Joe Rogan Experience explores some 'wild' territory with Terrence Howard

24 days ago

Joe Rogan Experience & Terrence Howard | Terrence Howard, the American actor known for his roles in films like “Crash” and “Iron Man”, recently appeared on the popular podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience”. During the episode, Howard shared his unconventional views on science, physics, and the universe, leaving many listeners stunned and confused. He has 96 patents and a unique understanding of physics and the natural world.

Terrance Howard Has Social Media Users Questioning If He’s Crazy Or A Genius After Sharing His Research On Logic, Life & Physics.

During the 3 hour conversation, the 55-year-old did a deep dive into several of his theories about life and the way understands and interact with it as humans. The actor first began by explaining how the end of his partnership with Marvel led to him seeking purpose in something more important.

As the interview progressed, Terrence Howard shared how he began to immerse himself in the study of logic, math, and physics, alleging that he’s learned things that could change the way experts view the laws of gravity, light, sound, and much more. According to one report, the entertainer first gained attention for his research into logic back in 2015. Howard has reportedly been chronicling his findings through his creation Terryology, which is a system of symbols he developed to record his logic.

According to Howard, he and his team have developed a “new hydrogen technology,” which he describes as The Lynchpin. He reportedly alleges that the discovery could potentially help clean oceans and provide defense against exploitation through advanced drone capabilities. On some of his other patents:

Howard at one point turning to the number of ventures he's been involved in over the course of his Hollywood career.

One was his purchase of a patent he abandoned - one that's since been cited by dozens of firms developing and selling augmented and virtual reality.

He said 'the entire AR VR world was built off of [this] first patent', which he said he abandoned due to a litany of fees.

'I paid $260,000 for the worldwide patent, but then my agents kept - not my lawyers - kept sending me these maintenance fees and annuities, and I'm like, "These folks are just trying to shake me down. I'm not going to pay this."'

A year later, he saw that companies like Sony, Microsoft, and Amazon were starting to cite aspects of the patent - one that continues to make money to this day.

'This patent has earned over seven trillion,' Howard claim, before suggesting he was forced out of ownership of the 2010 patent.

'And you didn't get a piece of the pie?' Rogan asked.

'Haven't gotten a penny of it,' Howard replied. 'And it still has another nine years, another eight years, in which I would be making money off of.'

Prior to the episode releasing, Joe Rogan himself acknowledged that the topics the two discussed would take listeners on “wild” experience, but also suggested that there’s a chance that Howard could be on to something. In a promotional post for the episode, he wrote as a caption:

“One of the most interesting conversations I’ve ever had, with the great and powerful @theterrencehoward. It’s a wild one, and I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of mixed reviews, but as crazy as some of the things this man is saying are, he’s clearly brilliant, and if he’s right it’s going to change the world.”

Imagine if Terrence and Elon got together...

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