How to start your spiritual journey+ BONUS Announcement

24 days ago

People who knew me back then would ask "Girl, you seem like you got things figure out. What are you doing?" "How are you so confident?" "You moved again?" They flooded me with questions that I could not answer truthfully so I give them the next blend answer. I couldn't explain my spiritual beliefs since I was figuring things out myself. Also, I did not want anyone to look at me weird or say disrespectful things about the practices that were working for me.

These tips are meant to help you in the most rudimentary way like they helped me back then and now. By sharing these tips, I want to shed light in areas that might be supportive to you. Seek guidance from as many other external sources on this matter and pick which ones you can do, but do something consistently.

Any wording or phrase that I provide in this teaching is meant to serve as a suggestive guide, it is not a requirement for your well-being nor is it binding in anyway shape or form. Also, I do not intend to intrude on your divine timeline so use what is useful to you from this teaching.

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