in so many ways…. :-)
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
Rush,Clover,Bold,Curious,Star are all Happy Bears and they are now approx.. 1 year and 4 months age.
I also named my 3 cubs - little female runt cub name is “Gadsden” Because she is so peaceful and happy, but she will stand her ground if attacked = they have their pecking orders, but all works out peacefully 😊
I named my midsize female cub “Warrior” because she is one tough little cookie and has been - since she was little.
I named my little male cub “Trooper” He doesn’t like conflict for the most part, but he will have pecking orders and be rather tough… Warrior scratched his eye during a feisty pecking order, and I am treating it with terramycin – seems near all healed now. Note: all my bears have different individual animalities, and all play, have fun, have wrestling matches/pecking orders and then will cuddle up with each other and start making comforting chortling sounds; they figure each other out and understand one another and are instinctive little ones.
They are all foraging on what I have been gathering them and as they instinctively gobble up the goodies they too will play with their food: Dandelion greens, grasses, limbs with buds/leaves just forming of maple, yellow birch, Poplar, white birch… they are so awesome little cubs.
My beautiful yearlings are just like the cubs in so many ways…. :-)
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
My Bear Journal - Just a' Bit of it...
Month of April 2022 continues to be coming in like a lamb – My bears are doing well and green up is in the process of pure abundance of thriving soon ,and the maple buds are out and the sap is running on the cut maple, and yellow birch saplings ,trees and my bears love to chew ,lick and enjoy the sweet sap ,and they are digging and going after roots ,some grasses just starting ,and dandelion greens,…I did notice Rush favoring his paw – he did something to his right paw/foot/ankle/leg = he was favoring it ,but I believe it is just a sprain = he is able to move his foot some ,but I will certainly keep an eye on it ,and hope for the best – I really do not want to separate him from the others at all if I don’t have too - Clover, bold, curious, Star are all foraging and rush has no problem either ,but he can’t climb like the others Note: I do notice that the females in particular Clover and Curious are in the trees very often ,and the others will tree to forage but not as often right now, and of course Rush isn’t going very far up in the trees because of his sprain. My bears are loving the warmer weather and the site of Spring with its warm sun beams warming the soul. Well, My little ones are a’ growing and I have been gathering maple buds, baby dandelion greens, grasses that are emerging.
Life is good
4-17-2022 Easter Sunday – My Beautiful bears: Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Star looked so peaceful resting this Easter morn – Life is good indeed…I will post more when I can.
My little ones are doing great, and I am getting ready to gather them some maple boughs /saplings with buds, and the dandelion greens grasses, leaves…will soon be abundant as the spring grows with abundance…My bottle-feeding schedule is still 3 feedings in a 24 hr. Time frame, and I do adjust it a bit. The 3 little ones – 2 females & 1 male; I will be naming soon, and they are a bundle of joy – playful and feeding frenzies ,only to curl up go into cub dreams, and awaken running around, rolling around, tumbling and a few cub pecking orders in between – oh how they love their innocent joyous cub lives, as do my yearlings too – Life is so good for these bears – Lord knows I give thanks for witnessing their lives with me.
Well – I am going to sign off for now and spend time with my hubby & pups and celebrate Eater and give thanks above, and remember the true meaning – Amen
Den emergence - Clover enjoying maple sap - Something I have witnessed bears do over the years...All 5 are up and about exploring
March 2022
April 4th, 2022: Clover enjoying some maple sap after along winters nap. Oh how my bears are loving their life – now exploring, and looking for food ;they are digging and going up in the trees, and simply being bears – I spotted some digging under leaves for some acorns that have been covered with leaves from last fall as the Autumn found her way to steadfastly turn into Winter and now Spring has risen – oh the beauty, and sometimes tolerance ,and steadfast journey of it all and with it comes emergence of my bears from their long winters nap of dreams – only to have an awakening of hearing the peepers in the vernal pools come to life, the birds chirping gleefully and the deer absorbing the warmth of the sun, and all other creatures in natures realm.
My 3 little ones are a’ growing and are playful as can be , and sound like little grizzlies when they have their pecking orders – only to snuggle up and make all kinds of happy sounds - as I have witnessed with my yearlings too – their life is so a peace and an innocent journey with the life I give them ,and I am grateful to witness something as such = I see a side bears that so few will ever witness and I give thanks from the Lord above for my time with them , and my experiences ;though it can be challenging at times – I would not change anything and continue to learn.
3-27-2022: My bears were in their den most of the day, but did come out – only to lounge around, did some scratching and enjoy themselves, tree rubbing, ate some dry leaves, a few acorns from the bumper crop last year that lay beneath the leaf cover, and did a bit of exploring not straying to far from their den, and they treed for few and then back to den snuggled in. I was happy to see them and got some pretty good pics and awesome video - that I will post on Rumble when I have time. My 3 little ones are doing good and growing by the day.
Bear update: 3-26-2022 44° very still /silent ,and I recorded Rush,Clover,Bold,Curious,Star today ; they all vacated their den for a bit of time today ,and I spotted Clover way up in a tree chewing on some limbs/twigs...She was amazingly up 1st ,and the others came awake and were back scratching on the trees, digging and then they returned to their den - having had not strayed but only about 15to20 feet away. I will post more pics of my beautiful bears / yearlings & cute little growing cubs - All God’s creatures...
Rush, Clover, Bold Curious, Star - Continue to stay in their den – outside of the day/on the 18th of March when it reached 68° and for whenever I posted /documented = Most of their time has been spent in winter torpor hibernation in their den nest – representing normal repetitive bear behavioral patterns that I have witnessed and recorded & photographed.
Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Star emerged from their nest /den for a short time yesterday afternoon 3-18-2022 only to return shortly thereafter...Update more when I have a bit of time...
Rush, Cover, Bold, Curious, Star are all representing normal yearling torpor behavioral patterns - I record as much as I can & photograph & document. My 3 new little ones are growing and developing - I am now down to 3 feedings within a 24-hr. time frame - If you listen close you will hear my little ones, and even the yearlings make a chortling sound = it is a comforting and content sound - that not only cubs make, but all my yearlings have during their torpor phase.
No one is to print, copy any content - that I have ©Dawn L. Brown =
All my photos & video recording, stories, data are ©Dawn L. Brown = With either my name with My business name, My Black Bear observational data – Stories – photos – recordings…
2-15th ,16th,17th,18th 2022: Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious & Star; I had gathered some boughs and threw them onto their nest/ den ,and they had rearranged to their specs later – It was a beautiful sunset, and as time went on into days and nights - it had turned into high winds, rain, and then back to clearing with some clouds , with sunshine beaming down ( cold temps to warmer temps in this spiraling ongoing winter pattern – oh how the bears adhere to their dormant state of mind – having an understanding of it and a sense of insight indeed ;they Seem to have wonder and security ,yet cautioned as well - they only vacate under typically weather conditions that will call them to do so ;I can almost pinpoint what they may do in some scenarios – only because over the years I witnessed so much… Overall my peaceful bears are staying put in their realm; they have been cleaning each other, grooming, playing some ,and a couple pecking orders from time to time – simply trying to get rearranged into their comfort zone – for being so clumped in together space wise ;they always seem to find a way to settle – unless they have a full blown battle , and one may vacate ,but this year all 5 seem to be quite tolerant with one another overall/for the most part ,and last year ChubBub, Grit, Camden Standing Bear /flying bear & Yoda – had also stayed nestled in all together during torpor phase.
Note: I am happy to say that I recorded today 2-18-2022 - It was curious chewing on her pads, and it looked like Rush was too – something I have recorded over the years consistently with other bears, and they will often ingest the pieces of shedding skin - that comes off – normal cycle; that simply happens with bears.
Note: though my bears came out on the 12th of February 2022 - that real warm day; they haven’t come out since – only to pop their head out /or to maybe stretch out reaching their paws grabbing boughs, and then going back in as quick as they emerged – the distance of only one /or 2 feet.
2-13-2022 My beautiful bears are in their nest den with no intention of vacating – doesn’t seem that way - back sleepy time torpor
2-12-2022 - All my yearlings were out for a bit in the Warm sun - it reached 50° ,but they went back in their nest den - as I thought they would ,and I checked them again earlier this morning 2-13-2022 and they are still in their den (I recorded and took photos) ,and I am sure that they have no intentions of vacating at this time = the temps have dropped - it is 18° right now ,and I am sure they are back too: Slow breathing / respiration - anywhere from 3 to 9 breaths per minute; Their behavior was completely normal = what I had witnessed yesterday was repetitive normal bear behavior during torpor den season - for them having a nest den ,and this is something bears will do - I have photographed ,witnessed and recorded for years now = my data is real and I type it all out documented, and I back it up with my recordings ,and photos..
No one is to print, copy any content - that I have ©Dawn L. Brown
With either my name connected to this list - My business name, My Black Bear observational data – Stories – photos – recordings…
2-2-2022: My bears are snuggled in hunkered down in their nest – I didn’t see – even “Curious” pop her head out – I wish I had a camera in with them, but I just don’t want to disturb them. Posting some more bird pics too
2-1-2022: I spotted beautiful Curious again as the sun warmed her soul – oh how comfortable – she is indeed the guard bear - she looked so comfortable as the sun shined on her. I ended up cutting a few more trees, and added them around their nest den this afternoon, and when I went to drag them in; 4 bears treed right next to their nest den, and Clover looked out yawning, and started heading out aways, but was smart, and scurried back in – not wanting to lose her spot 😊 , and Rush accompanied her eventually , and they were rearranging boughs… I decided to peek in – to check on their nest /den, and it is so beautiful! The aroma of fir, pine, cedar. Awesome…There was a’ hollow about 3 feet deep and as wide anyway - their nest is awesome, and they rearranged the trees to their specs covering it too. I was so happy to see Clover & Rush and the others, and I felt bad disrupting them a bit, but all 5 ended up in there – then back to rearranging, sleepy time, and I ;m sure a few pecking orders ,grooming ,chewing…I would imagine that that their breathing/respiration is anywhere form 3 to 9 breaths per minute – looking back into my records and recording of other bears I had prior to them.
I will no longer add anymore fir, pine, spruce boughs/or trees, and for now on; I will simply try to record/monitor - what I can anyway and take photos. Bears are so misunderstood by some, and I see their stages of development ,and I witness overall a gentle side, tough for when they have short spirts of pecking orders, and bluff – Nothing more & nothing less and typically ends near as quickly as they started, and bears have an understanding of one another ( I observe bears with bears and that intern teaches me how bears odds are do and would react to human as well – some may not understand that ,but when I observe bears ;they have given me an insight if understanding – I document what ‘’I’’ see ,record, witness, I also witness how cleaver, witty/ wise - These bears have good souls with their own animality, and to witness is to see/understand. They are simply bears being bears.
I raise these bears and there is a trust/ bond to be reckoned.
Living Life - Staying Fearless - Thankful for Much - Praying Often - Staying Strong - Amen
1-30-2022 My beautiful bears are snuggled in - I cut down some small fir trees the other day and just put them around their nest and holy molly; they made everything to their specs :-) Their nest - now looks - more like an awesome nest/den. They are hunkered down cozy while in their torpor state of mind, and I saw Curious peek her head out today - as she often seems to be the one at the entrance keeping guard - I guess I named her correct :-) Odds are Clover is nestled on the bottom staying toasty = she is a smart little one - always the 1st to go into the nest, and she is surrounded/shielded by Rush, Bold, Star, Curious... Oh, how the snow swirled as the blizzard made its way through - it is beautiful out ,and the snow has added insulation and also buffers the sound.
I also took some bird pics - watched them as the happy feathered friends fluttered flying around - I love feeding the birds, and feel safe being winter and all - The bears are a' sleepy :-)
I also spotted 3 deer out in my back field - covered with snow - oh the beauty of it all...Well, going to watch some tv relax with the hubby & pups. So glad the snow is fluffy and light...
Posting some pics, I took yesterday: 1-15-2022, and today Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious & Star were pretty much doing the same… My fluffy bears are in their nest den, and they have a big hollow 'that they made in the center of it - Bedded with comfy aroma therapy boughs of fir/spruce, white pine, cedar....) Life is good indeed :-) it has been real cold the past couple days ,but the sun just a' warmed their black bear coats - absorbing the rays - oh, how they looked at peace, and all I saw was big ears , their heads with eyes peeking out - taking a perimeter look see - only to curl back up into their Winter torpor slumber soon thereafter - with the wonderful aroma of cedar, fir, pine – Lord knows - It can’t get much better for them - as they wonder back into their bear dreams...when they do awake – it is only to clean/groom each other ,and periodically have a short pecking order that ends near as quickly as it started – then back to slow torpor breathing naps of contentment – unless they get disturbed/distracted. I am happy to say that the snows are in the forecast and that will help with buffering sound and help with insulating…
1-14-2022: Well Everyone - today was an early day and when I got home from work - I decided to go out on the back 90 to gather bows - I took the snow machine and sled and was on a mission to get lots of bows -Oops correction (I meant "Boughs") I have been gathering lately - simply to add a bit more substance to my bears already existing nest that they did indeed work on and gathered leaves, brush, boughs, and they are the ones that instinctively rearrange everything into a masterpiece - I looked at what they have done and it is so perfect looking its incredible .I do record them in the works as they dig, push and place twigs, bows very meticulously into a perfect nest - it is so beautiful, and they were all curled up and slow torpor and yes when I got back - I unhooked sled, and dragged it into my 5 acres up on the North side were my fluffy ,chubby near yearlings , decided to go for their torpor winters nap. I didn't want to disturb them but knew it would only be a short time and sure enough they treed and after I placed boughs; they would go back to their nest, and all was fine - happened like clockwork. The sunset warmed my soul Lord knows...I have got to say that I wish I brought my camera with me when I went out on the Mountain to gather bows = the sunset was just stunning and all I could do when gathering - was look around and thank God for so much ,and how grateful I am, and it was still beautiful when I got home and I took some pics.
Well, I am going to chill out watch some tv with the hubby & pups and relax.
Living Life - Staying Fearless - Thankful for Much - Praying Often - Staying Strong - Amen
Prior post:
Note: sometimes I get the question "why are they not hibernating?"
My Answer / Dawn L Brown Author
Is: Bears are torpor - meaning they are not true hibernators though they are overall dormant throughout the Winter months to hold onto their fat reserves, and they will preserve their reserves by going into slow torpor -thus burning less fat throughout the winter, and weather conditions, other elements may trigger their senses. A full sleepy torpor bear can even - react to certain situations but will settle back down. note: it depends on what kind of denning situation they are in i.e., some will have a nest similar to what these bears have, some go into a chimney stack/hollowed tree, brush pile, log, cave, dug hole underground, downed trees .... some go torpor way up in trees even and may nest in them .... Once the snow cover accumulates more ;the bears I have will be more apt to stay in their nest, and have more insulation with any sound, and will be like any other bear/bears I have had prior to them = odds are their respiration will go down to anywhere from 3 to 9 breaths per minute, and I have recorded even as slow as (1 breath per minute ad documented temperature, weather conditions...) Note: bears during den cycle do move around, stretch, and if with other bears will groom, chew on pads, roots, have pecking orders, and mostly do all that in between their sleepy winters nap... I will add more of my youtube recordings /video on my Rumble - I just haven't gotten to it but will!
1-9-2022 Afternoon: I recorded my bears just a bit ago (Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Star) they were all treed -covered with ice and if you look their faces, and chest, belly usually have no ice ,and they often curl up and keep all their vitals and other parts ice, snow free = nice & toasty and the ice & snow actually create an insulated barrier on their guard hairs and they have an amazingly thick undercoat - just like lamb’s wool under that ,and Note: These bears have plenty of chub reserves .Anyway - They were not far from their nest – only about 15’ up in Oak trees - the weather conditions subsided = it is not abnormal for them to tree during very high winds ,rain, sleet, and I have recorded st snows too where they simply will tree - I have always recorded them treeing during these elements , NOTE: ,But then they settle down once torpor creeps in and food sources are no longer prevalent - typically after the season gets more wintry – TODAY : it was sleeting heavy ,and between the high winds sleet / rain mix - They enjoyed their bear lives up in the oak trees ,but now that it has subsided they came down ,and all 5 were on the ground - Near their nest ; I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they are all in their nest right now ,but I don’t want to disturb them.
I will post my video, and pics, but I will also add to my Rumble site too.
1-2-2022 Update : I am Happy to say that Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Star were all snuggled in their nest - I took a look see at my cubs near yearlings - this morning 1-2-2022 , and they were all in their nest - happy to say ,and I think when they were out periodically prior - was because it had gotten very nice out /weather, and they simply decided to explore - it had happened with other bears I have had and is not abnormal. I do believe that: Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Star will odds are use their nest for their denning /nest den, but they had visited another den /closed in, but that was it - just being curious thus far
Happy New Year!
Well, everyone I am posting a bunch of photos I took yesterday of my beautiful bears, and it was amazing - Read my stories below. Anyway – Have a great Day and I am getting ready to go take a walk with my hubby & pups soon.
I just want to thank everyone who purchased photos, and other items from me in 2021, and I pray 2022 my sales will go up even higher – thinking positive 😊 visit my Esty site for new listings – that I added and will try to add more; I am looking forward to going to more shows in between other work, & simply life, and giving thanks for much and standing my ground…Home sweet Home…
Living Life - Staying Fearless - Thankful for Much - Praying Often - Staying Strong - Amen
My Bear stories…witnessing special moments in time … I am thankful for much!
12-31-2021: The day cleared and oh how the beauty began…My bears were awake and the warmth from the sun shined like the wonder of Spring – Alive I say – The beauty of Winter can even warm the soul on such days , and this was a day - that I enjoyed - for when I went to observe my beautiful bears : Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, star – as they had awoken from their nest and decided to explore – what I witnessed was pure joy in their bear lives - as they visited their den ,went back to their nest ,ran around ,chasing each other , frolicked ,digging for acorns, ate leaves, chewed on Twiggs, and slurped water from the frozen vernal pools - that had thawed as the sun opened small pools – water just glistening – sparkling with spirit with the crystalized snow surrounding everything – all of a sudden - I saw Rush - He was having a brawl - not only with bold like he does ,and his Sis Clover….,but indeed with a big Ice chunk , as he broke it into pieces – he looked as though he was in wonder of how he was doing it - bears bring me calmness and comfort , and no sooner thereafter Rushes Ice chunk strategy , soon I caught a glimpse of Clover having a grand ol’ time - stuffing her mouth with leaves, Twiggs, and digging with the others for the acorns that lay below the surface of snow – Watching these bears story telling in peaceful moments in time – Is something I hold near and dear to my heart – Oh, the wonder; that they have with not care in the word – Just loving life - as I watched them play, and run - while the snow just mesmerized me as it fluttered behind their paws - it was so beautiful out today , and the bears bring me peace – I thank God for much in my life – Lord knows ,and they are indeed a part of it 😊
12/5/2021: I just got in a bit ago and I was able to get some more amazing photos and video 😊
I try to document what I see, and Rush & Clover were having some pecking orders and Curious & Clover and I saw Bold & Curious and Bold & Rush yesterday having some play time and pecking orders – it only last about 15 seconds tops and that is typical, and then after they will end up with no conflicts /or play until they feel the urge. Bears will be bears and often they will end up cleaning each other and gentle as can be …. I did notice that Standing Star will be an observer in the background often but will get into some playful tactics herself from time to time but often will just watch… Bears carry with them individual animality’s - As well - as full proof behavioral patterns - that they all have in common repetitive - they are all interesting indeed and I have to say – I never get tired of observing them and learning from them…
Well, I am signing off for now and going to go out on the back 90 gathering bows.
Have a great day everyone!
Living Life - Staying Fearless - Thankful for Much - Praying Often - Staying Strong - Amen
My time & effort, Care, observations, and dedication; that I indeed give to these bears - Is to be reckoned…Thankful for much – Praying Often – Giving thanks – Staying Strong – Fearless & True to myself as well as others - Amen
October, November December 2021
Rush – Clover - Bold - Curious - Standing Star: Oh my – How abundant the acorns continue to be = it certainly has stirred their bear appetites into not going full time nappy torpor time - as they foraged through the fallen leaves, and even light snows ; that cover the landscape - My bears have no problem gobbling them up intensely, as they continue to dig for roots, nibble on leaves , twigs, dries grass,…They have been having a blast out the skate arena 😊 = they have been on the vernal pools frolicking around and having a great time , and chomping on snow, ice in between - eating dries catkins ,keys, grasses /forbs…I have gathered acorns as well, and my 5 acres is abundant with them too , and some beech nuts... I gotta say: My bears instincts are 2nd to none, and they are amazing – Lord know I never get tired of observing them – They have been slowing down some and have 2 nest and a den they visit /rest, and I have recorded so much, but I just haven’t had the time to post.
The Cold temps have arrived only 13 degrees this a.m. 12/4/2021: I recorded more and took lots of photos ( I will try to compile some of my video recording – I just gotta have the time to do so – thanks for your patience to all those who follow my post!
Note: Throughout the 1 st snows I can seriously say – it something all my bears do = they tree – thus treating it as rain/safety mechanism ,but as time goes on they eventually carry on into their normal torpor phase ,and settle down in most cases with some exceptions ,and they will indeed forage when the opportunity exist = digging, for nuts/hard mast….I have documented so many phases of the bears I call mine - that I raise , and I observe each of them intently; whether it be single cubs, siblings/sibling units /adopted siblings.. I am confident that my data is to be reckoned – for I back it all up and have done so for years now ,and continue to do so – I photograph and record their foraging techniques , development ,and then leading into their torpor phase and moving forward with den emergence – I focus my attention on extensive care and repetitive behavioral patterns throughout their development, and also individual non behavioral patterns that exist = each bear carries their own animality - though I raise them the same – it is just how it is = factual. I observe bears, and I gotta say I even observe people behavior too – Just saying – they can be tricky to figure out as well😊 I think I know bears much better…
2021 Bears …. September
Peaceful bears – Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Standing Star - How they love foraging on acorns, grasses, clover, dandelion greens… I watched the Sunshine - So beautifully - as beams from above shimmering thru – reflecting moments in time…My bears are sure enjoying their bear lives, and I give thanks above to witness such moments – Thanks Lord
Life is good and I have been busy – me & the hubby finished another job yesterday/flooring and have been enjoying taking the pups for their walks in between work…I am looking forward to being a vendor Sunday in Belgrade at the green – hope the weather is good. I got to say - that I spent time working on making a rustic wooden frame today = I have no excuse to not make my own frames – So, I am doing exactly that! I called around today to get some glass, and I am in hope to have one of my frames done by Sunday – for the show – sure will post homemade finished product
Prior post:
My Beautiful Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Standing Star - I got in a while ago – I had been working in my pen some, cleaning poop… I sure am happy to say the vernal pools in my 5 acres are filled to the brim-Awesome! 😊 Anyway – chubby fat reserved Autumn bears are all doing great! and I will post more of their stories when I have time.... I got some amazing pics of them this afternoon, and recorded some. .
My Bear stories…witnessing special moments in time … I am thankful for much!
Update: Well, I have been gathering acorns, and they are abundant….The Frost had finally settled in with its cold grasp on the dandelion greens, grasses, clover...Some may be spared; that got cover, but it looks as though anther frost is on its way and will be blanketing with its crystal reflective Jem’s sparkling when the morning sun peeks through - So, acorns it is – yep that will be filling the gap , with a small amount of supplements , apples,...My bears have been foraging on roots, and will tear the ground apart - to get at them, while scattering the dirt, leaves with their mission focusing on the goods they worked for substance - being where their focus and attention lays . All my bears dig, and have amazing senses - beyond measure ; I must say , and they live up to their instinctive traits; that I clearly have witnessed for near 2 decades, and always knew they had and I never gave up with saying that and let them be the teacher as I observed - I certainly give them a chance to be bears thus using their innate skills that they have in place ,and then some - I am so proud of them, and I give thanks above for learning from them, and the I have so graciously done giving thanks and praying for strength and Guidance from the Lord ,and I try to stay humble, and learn from my experiences ,and never stop learning ,but gain insight from good ,bad /or indifference's - it is not pride ,but rather thanks = I always leave things in the Lords hands NOT MANS , and I give thanks from above for everything in my life - Lord knows , and I pray often. Amen
--Well, I’m signing off for now and gonna chill out with my hubby and pups, again I am thankful for much – Amen
A Prior Post:
well, when I got home from work today - I gathered a bunch of dandelion greens, clover, grasses...for my cub's and they devoured them - They are doing great! Happy to say calendars are in /all printed, and I will post them on my etsy site real soon! I got in about an hr. ago after having cleaned cubs water tub out , and while filling that ; I went to clean bear poop - Yes Bears poop - I am happy to say my 5 acres - where they live their bear cub lives into yearlings - is spotless 🙂 Well, I'm posting a few pics of my beautiful growing cubs ,and then I'm going to chill out with my hubby & Pups ,have dinner, and try to not get stressed out with politics. I sure pray people wake up...
Living Life - Staying Fearless - Thankful For Much - Praying Often - Staying Strong - Amen
Prior post:
My beautiful cubs sure are a' growing. This is little "Clover" when she was younger. Her and her Sibling "Rush" were really small when I 1st received them - she’s grown some in this photo, and now her & her sibling Rush and adopted siblings Bold, Curious, Standing Star are all doing great and are Rolly, Polly growing chubby cubs, and they will be nearing - to yearlings as the Winter whispers in....All 5 have fat reserves and look great with their thick woolly undercoat and guard hairs makes them look like puff balls, and they are eating acorns to no end...;that is the biggest staple in their diet now ,and they still eat roots,... digging for goodies...,and I feed out dandelion greens, grasses - knowing a frost will be sweeping through anytime ...I gather acorns though they have them in my pen ,and I feed out some apples too, and a small amount of supplement ... I'm waiting for the autumnal equinox to take place so the vernal pools will fill to the rim.
Living Life - Staying Fearless - Strong - Faithful - Thankful for much - Amen
No one is to print, copy any content - that I have ©Dawn L. Brown
With either my name connected to this list My business name, My Black Bear observational data – Stories – photos – recordings…
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
March 2022
Rush, Clover, Bold, Curious, Star - Are all representing normal yearling torpor behavioral patterns - I record as much as I can & photograph & document... My 3 new little ones are growing and developing ,and I am now down to 3 feedings within a 24-hr. time frame - If you listen close you will hear my little ones, and even the yearlings make a chortling sound = it is a comforting and content sound - that not only cubs make during nursing and simply resting and curled up with each other, and all my yearlings make these same distinguished sounds during their torpor phase..
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
Oops misspelling in my clip - I meant to type "Home" Not Hoame - sorry bout that. Wednesday 3-2-2022 Sleepy Yearling Bears - Rush,Clover,Bold,Curios, & Star & My 3 little ones are a' growing too :o)
©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance photos I photograph the very bears I care for and observe at Home Sweet Home
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
A warm winters Day - Beautiful out! Rush,Curious,Star,Bold & my little Clover even decided to come out and enjoy the sunny warm day,nibble on some dried beech leaves,...ate a bit of snow,...then back to snooze time..
Photo & video ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance - I photograph and record the very bears I care for and observe at Home Sweet Home
Photographer & Videographer ©Dawn L. Brown Sole Proprietor dba A Bears Second Chance
My beautiful Bears living their happy bear lives
I photograph & Record The Very Bears I care for and observe