A Contrast of Spiritual Leadership | 1 Samuel 2

28 days ago

Are you taking a spiritual lead? Do you even know what this means?

Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are looking at 1 Samuel 2. Chapter 2 shows the contrast between the two families—one for God and one against God. But the family against God is surprising; it's a religious leader and his family.

Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the Lord. — 1 Samuel 2:12

The contrast between Elkanah's family and Eli's family is remarkable. In the first chapter, we see a devout family. In the second chapter, we see a corrupt family. The first family is blessed. The second family is cursed. One becomes salvation for the people of God. The other leads to sacrilege and shame in the house of the Lord forever.

If you are a father, mother, or spiritual leader in any capacity today and you read Chapters 1-2, you will observe something that cannot be ignored or missed. Your devotion to God and the spiritual leadership of your family are critical all the days of your life.

Men, you need to lead your family spiritually. If you are not leading them spiritually, then you're not leading.

Here's the problem I see evident in the lives of numerous believing. Most men and fathers concern themselves with mere material matters when it comes to their life and their families. They focus primarily on matters of financial provision and personal success. Then, they pass on this same burden and concern to their wives and children. Either directly or indirectly, they focus all their time and attention on matters of material success and appearance: educational excellence, athletic success, social status, and financial independence. Yet, I do want to recognize that excellence, success, status, and independence are necessary in some capacity. However, when that is all we ever concern ourselves with, these matters become all-consuming until we and our family finally bow to the gods of excellence, success, status, and independence, which at some point become corrupted by our selfish desires. This is precisely what happens with Eli and his worthless sons in Chapter 2. Eli has let go of the reigns of spiritual leadership.

In my years of ministry to men, I have noticed that most believing men don't know how to lead spiritually. They don't even know what this means. They don't know how to lead themselves spiritually. Thus, they feel ill-equipped to lead their family spiritually. This deadly cycle of self-disqualification leads to spiritual insecurities that keep men from taking confident steps in the Spirit to lead. What happens is sin, selfishness, and vanity take over, and now the problem is so significant they don't know what to do. This happens a lot in believing families.

Men, you are called to provide for your family. But there is a provision far more important than the natural provision you provide. It's spiritual provision, and you don't provide it. A heavenly Father provides it, but you must lead your family to him. If you are not pointing them to the Father who is their Provider, then you are providing your family with nothing but futile and natural resources that will not last, and at some point, will let them down.

So today, point your wife and children to God. Lead them spiritually. Here are some actions you could take:

Text them a verse from God's Word.
Pray over them in person or by phone.
Guide them through a problem and give them sound spiritual direction.

You are called and commanded to do this all the days of your life. And don't do nothing. If you do nothing, you are no better than Eli. Soon, you will see the fate of a believing father who does nothing and who goes down in the chronicles of God's Word forever as a failed spiritual leader with worthless sons. Don't be that guy.



Reflecting on your role as a spiritual leader, what specific actions can you take today to intentionally lead your family closer to God?

How can you shift your focus from worldly success to spiritual growth within your family, and what practical steps can you implement to prioritize spiritual provision over material provision?

DO THIS: Lead spiritually.

PRAY THIS: Father, grant me the wisdom and courage to lead my family spiritually, guiding them closer to You each day. Help me prioritize their souls over worldly success, and empower me to exemplify Your love and grace in all I do. Amen.


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