From Struggling Student to Successful Entrepreneur: How Passion Can Change Everything

7 months ago

Yeah Did you consider yourself a smart kid Oh heck no You did not No not even remotely close I mean it's funny because back then yeah I thought I was just an idiot But in reality you know Obviously as we all know to me the subjects were just very boring and not interesting I mean I couldn't pay attention to the life of me But if it's something I'm very fascinated in then it's easy for me to sink fourteen hours straight as bad as it is to say like you figure out where to put a comma in a sentence or a semicolon Like I don't know that stuff just put me to sleep And my grades were pretty terrible And then my mom was very sad And it was a pretty weird time because obviously I wasn't intelligent enough when I was younger to express like yeah this isn't like things that I enjoy And like even if I devoted my entire soul to it I don't think I would have done well just because like if you don't love what you do then you're always just going to be mediocre at it in my opinion You know Right

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