The resurrection according to the Bible

9 months ago

The resurrection according to the Bible is not like what movie portrays. It is not actual person who has died, was buried underneath the earth, in a coffin, stop breathing and after a couple days, they dig themself out of the grave😅.

That description is movie magic, a myth, a lie…that was from the imagination of deceptive individuals or groups.

The facts is written right there in the text. The text made it clear when Jesus asked his students, who do the people thought he was? They responded by saying he was one of the prophets raised from the grave or dead. Some thought he was Elijah, others said he was John the Baptist, still others thought he was Jeremiah. This information clearly informed me that the people believed in bodily resurrection!
Not just bodily, but the actual person who lived before. But what was Peter second response?

Peter said he was the messenger of God. A right interpretation. In other words, he was not one of the resurrected prophets. Matt 16: 13-16.

On another occasion the students of Jesus were perplexed about the Christ coming. They believed that Elijah must come before the Christ! Now, if they now understood that Jesus was the messenger, where was Elijah?

Jesus told them a shocking revelation Matt 17: 11-12. That John was Elijah.

The resurrection is in the spirit.

Isn’t it stands to reason then, if all this is true as in never will change, Jesus resurrection in another will be in the spirit?

Which Paul incidentally allude to in his writings to the Corinthians. The coming of Christ will be in the spirit…on a particular person, or rather, the sons of God will be evident with the spirit of their Heavenly Father.

The resurrection according to the Bible.

The problem…how to know the resurrected sons of God from imposters? 🤔

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